Anyone else feel this way on BG?

There are lots of BG discussions and I'm going to try and avoid the hot topics but the way BG is currently setup has completely demotivated me from wanting to rank up or improve my champs. Im now avoiding putting aig into champs and avoiding ranking up great champs. I also won't use relics on any of main BG user champs.
This is pretty much the opposite of how it's always been for this game. It's always been about how to build roster, max sig champs, rank and level up, etc. But nowadays, because for some reason kabam made a controversial decision to make BG matchmaking similar to the failed AW experiment years ago, now stronger champs just means harder matchups in BG.
I'm a strong Paragon player who has been playing 7 years, but I'm not a whale (spend minimal), I don't have the new champs (which many of the newer champs are stronger defenders or benefit from specific counters).
Why spend the effort grinding, building up my roster just to be forced to fight harder matches than someone with a weaker roster, who has played less and puts less effort into the game?
I have 24k units saved up and normally would be excited about cyber sales and anxious to see my roster develop more, but now I'm like, why bother, developing my roster just further worsens the matchmaking for me.
Kabam, why do you have a competitive game mode with competitive ranking and where everyone is competing for same rewards but weak and undeveloped rosters get special matchmaking? Why are players now being punished for building up their rosters and rewarded for letting their roster slack.
It's really not fair that when all players are in the same tier, such as gold 1, that the roster has anything to do with matchmaking. It's like letting the best little league baseball team compete in MLB playoffs for the championship while only playing other little league teams.
I agree that lower players should have a chance to enjoy the game, but guess what, if everyone in same tier played each other, I guarantee sandbagging would go away. Sandbagging only exists because of the current unfair matchmaking system. There are many other and much more fair solutions to that have been discussed in other threads.
This is pretty much the opposite of how it's always been for this game. It's always been about how to build roster, max sig champs, rank and level up, etc. But nowadays, because for some reason kabam made a controversial decision to make BG matchmaking similar to the failed AW experiment years ago, now stronger champs just means harder matchups in BG.
I'm a strong Paragon player who has been playing 7 years, but I'm not a whale (spend minimal), I don't have the new champs (which many of the newer champs are stronger defenders or benefit from specific counters).
Why spend the effort grinding, building up my roster just to be forced to fight harder matches than someone with a weaker roster, who has played less and puts less effort into the game?
I have 24k units saved up and normally would be excited about cyber sales and anxious to see my roster develop more, but now I'm like, why bother, developing my roster just further worsens the matchmaking for me.
Kabam, why do you have a competitive game mode with competitive ranking and where everyone is competing for same rewards but weak and undeveloped rosters get special matchmaking? Why are players now being punished for building up their rosters and rewarded for letting their roster slack.
It's really not fair that when all players are in the same tier, such as gold 1, that the roster has anything to do with matchmaking. It's like letting the best little league baseball team compete in MLB playoffs for the championship while only playing other little league teams.
I agree that lower players should have a chance to enjoy the game, but guess what, if everyone in same tier played each other, I guarantee sandbagging would go away. Sandbagging only exists because of the current unfair matchmaking system. There are many other and much more fair solutions to that have been discussed in other threads.
I’ve not noticed that much of a difference tbh - I’m getting matched up with roughly the same level of account I have been for the previous 2 seasons.
It is still very relevant to build up your roster as highly as possible.
First, because Battlegrounds is not the only part of the game.
But secondly. Those lower accounts will eventually run into a rank where there are only highly leveled players where they will have no way to progress further. With a developed roster you still stand a chance.
Also. Those lesser developed people do not get 'easier' matchups in the lower ranks. They get matchups that are equal to their roster. If player A has maxed 5 star champs as their deck. And player B has all rank 3 6* champs. It is in no way easier for player A for face other people with maxed 5 star champs than it is for player B to face other r3 6* champs.
If matchmaking works correctly, you will be matched against people who are about equal to you. Thus making it equal in the lower ranks of the game. Where lesser developed rosters also are only able to buy lesser rewards from the same amount of resources.
But those players will not find any equal players in the higher tiers.
