Battlegrounds Season 4 Meta [MERGED THREADS]



  • LeanbisonLeanbison Member Posts: 130 ★★
    I think the “get good” group and the “there are over 90 counters” group are missing the message of the other side. It’s not that this meta is impossibly hard or that there are no counters. Neither are the problem. The problem is that this is not fun. BG’s is difficult by its very nature of being an all vs all mode. No need to add these nodes on top. People like myself who dont find it enjoyable probably wont play it. I am not going to write it off completely yet but ….
  • Danny_mjölnîr07Danny_mjölnîr07 Member Posts: 4

    I don't think you suck, but I also don't think this Meta sucks. It's pretty simple, but you'll have to change your decks to deal with it. You can't just brute force it and expect to win. This Meta is not just affecting you but also your opponent. It's also not just there to negatively impact you; you need to lean into it with defenders that benefit from the node to trip up your opponents too.

    Battlegrounds will have Metas that change every season, and they will require you to change your Decks up and invest in a more diverse roster. People with larger and more diverse rosters will have an easier time, as they should in a 1v1 PVP mode.

    There are lots of people sharing counters and ideas around the forums. Take a look at some of those for ideas if you need them.

    PS. The ones I see as most successful right now are the exact same Champions used in the 1st Meta of Battlegrounds ever with Bulwark and Explosive Personality. Lots of Armor Up champs on defence and lots of Nullifiers and Armor Breakers as attackers. Plus, this time, you can toss in Power Burn immune Champs too.

    There’s been like what 3 irritations of bgs since it was officially released? Yet we still haven’t got any attacker buffs. Why not have a power gain node that when the opponent has an armour buff you gain x amour of power over time. I’m sure there would be a lot more diverse champs you can use that requires using specials for armour break and the such.
  • Salty808Salty808 Member Posts: 5
    Can I make a suggestion for BGs? It's not specific to this meta but.. you need to completely remove the ability to pause fights in BGs. It's being abused too much where people will just pause the fight if they push the opponent to an l3 or they'll use a burst champion and then pause it after the first rotation to save them losing health whilst finishing the fight. If you're committing to a BG match then there shouldn't be a reason to pause the fight, if you do need to then its too bad, you should lose anyway
  • Shadow_ShooterShadow_Shooter Member Posts: 506 ★★★
    This is truly annoying me… I can’t believe what they’ve pulled right after their most successful bg season. I also can’t believe how tone deaf Kabam is and they can’t really gauge/anticipate what a disaster this season is becoming…

    Are they just going to sit out this season, like the rest of players?
  • BazzingaaaBazzingaaa Member Posts: 357 ★★★

    This is truly annoying me… I can’t believe what they’ve pulled right after their most successful bg season. I also can’t believe how tone deaf Kabam is and they can’t really gauge/anticipate what a disaster this season is becoming…

    Are they just going to sit out this season, like the rest of players?

    It will cost them in the long run as less people will play, thus less elders marks being purchased.
  • Yaron_avivYaron_aviv Member Posts: 40
    You sucked the fun out of the game mode, kabam.
    I’m not a masochist.
    No reward is worth this stupid uphill battle.

    I ranked up champs, removed my heavy hitters, reconfigured the deck - to only have counters or defenders. But even now, I need the luck of the draw to get counters for the node AND opponent champs, and it’s just too RNG and skill has nothing to do with it. It translates to a win lose ratio of 1:1 which means it’s impossible to finish victory track.

    I’m out.
  • Ironman3000Ironman3000 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★★
    11-2 over the past two days and still hate it. Got RNGd in the draft for one and a bug on the second.
  • OKAYGangOKAYGang Member Posts: 524 ★★★
    Question, shouldn't Truestrike ignore the power burn since it is an effect of an armor up buffs and Truestrike ignores armor?

    Also just curious has anyone tried CB in this meta? Does stacking furies with him negate any of the PB damage?

    Just looking for alternative champs to use on attack besides Galan, Hulking, Mags,. etc. Using the same 3 -5 champs over and over is getting repetitive and boring.
  • SidDDragonSidDDragon Member Posts: 1,183 ★★★

    I keep seeing “use Galan” or use so and so…and if you don’t have those champs above a 4*? What then? Use 4* champs in BGs? Or spend the limited resources I have on Howard the Duck and other champs that are useless in other modes? Not every player has a roster they’ve invested thousands of dollars, pounds, euros, (name a currency) into. This is just further proof Kabam doesn’t care about any player that isn’t pumping money into the game to achieve Paragon.

    HTD has been amazing for 3 out of 4 bg metas(rich get richer,explosive personality and electric defence) and he is a game changer in this meta…if u don’t want to rankup a champ who has been proving himself over the last 4 months in bg alone then that’s on u
  • KingsamKingsam Member Posts: 109
    Every match ends in someone who waited out the timer. @Kabam Miike what is the average time of this bg compare to past bg. It’s a horrible time commitment this time around!
  • Skydad23Skydad23 Member Posts: 556 ★★★
    Kingsam said:

    Every match ends in someone who waited out the timer. @Kabam Miike what is the average time of this bg compare to past bg. It’s a horrible time commitment this time around!

