Battlegrounds Season 4 Meta [MERGED THREADS]



  • PemulaPemula Member Posts: 60
    i like it
  • JinxesaxeJinxesaxe Member Posts: 450 ★★★
    Mysterio said:

    When does this node go away? Is it here for the entire season or is it here for like a week? Helps me determine how long I won't be playing Battlegrounds for.

    For victory track and friendly matches, all season.
  • JinxesaxeJinxesaxe Member Posts: 450 ★★★
    Nocko said:

    The problem as i see it is for the VT, this meta is simply too restrictive and places far too much emphisis on a very specific roster and then RNG in the draft process

    I think this is a good learning opportunity for Kabam. This is not a VT meta, this is not what the majority of casual players want to deal with. If you want to do this, put it in the GC, where the big boys want to play and compete for the top rewards. I dont think this combination is out place there. But this is not the place for it.

    The more i play it the more i think this is really a big time swing and miss by Kabam.
    And im winning more than i lose and am progressing through the VT at a rate im OK with. But we really need to developers to understand the player base that enjoys this game mode and is enjoying it casually, which i think is the majority, and then those who are competing for the top 100-200-500... Forcing casual players to deal with this level of specificity is simply not reasonable.

    Very well said! I completely agree! Victory track, as you stated, has to be ultimately at least a bit casual.

  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    Did you report it in game? Reminding people here that there are cheaters in BG when everyone already knows that is a waste of time.
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  • GomezlinkGomezlink Member Posts: 248

    Did you report it in game? Reminding people here that there are cheaters in BG when everyone already knows that is a waste of time.

    I denounced it, but this opponent was no stranger to me, I have the slight impression that last season I had already lost to him in dubious circumstances as well
  • FrognovFrognov Member Posts: 1

    I don't think you suck, but I also don't think this Meta sucks. It's pretty simple, but you'll have to change your decks to deal with it. You can't just brute force it and expect to win. This Meta is not just affecting you but also your opponent. It's also not just there to negatively impact you; you need to lean into it with defenders that benefit from the node to trip up your opponents too.

    Battlegrounds will have Metas that change every season, and they will require you to change your Decks up and invest in a more diverse roster. People with larger and more diverse rosters will have an easier time, as they should in a 1v1 PVP mode.

    There are lots of people sharing counters and ideas around the forums. Take a look at some of those for ideas if you need them.

    PS. The ones I see as most successful right now are the exact same Champions used in the 1st Meta of Battlegrounds ever with Bulwark and Explosive Personality. Lots of Armor Up champs on defence and lots of Nullifiers and Armor Breakers as attackers. Plus, this time, you can toss in Power Burn immune Champs too.

    For me, im currently thronebreaker as a level 54 so my roster is pretty much **** other than some champs
    currently i have 4 6* r3 2 6* r2 and 11 6*r1 for my 5 * i barely have any r5 and r4. Which is why my deck cannot change according to the meta etc. The opponents i face however have all 6* r1/2/3 and the champs they put in are counters or great defenders to this meta which causes me to lose not because i am losing in skill but because my roster is thrash. This meta is the defination of if u have the money to buy 6* crystals u win the game. I know that Kabam would probably not change the meta anymore cuz yall lazy but i do hope that the next time yall choose the nodes, choose smth that needs skill to win smth like interceot to remove armour up heavy counter to remove armour up etc.
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  • SearmenisSearmenis Member Posts: 1,750 ★★★★★
    Jinxesaxe said:

    Mysterio said:

    When does this node go away? Is it here for the entire season or is it here for like a week? Helps me determine how long I won't be playing Battlegrounds for.

    For victory track and friendly matches, all season.
    We can't even play friendlies for a month, yes, that s great.
  • Bugmat78Bugmat78 Member Posts: 2,491 ★★★★★
    This meta is too restrictive. My roster can handle it fairly well personally, but it isn't for the general public and that is what victory track metas should be - from conqueror to paragon, casual to serious.

    This is a serious meta, more suitable as a GC meta for week 2 or 3.