Thus making a more developed roster better.
Personally the biggest demotivating factor of BGs is the fact that each match is all or nothing. The winner gains all the points and the loser loses all the points. I think it'd be better if the loser can at least get some points for winning a round. And I don't like the logic that losing is more detrimental to your score than not playing at all.
Also ranking up low sig champions is the best because it hides them lower in your deck, and it makes it not possible for the enemy to know if your champion is just a higher sig r3 or a low sig r4.
That way no cav or UC player will face huge accounts, sandbagging can't happen and no PG/TB will ever have an easy ride (although I have not faced 1 UC or Cav player once unless I Manipulate my deck
2. I have always played fair, and I want to play against decks with about the same strength as mine. I have no desire to mess with UC/Cav's accounts, it's not fair fights and gives me nothing.
3. I think all qualified players should have a realistic opportunity to get to the GC.
4. In the GC, as today, is where the competition for shared rewards really starts. There is no mercy in the GC, the strongest accounts and the best players will win. That's fine, that's the way it should be.
Due to only 2 R4s in my deck, but approx. 14k prestige (I got 1 R4 and 4 R3s with 200 sig) it has always been a challenge not to face only Paragons with mostly only R4/R3s in their deck. Half my deck is R2/5*65s.
Had I faced a lot of TBs or Cavs as well, maybe it would be understandable, but so far this season it's 95 % ++ Paragons with a lot of R4s. So then I've switched to using 2*s only, 3*s only or 4*s only decks. In other words, a desire to play fair fights against other decks that run similar decks as me.
It worked pretty well in bronze and silver, but in gold I've been crashing into just sandbaggers all day. 9 fights this morning, 9 sandbaggers with R3/R2s and 2*s against my 4*s only deck. 8 losses and 1 win. 1 win because the opponent only got 3 of their R3s and then I won. The other 8 got at least 4 of their R3s, usually 5 or 6. What can you do?
I went over to the dark side. I switched to 50/50 R4/R3s and 2*s. I don't want to, but I'm done sponsoring other "players'" trips to the GC. 5 fights and I've faced 5 more sandbaggers with 50/50 R4/R3s and 1*/2*s. The difference now is that I also have as many R4/R3 as them and we set up exactly the same. The other difference is that now I have won 4 out of 5 fights, and moved up a level.
When the choice is between not playing or playing dirty like everyone else, what do you do? When Kabam promised in Beta to take care of the problem, and now we're in season 3 and they still haven't done anything to effectively stop this problem, well then it's not really a choice anymore...we've tried to fix the problem, there is countless posts about this topic, we have expressed our thoughts and solutions to the problem, but unfortunately the only solution today is to stop caring and become a part of the problem…if you want to get to the GC and get decent rewards.
Your move, Kabam, I'm not holding my breath while I wait…
I'm taking my time and am in plat 2 right now, and I have different options. Options include run my top roster and get matched up with people with way more r4s than me to include better defenders and newer champs that usually need specific counters for (to get a competitive BG score) or just switch my roster to 4 or 5 stars and fight other rosters with similar star levels where the gap isn't as big.
And even in platinum and diamond (doesn't seem to stop until gladiator circuit) there are plenty of rosters made up of 4 and 5 stars. It really doesn't make sense, all this does is encourage roster manipulation (either use lower champs or sandbag). Since this is how Kabam is insisting on doing it (similar to the spectacular failed attempt at similar approach in AW couple years ago), why not just focus on building up my 4* and 5* champs, use them as my roster and have a way easier path back to gladiator circuit?
Of course I want these things to be fixed/prevented, but every move Kabam makes, the cheaters/sandbaggers will have a counter.
I can't let this stuff bother me. This is a video game played on my phone. Not my job. Not my marriage. Not my kids. Just a game.
I have to get these match ups, my account is no where near this. If I have to fight these accounts then everyone should imo regardless of roster/title.
My current roster is more than enough to do everything I need in the game with zero reason to believe it won't be enough for quite a while. My point is with an already strong roster, all I'm doing by increasing it more is narrowing down even more of who I will get matched with, with makes zero sense to me.
