Thronebreaker Difficulty 3.2



  • Feeney234Feeney234 Member Posts: 1,253 ★★★★

    Who’s genius idea was to design a mystic path with a 50% protection node and various paths like masochism and weakness. These quests are lasting forever with 300k health pools to boot. It’s not enjoyable to spend two hours finishing off a quest in EQ.

    My BWCV and Sorcerer Supreme walked thru every path with ease.
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,350 ★★★★★
    The only upside to the weakness path was healing to full, every time.
  • xTURKISHxxTURKISHx Member Posts: 70
    edited January 2023
    All 7 path in tb 3.2 is cheesed with guillotine..only 2 fights in entire chapter that gave trouble was mephisto and king groot...i used longshot for kg and used a %20 revive for guillotine against mephisto...that was only resource i used in entire chapter....1 revive...i also took white mag for prefight on attuna path...once you get opponent against the wall..soam heavy until fight over..never threw a special attack

    I also took heimdall on team for safety..but guillotine ends every fight with almost full health

    Guillotine, immortal abom, scorpion, heimdall, then 5th champ of your choice..
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