Pulled an 6 Star R4-R5 Mutant Rank up Gem and not sure who to pick

thewass1980thewass1980 Member Posts: 151
Apologies in advance, this is not meant as a brag post. Today I got a 6 star 4-5 rank up gem crystal and unfortunately (for me at least) landed on Mutant. Mutant used to be my favorite class, but now it's probably my least favorite. I currently only have 2 mutants at r4, Apoc and Weapon X. I do also have an R3-R4 mutant gem, so I could take up any of these folks in the screenshot below to 5/65. I don't run the "ouchie" masteries and don't really have an intention to do so in the foreseeable future. I'm currently in a solo alliance, so prestige shouldn't matter, but as you can see by my R4 rank up choices, I did take prestige into account in case I switch to a different alliance in the future.

I should mention that I'm not particularly good at playing Kitty (I'm not the best interceptor).

Currently, the mutants I have that are max sig are: Weapon X, Kitty, Professor X, Stryfe, Omega Red, Archangel, and Domino, if that matters to your suggestions.

Taking a look at my mutant options, and my R4s as a whole, I'd love to hear suggestions on who I should take to 5/65. Thanks!

Here are my current R3 Mutants:

And here are my current R4s, including 2 Mutants:



  • JefechutaJefechuta Member Posts: 1,228 ★★★★★

    Apologies in advance, this is not meant as a brag post. Today I got a 6 star 4-5 rank up gem crystal and unfortunately (for me at least) landed on Mutant. Mutant used to be my favorite class, but now it's probably my least favorite. I currently only have 2 mutants at r4, Apoc and Weapon X. I do also have an R3-R4 mutant gem, so I could take up any of these folks in the screenshot below to 5/65. I don't run the "ouchie" masteries and don't really have an intention to do so in the foreseeable future. I'm currently in a solo alliance, so prestige shouldn't matter, but as you can see by my R4 rank up choices, I did take prestige into account in case I switch to a different alliance in the future.

    I should mention that I'm not particularly good at playing Kitty (I'm not the best interceptor).

    Currently, the mutants I have that are max sig are: Weapon X, Kitty, Professor X, Stryfe, Omega Red, Archangel, and Domino, if that matters to your suggestions.

    Taking a look at my mutant options, and my R4s as a whole, I'd love to hear suggestions on who I should take to 5/65. Thanks!

    Here are my current R3 Mutants:

    And here are my current R4s, including 2 Mutants:

    I think the best ones are AA, Domino and Magneto out of those options, congrats of your first R5!
  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 5,883 ★★★★★
    If you do BG heavily, I'd say Domino. I'd ban that gal so fast as a max sig r5.
  • thewass1980thewass1980 Member Posts: 151

    If you do BG heavily, I'd say Domino. I'd ban that gal so fast as a max sig r5.

    I don't do BG that much, mainly just to get the small amount of chips every 2 days. I feel that if I took Domino to R5, just like you said, everyone would insta-ban her. Which could be a good thing, making their other 2 bans harder to choose from.
  • thewass1980thewass1980 Member Posts: 151
    Bumping this in case anyone has any alternative suggestions-- I might just end up doing Kitty and learning her better, but curious what other folks think!
  • Grappigeguy123Grappigeguy123 Member Posts: 39
    Kitty pryde
  • pseudosanepseudosane Member, Guardian Posts: 4,076 Guardian
    AA would be an insane r5. A meta one would be Kitty Pryde/Apoc
    R5 Bishop woildbe super cool!
    ORwould be insane if you run suis
    Havok would be my pick, im a havok lover.
  • 13579rebel_13579rebel_ Member Posts: 2,905 ★★★★★

    AA would be an insane r5. A meta one would be Kitty Pryde/Apoc
    R5 Bishop woildbe super cool!
    ORwould be insane if you run suis
    Havok would be my pick, im a havok lover.

    I agree with Havok
    But if you want to cause pain in bgs then do colossus
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  • FrostGiantLordFrostGiantLord Member Posts: 2,200 ★★★★
    You should learn how to play Kitty and r5 her to get the max use out of that gem. AA would be a pretty insane r5, and r5 Domino would be an absolute beast! You should hold off ranking Apoc tho, he mainly gets his use from the Horseman synergies, and at r4 he is an absolute beast already. But I'm not one to judge, the choice is yours!
  • thewass1980thewass1980 Member Posts: 151

    You should learn how to play Kitty and r5 her to get the max use out of that gem. AA would be a pretty insane r5, and r5 Domino would be an absolute beast! You should hold off ranking Apoc tho, he mainly gets his use from the Horseman synergies, and at r4 he is an absolute beast already. But I'm not one to judge, the choice is yours!

