Placebo buff

Hey guys,
Can anyone tell me what is the point of placebo buffs? I can't seem to find an explanation in game or online
My guess would be that they count as a buff but convey no benefits?
The nodes in question don't seem to reward or penalise for number of buffs so I'm struggling to see the point - would appreciate if someone could enlighten me please.
Can anyone tell me what is the point of placebo buffs? I can't seem to find an explanation in game or online
My guess would be that they count as a buff but convey no benefits?
The nodes in question don't seem to reward or penalise for number of buffs so I'm struggling to see the point - would appreciate if someone could enlighten me please.
She'd rapidly become nullify immune, then gain insane damage on her SP3 because it rises with each buff.
Galan would laugh at it, too... 😉
it is always wise to use champs who doesnt gain buffs like Spidey 2099, Titania, Antman..
That placebo node is actually the least helpful node because if you put 3 mystics, human torch will have a blast going down it.