Additionally, fairly high in GC last season despite not putting in much effort. The point is, the way it currently stands, it's far easier to get to GC by having or using a small roster. I agree bigger rosters are better in GC, but GC is the endgame part of BG. Plus, I have no intention of trying to finish in top of the BG, I'm more than Happy with my 35k -40k BG chips at seasons end.
As strong as my account is and as decent as my skill at this game is, there are many just as good with just as good account and many more who are better with better accounts.
The problem with the current system is that a paragon player like myself had to win several in a row against these monster accounts starting in bronze. Every single tier it's nothing but accounts with numerous r4 6*s, many with elite new champ defenders. This isnt fun and frankly it annoys me that meanwhile someone with a weak account (or who modifies their BG roster) just faces off against other 4* and 5*s all the way up to diamond.
I really don't see how that is fair when we are all competing for same rewards. Us paragon didn't just wake up with massive accounts, we worked (or some paid) for them for many years of content completion and grinding.
Its not obvious here that others agree with me but the amount of sandbagger and those manipulation of their roster decks makes it very clear that other stronger players don't feel we should be punished for having steong rosters.
I'm all for giving smaller rosters fair play but not in a competitive mode with rank rewards where we all compete for same rewards. Kabam really should separate BG into different brackets with different rewards if they want to give smaller accounts more even matches otherwise this problem isn't going anywhere.
If Kabam somehow does fix it to where people can't sandbag and manipulate rosters, I guarantee TB and paragons are going to lose their minds when they spend 3 weeks trying to get out of silver while weak 2 month old accounts are already in gladiator circuit.
As for game mode, I only do minimal fights for objective during the month, and push a little higher at the season end.
For bgs I only could r3 some champs like Korg, who won't change my prestige or whatever, but wouldn't like to r4 any high pi champ. I've already regretted taking doom to r4, should've go with longshot, who has lower pi. Also it's not like I need r4 champs for anything else, so... On the other hand, I wasn't really ranking champs I didn't need before bgs, so basically nothing changed
My roster is fairly decent, also 15k prestige, few r4... i got matched up with whales like tcn, relax, ny. I win some i lose some. Finished in quantum last 2 seasons, and last season i got to GC only last week lol. Big accounts do give advantage for sure, but then it's more satisfying if you beat them. I dont enjoy beating newer players with deck of 4*, even though it is pretty much free rewards. I am actually excited if i got match with massive accounts and can test my skills and knowledge of champs etc...i got 1:1 with lags (was lucky to clutch that one win), but like 0:3 against Maex, who with all respect isnt that impressive skill wise, but his roster haha.. both great fun!
He explained how a paragon player could have a 15.9k prestige with 5-6 6r4 and another could have the same prestige but with 20-25 6r4. How is him fighting one of those whales any different from a TB player facing a medium size paragon.
That’s why going by prestige makes no sense.
And can’t go by deck prestige as sandbaggers will manipulate their deck. So let’s just go at random without factoring in prestige or account size and make it fair or unfair to everybody
How is it any different? I don't know maybe the fact that one probably doesn't even have a single r2 6* while the other most likely has r4 6* and thereby has a chance to win?
I'm all for random matchmaking but an UC player should never face Paragon or TB, Cav? Absolutely. TB should have no issues facing Paragon though because there's a small chance they could win but anyone lower than TB will just get obliterated in seconds (quite literally) and that's neither fun nor fair.
If we were talking GC then that would be understandable but allowing a Paragon face an UC player in bronze or silver? Do you even understand how problematic it would be having to win 3 fights in a row (per league) against completely randomized opponents?
Besides, after all the sandbagging we've had to deal with for the past three seasons, I think we deserve to be given a break.
Stopping you? How exactly are we stopping you? If anything you would be the ones stopping us from having fair matches while you get easy wins because there wouldn't be a single thing we could do to take out your stacked up rosters.
Why are you people still debating this anyways, they want to remove sandbagging cause they don't want big accounts facing small accounts so what's the point.