    I agree that Apoc is already pretty insane at R4, but I don't think he mainly gets use out of the horseman synergies, unless you're counting his synergy w/ Cable/Sinister/Kang or his synergy with Stryfe. It'd be nice to pick someone who doesn't require any synergy to be a monster. I love Stryfe for questing etc, but he's probably a bad choice for R5.
  • Vance2_jrVance2_jr Member Posts: 789 ★★★★
    Colossus! He’d be insane at r5. I made maxed sig r4 and use him everywhere
  • Hector_1475Hector_1475 Member Posts: 1,794 ★★★★★
    I would personally choose between Domino, Bishop and Havok from this bunch.
  • thewass1980thewass1980 Member Posts: 151

    Congrats on the Rank 5!

    Tbh, since it's quite an expensive rank-up, you really do ultimately have to choose the champion that you love the most - and one that you will enjoy playing - advice is great, but in the end, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks.

    Apoc is pretty wonderful everywhere and boosts the rest of the class.
    Kitty is undeniably busted, but her playstyle isn't for everyone.

    Bishop & Domino would be nutty rank 5's for Battlegrounds, but you don't play that much.

    Personally, Omega Red is still my favorite mutant in the game - but without sides, I just can't recommend him.

    If I was in your shoes, I'd probably go with Apoc or Kitty.
    Don't feel pressured to force yourself to learn Kitty if you aren't a fan.

    Either way, lots of great options.

    Thanks, Karatemike! Big fan of your YouTube channel and your deep dives. Funny thing is I had an exact idea of who I wanted to R5 in every class *except* for mutant. Truth is, I just hardly use them anymore outside of their EQ parts and story content when called for. I still think Omega Red is pretty dang good even without 'cides, but you're right, it wouldn't be a great idea to do that with my favorite mastery setup.

    It's interesting that nobody's recommended some of the other good R3's like Professor X, Namor, or even slightly unorthodox champs like OG Storm (just imagine those specials at R5!!).
  • Iron_J3Iron_J3 Member Posts: 269
    edited January 2023
    Ms. Katherine Pryde!!! Take time to learn her. You won’t regret it. I was in your shoes. Once I learned her, it’s great times. She’s so damn good and fun. But, if try and don’t like the play style, she can still be helpful.

    AA, Domino, Havok and Apoc are great too.
  • Just_Frank2022Just_Frank2022 Member Posts: 139
    Red mags all the way. There are so many #metal tagged champs in this game and R5 would be insane. It would be a no brainier for me. I like AA a lot but there's so many champs that are either bleed or poison immune he wouldn't be as versatile as mags, plus he doesn't get the class penalty against tech champs. Just my two cents
  • MoosetiptronicMoosetiptronic Member Posts: 2,166 ★★★★
    It's a pity you don't like playing any of them. Because as you run solo, that's what most would normally suggest; rank up who you enjoy playing.

    For kitty, I have her at r4 and only use her with ghost and tigra synergies, because I'm rubbish... So if you aren't good with her and want someone who's good on their own, she does need synergies to make her brokenly easy to play.

    As a 'sides user, I'd choose Omega. But I'd also love to see apoc, bishop, domino or cable at r5 for the "how many hits?!?!" Winter soldier take down.

    Namor, stryfe, colossus, storm and Toad could be interesting too for similar reasons.

    Properly left field is white mags. If you take him for his pre-fight at all regularly, then what better than having him at "full nutty" in case he is needed?

    Personally, Omega... But I'd love to see so many of those at r5.

    Complete aside, who are you using for your third gauntlet run if you're not taking mutants?
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  • SidDDragonSidDDragon Member Posts: 1,183 ★★★
    Mutants are due a prestige god which should arrive this year…as u said that u aren’t particularly a fan of many of these champs and don’t do bgs competitively so u won’t get much benefit from the rankup. I would recommend holding on to the gem and see if u can get a new mutant arriving this year.
  • thewass1980thewass1980 Member Posts: 151

    It's a pity you don't like playing any of them. Because as you run solo, that's what most would normally suggest; rank up who you enjoy playing.

    For kitty, I have her at r4 and only use her with ghost and tigra synergies, because I'm rubbish... So if you aren't good with her and want someone who's good on their own, she does need synergies to make her brokenly easy to play.

    As a 'sides user, I'd choose Omega. But I'd also love to see apoc, bishop, domino or cable at r5 for the "how many hits?!?!" Winter soldier take down.

    Namor, stryfe, colossus, storm and Toad could be interesting too for similar reasons.

    Properly left field is white mags. If you take him for his pre-fight at all regularly, then what better than having him at "full nutty" in case he is needed?

    Personally, Omega... But I'd love to see so many of those at r5.

    Complete aside, who are you using for your third gauntlet run if you're not taking mutants?

