Opponents cannot be defeated.

MooseALoose22MooseALoose22 Member Posts: 5
edited January 2023 in Bugs and Known Issues
Magneto (15,509) on Elder’s War, Book 1, Act 5 heals too quickly despite flawless play. Along with Absorbing Man (Boss) on Overture of Evil, Chapter 3, Encore.

Against Magneto I battled with Captain America (4,987) for substantial amount of time, dealing 939 success hits, only 155 hits received. I gave up because I couldn’t get his health below 96%. This is crazy considering my team’s total rating was above the suggested rating for the quest.

I have a video of my play with Captain America against Magneto which I can share.

Additionally, there are glitches with the Elder’s War maps where portions of previously conquered routes appear to be unexplored, including the route with Magneto. The last run of this particular route is shown explored while the rest is unexplored. More significant examples of this have been seen on prior Acts (see image in comment below).


  • MooseALoose22MooseALoose22 Member Posts: 5
  • MooseALoose22MooseALoose22 Member Posts: 5

  • JollyHawkJollyHawk Member Posts: 613 ★★★
    None of the above are bugs.

    Did you read the nodes on Magneto?
  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,656 ★★★★★
    Persistence if nothing else, damn.

    Share your roster, there can be hidden gems of champions you've overlooked that can help
  • TyphoonTyphoon Member Posts: 1,879 ★★★★★
    OG Captain America is one of the first champs in the game and hasn't really been updated (except some VFX) - aka he's a bit obsolete. Plus his damage is doodoo. Magneto has bleed and shock reduction as well.

    You mentioned magneto heals too much - which is a result of the node and not his kit. Have you looked into bring a heal reverse champion such as void, mr. fantastic, etc? Points in despair mastery could help as well.
  • MooseALoose22MooseALoose22 Member Posts: 5
    Here are my other champions. Gamora’s Godslayer handles every other opponent well with her assassination except this Magneto (handles other high rated Magnetos). My Wolverine X-23 (Lvl 60, 5065) was able to stack 4 bleeds on Magneto while also delivering blows again without getting Magneto below 96% Health. I’ve handled all other opponents on this Act and beyond with ease (working on completion), this Magneto just doesn’t make sense.
  • MooseALoose22MooseALoose22 Member Posts: 5

    This Defiance Act 6* (not act 5) has a recommended team rating of 16,050 and my teams rating is 22,886. I just think this particular opponent is too challenging for the rating specifications they’ve provided.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,795 Guardian
    First, (Magneto that Regen's) I think you mean ACT 4-2-6. (ACT 4, Chapter 2, Quest 6)
    And, fyi, in early years, (I believe ?) that Magneto used to Regen 4 times as much (Regen used to be based on overall Health pool of him, including the +300% boost he got), instead of nowadays where it is just off of his Base Health (not multiplied by his Health Boost).

    Use a Heal Block or Reverse Healing champ. Or keep repeating until you can get that node to apply a random Heal Block debuff on him. (I believe that random effect still applies nowadays for that particular Magneto node ?)

    There is also a node later on in 4-3-3 (Juggernaut) that is still beefed up (although again, NOTHING like what he used to be years back with Slashed Tires, Power Gain, Poison, and a +400% Attack/Health).

    And Secondly, all of ACT's 1-4 were revamped, with paths redesigned, etc. semi-recently.
    Unless you had already completed a particular ACT 100%, that Act may have sections that are combinations of completed and not-completed paths in them for you. You will need to explore any paths that still have unfinished sections to them in order to reach 100%.
    Overall length of those Act's are shorter now than before, even if you need to go back over some parts again.
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,839 ★★★★★
    I don’t remember the nodes I’m pretty sure but you can get mags down with starlord if you can keep your combo going. You’ll eventually outdamage the regen.
  • CaptainaidenCaptainaiden Member Posts: 1,179 ★★★★
    Is that node 1% regen? Man you need lot of reading and understanding

    I know you new to this games, but here my advice, first understand your champs/character, 2nd understand the oppo, 3rd understand the node you fighting
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