If you were to be added in MCOC, what major ability would you have?

Examples like regeneration, power gain, bleed immunity etc.
Personally I would go for nullification.
Personally I would go for nullification.
Did not expect that
Nullification - Remove Buff (Buff is a good thing) - Remove something good = Disappointment - which can be seen as Negativity
It is all connect lol
I didn't mean anything negative, just having a little laugh, no intention to make you feel bad mate.
To answer your initial question, I would say 100% Reduction Attack and Defence Abilities, and can't be prevented (overriding all Node)
The irony is not lost on me that your first post has many shades of positivity, I appreciate it. The forums can be a contentious place with some people refusing to engage in a positive way. But not everyone!
My champ kit would be built around Glancing. Passivism, and shedding negativity.
Like being able to shrug off forum warnings and all my post deletions
Also my damage output increases the lower my health gets or alternatively have a deadline ability where the closer it gets the more damage I do.