Show me your OMG I can’t believe I won fights in BGs

Everything that could possibly go wrong went wrong in this fight versus Nick Fury. I got hit while I was wasn’t phased and took massive damage. Then I got pushed to SP3 which initiated his second life I was hoping he would throw his special but instead, he decided to just dash back into the corner and wait until I was unfazed to attack me. The game decided that blocking doesn’t exist for me so I ate another attack and died, but I came out of it with the W.
Please share your stories of fights that you shouldn’t have one yet magically ended up winning anyway

Please share your stories of fights that you shouldn’t have one yet magically ended up winning anyway

I forgot to use prefight for shocks
We both had a rough time with domino. I used my sp1 while she was lucky and she evaded first hit and perfect blocked the rest pushing her to sp3 where I died, and the other guy took one combo to the face and died.
I guess they got SP3-d or something.
Ran into a sandbagger with my 2*s only deck, and he couldn’t beat my 2* Mordo with his 4* Elsa 👻
"No caption needed"
Shame the next two fights my characters failed to block, let alone parry enemy hits or register any input whatsoever.
Running an 3*s only deck
I banned his 1*…he still got to pick it…🤪
But I won 😈
This one cause of how close it was.
This one, cause you should never underestimate the monke.
And this one cause I love when me and someone else place the same defender and it's a battle of who can do the same fight better.
4s vs 6s, pretty sure I was going to lose that one, but 4* Spot comes in clutch. Must have been depressing because he forfeited after that fight.
Absolutely sure I was going to lose this one just from the match up, but then I played the fight of my life against Knull and kept getting perfectly timed Limbos. At one point he hit me for 80% of my health and it all unwound back. Wish I had recorded that fight.
I absolutely cannot believe I won this fight. It was the last round, and I had to place first. All I had was Fury, Kitty and Shehulk. They had a Hulkling Kitty and Hit Monkey. I knew if I put Fury on defense Kitty would shred him and I knew I couldn’t deal with Hulkling on defense so I took a chance and put my Kitty on offense. I got her a little over halfway down when she threw it and unblockable SP1 which KO’d my first life, but I was able to land a combo into my SP2 which KO’d her and won me the fight way faster. I know they must have reported me thinking I was modding but it was an extremely lucky sequence of events. I wish I had recorded it.
I laughed hard when this happened.
Found out Galan is really not great matchup against Claire.. I deserved to lose that one lol
One of the many sandbaggers I faced while running a tiny deck. My R4 4* Witch against his R5 4* Herc and his R4 5* Torch against my R5 4* Sasquatch. #gottabequickerthanthat
I was not able to beat his defender but I won. What's so different here? I beat someone that beat my defender. LOL!
I thought it was not possible but looking at it objectively...He got beat up almost getting KO'd as he defeated my defender almost 40 seconds before my fight ended. While I used up my time in my fight and I almost beat his defender while my champ still looked good. You can somewhat say that if I were given a bit more time I could have beat his defender.
Was waiting for the defeat and i was soooo surprised i was able to win
This one was weird, i finished the fight on about 50% hp left. The entire game ended after i finished this first round, i though he forfeit. It showed me winning a medal and progressing to like bronze 1 i think, i was chilling in the main menu for a few seconds, then it just put me back into the void fight with him at 100% with 20 seconds to go. Somehow still won. Also he lost w nimgod haha" alt="" />
These two rounds. I thought for sure I would lose on the knull one, just my rank 1 6 star knull against their rank 5 5 star knull. I won with all my health but really late into the fight.