    Yes you don't want to have a nuke meta in VC every single season but use more standard nodes that can be countered with a wide roster and skill, eg mix master or that power anxiety one which prevents you from spamming specials all fight.
  • Salve_maker05Salve_maker05 Member Posts: 424 ★★★
    Knull destroys this meta. He eats armour breaks and uses them to deal more damage. He’s broken
  • Real_Madrid_76_2Real_Madrid_76_2 Member Posts: 3,579 ★★★★★
    edited January 2023
    The node literally nerfs are roster. I am ftp, not whale who spends to get every champion within pre release bundles only. I have limited roster. Some good, some decent and some trash. The new meta reflects damage based on power Burn, and i don't have a single champion as a six star who is immune to power Burn. I may have 2 to 3 5 star power Burn immune champs but they aren't really that good, like aarkus and roblin, who are good, but for fights without time limits. The node limits our use of champions. This is why many players don't love this new meta.
  • edited January 2023
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  • MackeyMackey Member Posts: 1,597 ★★★★★
    Gmonkey said:

    The continuous disconnect and getting a loss sucks. Looks like I forfeited but kept disconnecting anyone else get this? Should I be contacting support to get my 90 elders marks back? Does anyone do this.

    It's happening to a lot of players from what uve seen in chats and here on the forum. I very much doubt you'll get them 90 elder marks back same as NONE of us get ANYTHING back for the wasted resources we've used when we face a modder. Absolutely shady move that is, they know this mode is rampant with cheaters and modders and they also know every single one of us uses either energy or elder marks to enter the match and they never even acknowledge this issue.... appalling really
  • kevhugokevhugo Member Posts: 138 ★★

    Or you can read the nodes and bring counters. I'm not defending this BG meta as not a fan as many, however, there are many better options than just "blocking attacks".

    I mean I've seen this idea brought up a lot, and yes it makes sense, but even if I have a few good counters, maybe some power burn immune; armour break; nullify champions etc, it's not as simple as just bringing them along. This isn't an event quest where I can guarantee to use a champion, there's champion bans and me even pulling a champ is determined by chance, (which is still a good feature). So I understand the smaller accounts that are complaining because their counters are being banned and might not be showing up and so are left with less suitable champs. It's not a bad meta imo, especially for bigger accounts but I mean what else do you expect, people with bigger accounts will have a better time. But I've seen the idea of having a heavy attack reset the chittin charges which means that even if you don't have a good counter you're not doomed. Good idea whoever thought of it.
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  • ThiartcThiartc Member Posts: 295 ★★
    edited January 2023
    Its gotten to the point where it wastes a lot of time. Have to wait for counter to run out evertime and the other guys takes his 15k for full health

    Did not jump on the sandbagging train and i will not jump on the TO one either, but its annoying
  • PDX_OREPDX_ORE Member Posts: 19
    It’s sad Kabam is residing to keep these nodes. So many players don’t have the option to rank up the needed players to fight well in battlegrounds like Kabam wants, so we just fight and die quickly while not even getting hit. Sure I can rank up some champs that would do well but then not be able to rank up the champs I have been super excited to rank up. I’m not doing it. I don’t have the resources. Going to rank up champs I’m excited about and not going to care about winning in battlegrounds this season. All the while being again very annoyed at Kabam. Again.
    Good luck everyone.
  • Vance2_jrVance2_jr Member Posts: 786 ★★★★
    Honestly, this one is giving Act 6 run for its money when it comes to most frustrating content.
  • overkill5150overkill5150 Member Posts: 35
    I normally win some of my fights, even with switching my deck I've lost 100%, kabam is screwing the non whales basically not caring about the non paying,non whaling players....thanks KABAM
  • IamGrO_otIamGrO_ot Member Posts: 172 ★★
    As a minimum, one should now change the VT nodes to rotate like the that the whole season is not wasted for an awful lot of players.

    Or make an option to remove charges with an heavy attack, as someone else suggested.
  • Toj37Toj37 Member Posts: 68
    Jefechuta said:

    I think its unfair to change the nodes now, they just should learn from this mistake for the next season, a lot of people already ranked up champs so they must not changed them now.

    Just play casually with some energy

    They are clearly putting a lot into growing battlegrounds in the game and this season is a huge step back for that as a majority of players don’t find this season fun whatsoever. I doubt we’ll ever see any sort of number for it but I bet the drop off in battlegrounds participation this season will be massive even with how good the rewards are.
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  • UltragamerUltragamer Member Posts: 605 ★★★
    Suck it up node causes you to lose oh well stop giving up and complaining cause it doesn’t favor you everyone has a node that doesn’t favor their champs last season didn’t favor mine I still played and made it to Gladiator Circuit can’t just whine cause a node doesn’t favor your rank ups
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