    It's not that I don't like playing Mutants-- they used to me my favorite class of champion but have seemingly fallen out of the meta for the most part, and if i'm going to use this extremely pricey rank up gem, I'd want to make sure I was using it on a champ that does great on their own and doesn't need synergies to shine their best. If I used 'cides then I'd certainly pick Omega Red, but I just don't like playing with them and how limiting it makes my roster. I objectively know that Kitty is amazing, but I consistently get wrecked playing with her due to her backdraft intercept style of play, and her reliance on Tigra for all of that unblockable stuff (another champ I'm quite poor at playing!).

    Most likely I'm not going to do a gauntlet run, so I'm not taking that into consideration.
  • thewass1980thewass1980 Member Posts: 151
    SCP1504 said:

    Can you confirm where the gem came from tho, I don't remember hearing about it before?

    I got it from placing 39th overall in the Banquet solo event. I was hoping the 4-5 crystal would land on literally any other class, since I'd already decided on who to choose for the other classes. I also have a mutant R3-R4 rank up gem that I got from the rewards as well. I might end up just waiting to see what MCOC brings in later this year for mutants-- 2022 was a bad year for new mutant champs.
  • thewass1980thewass1980 Member Posts: 151

    Red mags all the way. There are so many #metal tagged champs in this game and R5 would be insane. It would be a no brainier for me. I like AA a lot but there's so many champs that are either bleed or poison immune he wouldn't be as versatile as mags, plus he doesn't get the class penalty against tech champs. Just my two cents

    Magneto is my favorite mutant from the X-Men comics, and indeed he would be ridiculously OP maxed out. But even at R3, he can handle #metal champs just fine, so I think it would be a bit of a waste taking him to R5.
  • thewass1980thewass1980 Member Posts: 151

    Mutants are due a prestige god which should arrive this year…as u said that u aren’t particularly a fan of many of these champs and don’t do bgs competitively so u won’t get much benefit from the rankup. I would recommend holding on to the gem and see if u can get a new mutant arriving this year.

    This is true-- mutants have fallen off the prestige train almost completely now. I watched the roadmap video from Kabam, and my concern is that I'd have to hang onto these gems for at least 6 months. It's not really a problem doing that, but obviously I wanted to R5 someone soon. I'm actually considering taking Havok up because he can be pretty OP and is easy to play, but there are just too many good counters for him these days. If Forge is actually coming to the game this year, he might just be the mutant prestige god (but some people speculate that he'll be classified as tech rather than mutant).
  • MoosetiptronicMoosetiptronic Member Posts: 2,166 ★★★★
    Ha! Another Forge fan 👍😁 I made that comment in the summoner choice vote this year; marrow is pretty niche as a champ and I thought forge should definitely come in. But they'll probably get through all of (many also oft requested) pyro, banshee, blob, warpath, blink, shaw and a whole bunch of "who??" on top, before they get to forge 😟.
  • MackeyMackey Member Posts: 1,597 ★★★★★

    Bumping this in case anyone has any alternative suggestions-- I might just end up doing Kitty and learning her better, but curious what other folks think!

    I'd certainly go for Kitty, you said previously that you're no good at intercepting but you don't need to be really. You've got that phase as a safety net if you do mess up am intercept. Highly recommend taking her up and just learning as you go, she is very easy to use and has a big pay off too
  • LexSaviLexSavi Member Posts: 217
    You could also just go for the big flex rank-up. R5 Weapon X would kind of be like a unicorn. Might be first in game. Plus, if you ever get to playing AW, you’d be nearly universally despised for placing him.
  • thewass1980thewass1980 Member Posts: 151
    LexSavi said:

    You could also just go for the big flex rank-up. R5 Weapon X would kind of be like a unicorn. Might be first in game. Plus, if you ever get to playing AW, you’d be nearly universally despised for placing him.

    Ha.. yeah, I've thought of that as well, especially since he's already at R4 and sig 200. Only problem is that lots more people know how to beat him now that he's in many more players' hands.
  • thewass1980thewass1980 Member Posts: 151
    Mackey said:

    Bumping this in case anyone has any alternative suggestions-- I might just end up doing Kitty and learning her better, but curious what other folks think!

    I'd certainly go for Kitty, you said previously that you're no good at intercepting but you don't need to be really. You've got that phase as a safety net if you do mess up am intercept. Highly recommend taking her up and just learning as you go, she is very easy to use and has a big pay off too
    I've tried learning how to play her. I think my main issue with her is building up and maintaining her prowesses in order to phase. That's how I consistently get wrecked, and therefore rarely even bring her into EQ for the mutant quest.
  • limeade31limeade31 Member Posts: 88

    LexSavi said:

    You could also just go for the big flex rank-up. R5 Weapon X would kind of be like a unicorn. Might be first in game. Plus, if you ever get to playing AW, you’d be nearly universally despised for placing him.

    Ha.. yeah, I've thought of that as well, especially since he's already at R4 and sig 200. Only problem is that lots more people know how to beat him now that he's in many more players' hands.
    I agree, do weapon x for the flex.
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