    Absolutely agree! That they are staying so quiet on this only tells you how bad it must be. In my last 15 matches, not me, or my opponent has got a single kill. There’s no way this game was designed to be like that. This is their flagship new game mode? Lol. I have a 3.5 million hero rating. All of my opponents are basically the same so I can’t stand when everyone says learn how to play I have the champs I know what to do I assume my opponents do also just a **** **** meta. Not even getting into that every four matches the game freezes and you automatically get a loss. Which would be annoying enough anyway but now that getting wins, is tougher than ever it makes it not even worth it.
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  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,332 ★★★★★
    edited January 2023
    OKAYGang said:

    Also just curious has anyone tried CB in this meta? Does stacking furies with him negate any of the PB damage?

    Ability accuracy reduction works so CB is absolutely viable. Just don't get suckered if the opponent runs MD/mystic defender.
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,169 ★★★★★
    Skydad23 said:

    Kingsam said:

    Every match ends in someone who waited out the timer. @Kabam Miike what is the average time of this bg compare to past bg. It’s a horrible time commitment this time around!

    Absolutely agree! That they are staying so quiet on this only tells you how bad it must be. In my last 15 matches, not me, or my opponent has got a single kill. There’s no way this game was designed to be like that. This is their flagship new game mode? Lol. I have a 3.5 million hero rating. All of my opponents are basically the same so I can’t stand when everyone says learn how to play I have the champs I know what to do I assume my opponents do also just a **** **** meta. Not even getting into that every four matches the game freezes and you automatically get a loss. Which would be annoying enough anyway but now that getting wins, is tougher than ever it makes it not even worth it.
    You’re telling me in 15 matches, neither of you have been able to put Venom or VP against a tech champ? Or Claire against almost anyone?

    If you want help, you have to be honest about the problem.
  • Standardman1989Standardman1989 Member Posts: 578 ★★★
    No answer from Kabam I think we must accept this terminal of the 4th season unfortunately no choice..
  • Skydad23Skydad23 Member Posts: 556 ★★★
    TyEdge said:

    Skydad23 said:

    Kingsam said:

    Every match ends in someone who waited out the timer. @Kabam Miike what is the average time of this bg compare to past bg. It’s a horrible time commitment this time around!

    Absolutely agree! That they are staying so quiet on this only tells you how bad it must be. In my last 15 matches, not me, or my opponent has got a single kill. There’s no way this game was designed to be like that. This is their flagship new game mode? Lol. I have a 3.5 million hero rating. All of my opponents are basically the same so I can’t stand when everyone says learn how to play I have the champs I know what to do I assume my opponents do also just a **** **** meta. Not even getting into that every four matches the game freezes and you automatically get a loss. Which would be annoying enough anyway but now that getting wins, is tougher than ever it makes it not even worth it.
    You’re telling me in 15 matches, neither of you have been able to put Venom or VP against a tech champ? Or Claire against almost anyone?

    If you want help, you have to be honest about the problem.

    100% not a lie, truth on everything I have not faced one venom or venompool in all of my matches.
  • WoodsjrWoodsjr Member Posts: 81
    edited January 2023
    I think we're all stating the obvious but here it is. This season of bgs isn't skill based but roster based. If you've got a big roster meaning 6* r3's and r4's then bgs will be easier and you'll have a lot more counters. The percentage of paragon players as opposed to thronebreaker on down is small. Kabaam needs to be better with the nodes. Lagacy even made the suggestion about lowering the armor to 10 seconds instead of the 30 as listed. Now you've got a fight and a competitive one.
  • LordIgorekLordIgorek Member Posts: 60

    Fix this Kabam, not only this is the season where skills matter the least and its all about roster and luck in draw, but when you actually win tough match you get this at the end. It makes it really hard to get those 5 stars to leave the last round before circuit. Of course unless somebody uses a lot of shields, which cost units and you can pay for units with real money. And that's the reason why this meta looks like this.
  • Standardman1989Standardman1989 Member Posts: 578 ★★★
    I'm tired 😂 how can I go up if I face big teams with 50 6r4 it's the purge from beginning to end and no one in the high place says anything: have left you alone and no answer it's not normal
  • RawrasurusRawrasurus Member Posts: 89 ★★★
    Highly competitive mode that was built around skill has become nothing but a roster check. Oh youre paragon but you dont have the right champs ranked up for this meta? Too bad cause you’re gonna be facing people with 40 r4 who do.

    What a joke of a game mode now where skill means nothing. There should be some kind of mechanic/node tied to skill that removes armor buffs instead of just punishing you for playing.
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  • Dragoon81Dragoon81 Member Posts: 147 ★★
    Most mystics are amazing for this meta. Heck even Hyperion on attack just don’t rush the fight time his sp2 to break armor on activation. Knull, Galan, Venom for techs or sp1 timed right. Pacify mastery, Heavy attack more. Moleman is king Heavy twice block a hit to activate and heavy away. So many ways to counter this.
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