Thronebreaker Difficulty 3.2

Who’s genius idea was to design a mystic path with a 50% protection node and various paths like masochism and weakness. These quests are lasting forever with 300k health pools to boot. It’s not enjoyable to spend two hours finishing off a quest in EQ.
Oh and the decision to take away the cavalier objective With the R4 materials- classic Kabam, amazing
But defeats the purpose of using mystic champs
I used her for that Sentinel y’all are talking about and while it was definitely a long fight, I think it took me about 2:40. Long, but not obscene.
But I hope TB difficulty doesn’t become a mode where I have to rank up specific champs outside of the ones I might already rank just to avoid a lengthy and unenjoyable experience. Not saying SS is the equivalent of, say, ranking Annihilus for BGs, but she’s not often the first mystic to come to mind.
Better design next time would be appreciated.
Dr. Zola
- adds 50% protection scaling with power
- adds 30% stackable weakness
- adds conflictor and masochism
- puts sinister domino killmonger mephisto MS sentinel
fights were taking 3-4 minutes it was horrendous
I think a major reason why is that the nodes don't seem to gel together into a singular whole that's fun to play through. Usually, you get something like "Mystics get bonuses when nullifying buffs" + "Defenders get various buffs depending on path" + "A global node gives them an extra annoying buff", and you can see how this benefits mystic champions. However, this combination of nodes is just "When you gain health or power drain, you get a bonus" (fair enough) + "Gain a stacking Weakness whenever you do two actions of the same type in a row" + "A global node that makes you deal a lot less damage in general".
I don't see a mystic connection to the latter two nodes. If anything, I'm fairly certain that Mole Man or Kingpin would have rinsed that whole path way quicker than my Doom, Diablo or Wiccan ever could. I'm halfway through and every fight has taken around 5 minutes. Even if you play according to the node and do M-L-M or M-H combos, that still just drags the time out. It also isn't a fun playstyle.
Meanwhile, you had another path with Redoubled Determination on it. Which mystic champion besides Diablo relies on poison, bleed or armor breaks for damage? I guess Man-Thing and Symbiote Supreme, perhaps, but I just completely ignored that node as I cleared that path. The only thing that gave me pause was the freaking Mephisto.
I'm not done with this particular quest yet since I'm using my energy for BG as well, but so far, it's really puzzling to me. More than any of the other in TB difficulty.
I generally liked the other quests. Science path with Ibom, Mr Fantastic and power sting synergy made the quest laughable.