Are you happy with the new difficulty of this month's EQ (UC and below)?

As an older thread about the difficulty of this month's EQ was closed due to things getting fairly sidetracked, I thought it would be good to do a poll about the difficulty of this month's EQ.
Personally I found it (especially UC) a lot more difficult than previous times (even after the revised tuning) and I am a Cavalier who has been playing from the start of the game and previously used to 100% UC EQ and occasionally do a single run of completion of Cavalier EQ.
Personally I found it (especially UC) a lot more difficult than previous times (even after the revised tuning) and I am a Cavalier who has been playing from the start of the game and previously used to 100% UC EQ and occasionally do a single run of completion of Cavalier EQ.
Are you happy with the new difficulty of this month's EQ (UC and below)? 167 votes
It's not about the new TB EQ (& to a lesser extent Cavalier) which I understand is meant to be challenging those people who are bored at Paragon etc...
I don't play to feel stressed out. I avoid AW because of that and suffer through AQ only because I need to to be in an alliance and to get glory to advance my champs but didn't want to do the same with all the regular monthly quests too.
For some of us it isn't a matter of becoming more skilled with enough time or effort. Some players have disabilities and/or conditions that we may have been using higher rarity/rank champs to compensate for in lower content than we were "supposed to" previously and that is why we don't just advance to the next progression tier but apparently we are now out of luck. Kabam and most on the forums don't bother thinking about us when they make these decisions or just say to practice more.
I understand needing to progress the game and make higher difficulty content like new Story Quests and higher progressions and corresponding difficulties for monthly quests. I don't appreciate having worked to get to a certain level and not be able to continue to do the same content because they increased the difficulty of lower level quests too.
I got Cav and contented myself with doing UC monthly content and am trying to push for TB title since we start to get less rewards as they move progression forward. Monthly content was supposed to allow me to continue to advance my roster to hopefully help with Story content but now some of us are being prevented from doing that too, especially when you throw in all the bugs and input issues in combination with the drastic intentional difficulty increase.
I am not going to be able to advance if I have to drop down from UC 100% every month to maybe only certain months and just getting the rewards from Conqueror and below reliably.
I realize this is a slightly different take on the difficulty increase than applies to most players but given the size of the player base there has to be a decent amount of people with various disabilities playing, especially given the increased conversation in gaming in general towards accessibility and awareness. I never asked for things to be made easier than they were intended to be just to accommodate me before but also wasn't looking for the difficulty to spike without it being a new level of progression either.
A lot of games will allow you to make up for difficulty you have in content level by grinding more/over leveling which is what I did before. That has been undone now by rescaling everything. It would really have been nice if Kabam had given any kind of consideration to how changes like these might affect other types of players.
(Barely get through the path with the 400% Global Attack & Health boost, let alone beat the Absorbing man boss... )
Especially in a game economy where rewards quickly wear off 😉
his rating alone is higher then the max recommended rating, and the team im using is almost 3 times the recommended, I prefer a little bit of a challenge but not as large as one where its almost impossible for m to beat.
I used to autoplay until Uncollected 2.2 and actually start manually fighting in 3.1. Now I can only autoplay Proven.
I’ll be fine with the difficulty increase if the unit rewards will be quintupled at least.
My biggest surprise was how easy is Cav this month other than Baron Zemo and Absorption Man.
I read the forms. I've been playing this game for 9 years and Kabam is still having the same issues. Really,? Kabam Is multi million dollar game and you all can't fix these problems, why? You all need to fire some people..
I'm sure I'm not the only player that has spent a lot of money on this game, just to have the same issues every year, over and over.
This year you all decided to make it harder in the monthly quest because people are not spending enough units in the game play.
People are getting tired of the B.S. GREED is going to be the death of this game!! That's straight out of Seatin's mouth. I agree. I watch all YouTube channels on this game and all the top players are saying the same. I love this game but damn people, your issues make me want to walk away.
Get rid of the seven stars no reason to bring another problem into the game when you can't even fix the main issues. Just more issues in the future.
The paths were actually fun when you have counters (and if cross charges would work correctly). My only issue with Thronebreaker was that Kabam pretty much took the Cav exploration challenge (r4 mats) and rolled it into TB difficulty exploration which was kind of a dirty move. Kabam essentially rolled out an entirely ADDITIONAL difficulty to EQ (more time spent, more energy) for pretty much a smidge better than what we were getting in pre TB. I feel rewards definitely need to be tweaked up a bit.
Now, i truly feel bad for the newer players whom are still progressing and growing their rosters ect who got absolutely SLAPPED with this sudden spike in difficulty for practically nothing extra for them. Those are the ppl who really took the L with this.
And before everyone comes back like "BuT ThEy NerFeD iT"... yeah ok cool. It never should have been touched in the first place!!! Why fix something that aint broke?!
I also do not like that Uncoll and Conqueror are now class based quests and you must have specific class. I usually tried different champs with synergies and so. Now I am going with 4 champs of same class and one of other for boss.
I do not have problem with difficult boss fights but what is really annoying are path nodes. Like Combat Deja Vu - Weakness? Really? I do not have problem in war where it is about 2 fights. But there was 6 fights and if you don't want to play special combinations of combos, which will make the fight even longer, it will make one fight at least 150 hits long with class and path advantage with 5*R5.
To sum it all, it is first time in 4 years that I am thinking about quitting.
Before the change to the difficulty that is now a conqueror i could complete 100% without problems and the uncollected i did with some difficulty at 100%.
Now with the change I am about to finish 100% conqueror with some difficulty and spending some revives, but it is absolutely impossible for me to finish uncollected, in chapter 3.1 I had to use several revives to finish it (only in one path), but 3.2 is impossible, when the boss fills a one power bar and throws the special, he regenerates more than what he loses, my damage is small so from there it is impossible, I looked for tutorials on how to beat him but until today i couldn't.
I really don't know if it's worth spending resources, I didn't even start the secondary mission, and I'm not going to do it.
I hope they change for February, because otherwise, as I put in the other post, I will have no choice but to leave the game, since I will not be able to progress in it and I will stagnate...
Moreover, the game is regularly malfunctioning and is downright unplayable at times, compounding the frustration.
It was incredibly disrespectful to close down the other thread where players were airing their concerns. However, the move wasn't unexpected and is typical of the way Kabam has dealt with pressing issues over the years. In my view, Kabam takes advantage of the fact that the demographic playing the game is largely consisted of young people who lack the experience in how to demand better treatment and are genuinely unaware of their rights if and when things go horribly wrong as they often do with MCOC. I highly doubt Kabam would have the audacity to thumb their noses at their customers if for instance the game was populated with women in their 30s, who often will act as a collective and will confront companies to get them to apologise and change tact when they're shortchanging loyal customers..