Do you have a r4 6* or r3 you have regretted?

I just got Paragon today morning by gifting final accolades and hitting 70k banquet milestone
Used it to r4 doom.
My 3 r4 were scorpion, falcon and today doom. However now I'm seeing it I kinda regret ranking falcon to r4. Don't get me wrong he's wonderful and all the utilities he has but I don't really think I should have done it.
I ranked scorpion and doom by catalyst but for falcon I got r4 skill gem from 8.1 exploration and my options were masacre and falcon back then. Bwdo still at r2 and was without kingpin and fury and those top class skills.
Now I kinda feel I should have taken massacre to r4 instead.
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Used it to r4 doom.
My 3 r4 were scorpion, falcon and today doom. However now I'm seeing it I kinda regret ranking falcon to r4. Don't get me wrong he's wonderful and all the utilities he has but I don't really think I should have done it.
I ranked scorpion and doom by catalyst but for falcon I got r4 skill gem from 8.1 exploration and my options were masacre and falcon back then. Bwdo still at r2 and was without kingpin and fury and those top class skills.
Now I kinda feel I should have taken massacre to r4 instead.
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At R4, my first was SM99, who is a terrific champ, but also one I don’t find myself reaching for all that much. His rankup was via the Act 8 gem, and at that time I really didn’t have any other Science options I liked. Enjoyed his play style and had AntiVenom, so it was a logical choice.
So…not really regret. I still greatly enjoy playing SM99 and when he’s useful he’s very useful. Once you’re at double digit R4’s, however, there are going to be some that naturally fall off in usage.
Dr. Zola
All my rank 4 decisions were solid.
R4s are coming quickly enough now that it isn’t worth regretting previous choices, you made the best decision based on your account progression at the time.
Falcon is one of those champs that probably many of us want to take to R4 but can't do it bcoz the catalysts are still quite rare
He deserves the rank but not one that we'd consider on a priority basis since many other champs deserve it more
However I'm pretty sure there will be many more R4 Falcons in the game by the end of 2023 or early 2024
U're just ahead of the curve in that regard
I would probably feel the same if I were at ur place but that rankup has now got u the Paragon title which will make it easier for u to rankup many more champs
So don't take it too hard
No regrets on my r4s, except maybe a couple i had to do for aw defense. But thats the cost of high tier war. Cant get the top rewards without a r4 sacrifice here and there.
Some r3 regrets for me were Valkyrie, and S2099. I took them up based on the hype but don’t like using them. My only r4 regret was peni…I should have r4 warlock instead.
Not a R3, just a rank 2. But I wish I'd never even taken her to that. Simply because I have better mutants and better options, so she never gets used in any content whatsoever.
I only ranked her up at my old alliance's request, for diversity reasons. But I left that alliance and have no need for her anymore. Lol. She definitely won't be seeing R3.