Cannot Join AQ - Two AQs? EDIT: Can Join, but two AQs are up



  • KoperBoyKoperBoy Member Posts: 210 ★★
    Our alliance just decided we would start AQ on Saturday evening and play only four days, dropping day 1 essentialy. We can't force our players to either wake up in middle of the night to spend energy, or to be online basically the whole day for five days straight.
  • 18sae5618sae56 Member Posts: 136
    This throws everything off. Miike, you guys should make it 30 min timers cause we have guys in time zones from all over and this changes the paths that everyone might take. Please change AQ to 30 min timers all week.
  • devsworlddevsworld Member Posts: 12
    u guys dont care about ur members... this is truely unfair for asian members
  • RayxaxRayxax Member Posts: 5
    Can you please set the Time Energy yo 30 minutes
  • DJRipsterDJRipster Member Posts: 169
    @Kabam Miike This has pretty much messed up our entire alliances' weekend schedule... Just like you guys, we also try and balance this highly competitive event across our own lives and schedules... Our alliance itself is built around the work and availability of folks on the regular AQ time

    very disappointing decision from kabam
  • RomanoffBrotherRomanoffBrother Member Posts: 9
    We didn't lost just 4 hours, lots of player slept, so can't continue without them because different time zones. How could we finish map 6 in 12 hours???
  • TheBaldAvengerTheBaldAvenger Member Posts: 257 ★★
    Yeah I don't care about my infraction, just like you don't care about your customers
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,672 ★★★★★
    Unbelievable. They pretend they won't do 30 minute timers because it's detrimental to international players, which is a lot of garbage, and now they screw international alliances with 1 hour timers after their failed AQ.
  • SlySlySlySly Member Posts: 352 ★★
    Hahaha 1h timers and 3 energy I'm out, no point in AQ now.
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,058 ★★★★★
    edited June 2017
    AQ is available now! :)

    Is it shorten or still the normal duration (not refering to energy timer)?
  • Sha59Sha59 Member Posts: 36
    Seriously complete and utter joke Kabam.

    Europeans now have to stay up till Midnight to 2am to make their moves to have any chance of finishing Map 6 on time.

    Seriously yet another mis step from you guys.
    why not just delay AQ 24 hours and start it tomorrow instead of rushing it out and this ridiculous hour
  • Mcord11758Mcord11758 Member Posts: 1,249 ★★★★
    They don't care
  • PrezesPrezes Member Posts: 7
    edited June 2017
    We had to start with map 5 because 80% guys are unavailable now. And on top of this normal timer!!! What are Kabam guys have in their mind?
    How difficult it was to fix AQ and start it a day later?
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,672 ★★★★★
    I can't wait to hear the official explanation for not using 30 minute timers after they screwed up AQ. Oh wait I forgot. It's been finely tuned lmao.
  • Liam1989Liam1989 Member Posts: 7
    Amazing how you only show up Mike when Kabam has issues. If only you put this amount of dedication into dealing with players queries who knows people might actually complain less. Bet you think your god on this forum closing down threads, well if it makes you feel big and powerful then you can continue the rest of your pitiful career closing down disgruntled posts.
  • 420down420down Member Posts: 170
    30 minute timers are needed to make this latest snafu not turn into a total cluster....well you get the idea.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,672 ★★★★★
    Sith_Lord wrote: »
    You people really couldn't dish out 30 min timers while dealing with this, yet another, fiasco? So, a FU to all of us, with a 4 hour delay, with still 1 hour timers. It really never ends here... SMH

    Haven't you heard @Sith_Lord? 30 minute timers are detrimental and place undue pressure on international players. LOL
  • Stu198311Stu198311 Member Posts: 76
    Mike it's 00:25am here in the UK most of my alliance are asleep, it's our promotion week we need the 30 min timers
  • PolderpommiePolderpommie Member Posts: 68
    This is going to be a looooooooong week.
  • SynguinSynguin Member Posts: 2
    Pathetic you have nothing but Friday on your minds, get back to work and fix the timers so people have a chance to complete AQ.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,672 ★★★★★
    Nope. Kabam is protecting you from undue pressure. You should be thankful
  • DocJCDocJC Member Posts: 74
    As usual Kabam not giving two .... about its customer base. That the timer is even still 1 hour is a joke in itself.
  • SweatlipSweatlip Member Posts: 163
    You couldnt even start everyone with full energy at the very least
  • k666kk666k Member Posts: 47
    I cant believe they think this will be accepted from anyone, how do you think this solved any issues, stop and listen to what ppl want/need, we cannot complete AQ in these hours with 1 hour timers
  • KruggKrugg Member Posts: 16
    Careful everyone of moral does not improve they will begin docking your CC for every negative post.
  • LogeyBear87LogeyBear87 Member Posts: 41
    Boycott mcoc
  • Kiper7Kiper7 Member Posts: 6
    Can we get some kind of response in regards to reducing timer to 30min please?

    This would be much appreciated.
  • LilWolfyLilWolfy Member Posts: 42
    don't worry just get your friends to log you to take the strain of as its 1 hour timers . ... oh wait kabam'd.

    and we can't have 30 minute timers as there detrimental to the game and the playerbase, because you know having more moves available regularly is such a bad thing.
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