Persistent pressure and Quicksilver slow debuff

Could someone explain the following interaction between 'persistent pressure' node and 'slow' debuff from Quicksilver.
I tried it in 7.3.1 against Falcon (he was not locked in) and Quicksilver does not apply slow debuff at all after reaching 300 momentum charges. But why?
Could someone explain the following interaction between 'persistent pressure' node and 'slow' debuff from Quicksilver.
I tried it in 7.3.1 against Falcon (he was not locked in) and Quicksilver does not apply slow debuff at all after reaching 300 momentum charges. But why?
It's similar to how some champs can't apply their tricks vs class disadvantage. Like She Hulk vs skill champs.
For she-hulk she only has this in her description:
If the opponent doesn’t have a Class Advantage, She-Hulk refreshes the duration of all of her personal Passive Fury effects.
But nothing about that she can't apply slow if she has class disadvantage.
Can you point me where does it say that QS can't apply slow to skill opponents