I believe kabam has complete priority mixup!

Short version.
How come it takes 10 minutes to remove a forum thread and issue a warning to a player who points out obvious indisputable cheater , but it takes weeks for the obvious cheaters to be banned even for a week?
Keep in mind that kabam has demonstrated ability to ban in seconds on demand on content creator streams for a comedic effect.
Also strictly talking about obvious and indefensible examples, like sub 1 mil acc in top 10 leaderboard is just impossible no matter how skilled you are. Or a 4 second thing kill with a 4*.
Not discussing kabam policy to remove these threads due to their policy, simply asking why they are removed so much more quickly.
Why isnt it a common practice to look at one of those threads , head in game , check the situation , ban the cheater, and then adress the forum thread?!
It absolutely seems that punishing cheaters shoud take priority over micro policing forum!
Full video - We MUST Demand An Answer From Kabam! How Can They Get This So So Wrong?!
How come it takes 10 minutes to remove a forum thread and issue a warning to a player who points out obvious indisputable cheater , but it takes weeks for the obvious cheaters to be banned even for a week?
Keep in mind that kabam has demonstrated ability to ban in seconds on demand on content creator streams for a comedic effect.
Also strictly talking about obvious and indefensible examples, like sub 1 mil acc in top 10 leaderboard is just impossible no matter how skilled you are. Or a 4 second thing kill with a 4*.
Not discussing kabam policy to remove these threads due to their policy, simply asking why they are removed so much more quickly.
Why isnt it a common practice to look at one of those threads , head in game , check the situation , ban the cheater, and then adress the forum thread?!
It absolutely seems that punishing cheaters shoud take priority over micro policing forum!
Full video - We MUST Demand An Answer From Kabam! How Can They Get This So So Wrong?!

Post edited by Kabam Miike on
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Short answer, different departments and protocols. Miike and Jax likely aren't the ones handing out bans on the game seeing as they're here to talk to/with the community
Longer answer:
Having people brigade against others by putting them on blast on the forums does nothing productive. I've seen a multitude of people being called out for "cheating" who ended up not being cheaters.
It's also just not what the forums are for
Kabam doesn't WANT to ban people because that can give a bucketload of issues with it, maybe they weren't cheating and unfairly banned, who knows. If it was someone who spent money on the game recently, whether they cheated or not, will probably end up filing chargebacks upping costs for Kabam
And communication in a company is always slow, especially in a bigger one. It's not feasible for anyone to just drop whatever they were doing to just ban a single person, it's most likely something done in batches by specific people at specific days of the week. Having them drop everything to ban a single person and investigate would just slow things down
There is literally a video talking about it all on my channel.
Now, we dealing with a huge problem that destroys completely the best game mode. I have been both times top 100 ranked and now i dont have the will even to enter.
Season 3 of bgs are even worst than s1. Kabam have to change things up thats for sure
And if anyone makes a discussion they direct you to a thread that's closed?
Wonder how fast they'll close this..
specifically the old approach where if you acuse someone of modding, and they are found innocent... you get a 7 day ban.
Too many people get frustrated not understanding how CGR can do a 25 second kill against their Peni, and just accuse out of frustration. This floods the number of accusations, and ultimately they will go ignored (unless maybe kabam has a policy if someone is accused N times or N% of the time, then they look into it).
Take for example one of the knights in "shining armor".. .Beroman or KT1. They has many valid points, but he also is guessing many times... and in their own videos will contradict themselves by calling someone a definite cheat, suspected cheat, and provide varying levels of credible evidence.
Then rather than say approaching an alliance leader suggesting there may be a problem... just blames the whole alliance saying that they haven't dealt with it themselves, and therefore the entire alliance is a bunch of goons, when unless that suspected player actually played against a member or two of the alliance... they really would have no way of knowing.
Last: when Kabam finally does find someone did do something ban worthy... I understand not announcing everything to the world... but there should be some kind of compensation given to the players that were cheated (return of Elder's marks for example). Not doing so makes Kabam an accomplice to the thievery committed against the victim.
Everything else i can understand could take more time to look into and check.
They even delete posts about deleting posts.
That is the topic of this thread btw. Comparing forum moderation with in game policies.
- cheated in 1 match - ranked rewards taken away and 1 week ban
- cheated in 2 matches - ranked rewards taken away, 1 week ban, and units set to negative 3k
- cheated in 3+ matches - permanent ban
I'd personally be all for a 1-strike policy where the first and only punishment is a permanent ban, but I'm certain Kabam would never go for that.What does that tell you?
A. They are hiding something and
B. It is highly likely to be about money.
Why ban a modder when he creates losses to a legit player like @TheKiryu who now has to reclaim his top spot by investing yet more energy / marks.
Not to mention the modder as quite rightly was pointed out may have spent on the game. Even if it’s a subscription there is no incentive to ban them where there is monetary gain to be lost.
Where there is money there will ALWAYS be corruption. See the now famous case of @Raymond3333333
They already said they hired a team, so I'm hoping that changes, but don't think it will ever stop
My "theory" is:
They don't ban right away because if you ban an account the modders will just create another account. You then you create more manual labor for yourself. Also each time there is a new mod it has to be reported X amount of times to take priority. One old mod account you can start tracking and investigating.
They can also just provide a key of some sort to unlock battlegrounds and set a specific set of objectives each month to unlock it . Maybe something like a log in calendar, or restrict the usage to 5* and 6* to enter gladiator circuit.
But the topic here is narrower than that.
There are several cheating scenarios that are very low hanging fruit. 1 second fights against 6 star R4s. 24,000,000 point hits. Many many more examples of very obvious cheats.
Again, NOT talking borderline cases that may result in false positives.
Low hanging fruits. These should be detectable automatically. That they aren't is bad.
The Forum team cannot investigate in-game actions and cannot hand out bans, no matter how "obvious" it might seem. We have a report function for this in-game that goes to the correct team. That team will use that information to find HOW somebody might be cheating and determine if they were.
Reporting a cheater in the Forums or somewhere else does not mean that it will skip the queue of reports in-game. A report outside of the in-game reporting function is not more important than a report from in-game. A report in-game comes with all of the data and telemetry that is needed to investigate if somebody is cheating, and helps us figure out how.
We might see a one-second fight, and that's easy to determine if it's a cheater, but we want to know HOW this person is cheating and if they are. That's important information that is needed to prevent future cheating scenarios.
We have been vocal about how seriously we are taking cheating and have made huge strides, so I'm not sure why you would say that there are no threads about it in the video and then also show threads that address it. We've made a post about our new actions being taken just over a month ago, and have addressed modders in a post you showed, which was not meant as a discussion thread here not long ago as well. We remove or close threads reporting cheaters because it clogs the forums and offers no benefit since, as I pointed out above, the correct way to report a cheater and ensure that it goes to the right people is by doing so in-game, or through our support team. It's against the Forum rules for a reason: to prevent witch hunts, namecalling and creating a hostile environment towards other players.
As for the Comedic Ban of Brian Grant in this. Yes, we can ban anybody with the push of a button, but that doesn't mean it's the right way to go about it, and it prevents us from learning more about the methods that are used to cheat, making it more difficult to take action on a mass scale.
Still, cheaters will always look for new ways to work around detection and enforcement, and we'll need to continue to evolve our methods to catch and punish them.
For anybody reading, I want you to know that Bans are coming, and they're not coming because of outside influences. We've been hard at work behind the scenes, but you can't always see that work until it's done.