I believe kabam has complete priority mixup!

TheKiryuTheKiryu Member Posts: 268 ★★★★
edited December 2022 in General Discussion
Short version.

How come it takes 10 minutes to remove a forum thread and issue a warning to a player who points out obvious indisputable cheater , but it takes weeks for the obvious cheaters to be banned even for a week?

Keep in mind that kabam has demonstrated ability to ban in seconds on demand on content creator streams for a comedic effect.

Also strictly talking about obvious and indefensible examples, like sub 1 mil acc in top 10 leaderboard is just impossible no matter how skilled you are. Or a 4 second thing kill with a 4*.

Not discussing kabam policy to remove these threads due to their policy, simply asking why they are removed so much more quickly.

Why isnt it a common practice to look at one of those threads , head in game , check the situation , ban the cheater, and then adress the forum thread?!

It absolutely seems that punishing cheaters shoud take priority over micro policing forum!

Full video - We MUST Demand An Answer From Kabam! How Can They Get This So So Wrong?!
Post edited by Kabam Miike on


  • Noob_Master69Noob_Master69 Member Posts: 702 ★★★★
    How come it takes 10 minutes to remove a forum thread and issue a warning to a player who points out obvious indisputable cheater , but it takes weeks for the obvious cheaters to be banned even for a week?

    Short answer, different departments and protocols. Miike and Jax likely aren't the ones handing out bans on the game seeing as they're here to talk to/with the community

    Longer answer:

    Having people brigade against others by putting them on blast on the forums does nothing productive. I've seen a multitude of people being called out for "cheating" who ended up not being cheaters.
    It's also just not what the forums are for

    Kabam doesn't WANT to ban people because that can give a bucketload of issues with it, maybe they weren't cheating and unfairly banned, who knows. If it was someone who spent money on the game recently, whether they cheated or not, will probably end up filing chargebacks upping costs for Kabam

    And communication in a company is always slow, especially in a bigger one. It's not feasible for anyone to just drop whatever they were doing to just ban a single person, it's most likely something done in batches by specific people at specific days of the week. Having them drop everything to ban a single person and investigate would just slow things down
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  • Texas_11Texas_11 Member Posts: 2,646 ★★★★★
    Kabam Tipped!
  • TheLegend27TheLegend27 Member Posts: 1,319 ★★★★★
    Maxus7 said:

    ItsDamien said:

    Simple. The forums mods aren’t the ones doing in game bans. The ban on Brians a stream was done in jest, there’s was no investigation needed as it was a joke. The team who deals with account bans for modders and cheaters is a different team altogether. However perhaps they should look a little closer at past cheating and mercing from certain people too and retroactively ban them as well, eh KT? Glass houses my friend.

    Doing something small like at least banning some of the obvious cheaters on the leader board will deter others from using those mods. I think taking time here will make things a lot worse.
    Doubtful. The bans Kabam handed out for season 2 clearly has not deterred anyone. If someone is going to cheat, they're going to cheat. People will continue to cheat so long as Kabam takes a pretty cavalier attitude towards modding. What Kabam needs to do is be heavy-handed with the punishment. Something like below:
    • cheated in 1 match - ranked rewards taken away and 1 week ban
    • cheated in 2 matches - ranked rewards taken away, 1 week ban, and units set to negative 3k
    • cheated in 3+ matches - permanent ban
    I'd personally be all for a 1-strike policy where the first and only punishment is a permanent ban, but I'm certain Kabam would never go for that.
  • EMvEMv Member Posts: 23
    BG must be closed until all trash is cleaned up!!! Selling this content to people is weird!
  • Texas_11Texas_11 Member Posts: 2,646 ★★★★★
    Get what you are saying. But cheaters/ Modders are going to find a way to cheat always. They are like weeds, you ban one another pops up. It was so bad they got rid of gifting and the mythic legend runs.

    They already said they hired a team, so I'm hoping that changes, but don't think it will ever stop

    My "theory" is:
    They don't ban right away because if you ban an account the modders will just create another account. You then you create more manual labor for yourself. Also each time there is a new mod it has to be reported X amount of times to take priority. One old mod account you can start tracking and investigating.

    They can also just provide a key of some sort to unlock battlegrounds and set a specific set of objectives each month to unlock it . Maybe something like a log in calendar, or restrict the usage to 5* and 6* to enter gladiator circuit.
  • id1575id1575 Member Posts: 7
    Why this post ? Let them deal with relic issues first since it will make them money. Make money > mcoc Well being
  • UltragamerUltragamer Member Posts: 605 ★★★
    TheKiryu said:

    Let them look, i have nothing to hide.

    There is literally a video talking about it all on my channel.

    Can’t wait to watch the video someone needed to call them out so annoying that they don’t do much they take modders lightly and forums seriously very upsetting so it makes me happy seeing you and bero calling modders out
  • designsodadesignsoda Member Posts: 118
    Anyway I wish Kabam's team the best in dealing with this. But the frustration is justified. They themselves admit to that. That's what posts like this represent.
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