Are you happy with the new difficulty of this month's EQ (UC and below)?

D_TD_T Member Posts: 11
As an older thread about the difficulty of this month's EQ was closed due to things getting fairly sidetracked, I thought it would be good to do a poll about the difficulty of this month's EQ.

Personally I found it (especially UC) a lot more difficult than previous times (even after the revised tuning) and I am a Cavalier who has been playing from the start of the game and previously used to 100% UC EQ and occasionally do a single run of completion of Cavalier EQ.

Are you happy with the new difficulty of this month's EQ (UC and below)? 167 votes

Feeney234Leediman39KossukoseCaptainaidenCupidRakeYoungKnightNvrEndingDenzel116SCP1504DylanphileSpadeHunterLegionnaireSpider_RicoOmedennGiuliameijTheGodfather39MasterzxProSirGamesBondspidyjedi84MrSakuragi 28 votes
Crine60SnakeEyes69KeonexADDIS0NbenshbbuffajrzuffyGingerJunoGambl0rheirDEZDeemonbalaBlackfriar63Sundance_2099csexton00ThereticEyeballtat2TigerphilcaptaincushSupermanojQuikPik 109 votes
It's ok, but was better before
TendersquadDrenlinAzKicker316evilKINGwilsonGodrohrRbk19SandeepSBeaneboxHalleyScopeotoe987Chuck_Canuck75OwlkitGardoshThiccAccount69SpecMMarouenSceptilemaniac2Ace2319Superstar_1126mbgibson 27 votes
Other (please post reply to give details)
tusharNairR_jay0027Soyheyor123 3 votes


  • CaptainaidenCaptainaiden Member Posts: 1,185 ★★★★
  • D_TD_T Member Posts: 11
    edited January 2023
    D_T said:

    As an older thread about the difficulty of this month's EQ was closed due to things getting fairly sidetracked, I thought it would be good to do a poll about the difficulty of this month's EQ.

    Personally I found it (especially UC) a lot more difficult than previous times (even after the revised tuning) and I am a Cavalier who has been playing from the start of the game and previously used to 100% UC EQ and occasionally do a single run of completion of Cavalier EQ.

    I meant to edit the original post so it was more clear, but can't. So just to clarify, the poll is about the difficulty levels of the EQ's ranked of UC and below (i.e. Uncollected, Conqueror, Proven and Contender).

    It's not about the new TB EQ (& to a lesser extent Cavalier) which I understand is meant to be challenging those people who are bored at Paragon etc...
  • GiuliameijGiuliameij Member Posts: 1,849 ★★★★
    Since I mostly only do a completion run of all difficulties I don`t really notice any difference.
  • Marvelfan30Marvelfan30 Member Posts: 1,175 ★★★★
    Haven't done it yet bc I'm trying to kick the gms ass but he keeps kicking mine
  • Spurgeon14Spurgeon14 Member Posts: 1,665 ★★★★
    Mostly just chapter 3 bosses, but a little too hard. 100% TB EQ, but had to use some revives, some on Zemo first couple of fights and if/when I messed up vs Absorbing Man. He hit so hard through block I accidentally parried once or twice and died... 😕 I'm a Paragon player with 6 R4s and fairly wide 6* and 5* roster at this point in game. Average skill level, I would say.
  • Viking_St3v3Viking_St3v3 Member Posts: 163 ★★

    Haven't done it yet bc I'm trying to kick the gms ass but he keeps kicking mine

    Same boat here. I will not spend any resources on anything until i get that GM fight done
  • SpaecSpaec Member Posts: 16
    Bosses are way overtuned, uncollected difficulty absorbing man hits about as hard as act 7 bosses, so it's an easy choice to skip this.
  • ValrozValroz Member Posts: 218 ★★★
    Absolutely not.

    I used to autoplay until Uncollected 2.2 and actually start manually fighting in 3.1. Now I can only autoplay Proven.

    I’ll be fine with the difficulty increase if the unit rewards will be quintupled at least.
  • TheBeast996TheBeast996 Member Posts: 15
    It's ok, but was better before
    To be honest the only struggle for me are Baron Zemo and Absorption Man in UC. Those are way too OP for the difficulty level. Other than that I don't have any problems. Auto play is great but not a determinating factor for me.

    My biggest surprise was how easy is Cav this month other than Baron Zemo and Absorption Man.
  • JefechutaJefechuta Member Posts: 1,228 ★★★★★
    I used to complete every difficulty and explore the hardest one, since you had to waste more time for the same rewards I just ignored this EQ completely, ill probably complete the hardest one and maybe explore if i have enough energy but nothing else
  • tusharNairtusharNair Member Posts: 290 ★★
    Other (please post reply to give details)
    D_T said:

    As an older thread about the difficulty of this month's EQ was closed due to things getting fairly sidetracked, I thought it would be good to do a poll about the difficulty of this month's EQ.

    Personally I found it (especially UC) a lot more difficult than previous times (even after the revised tuning) and I am a Cavalier who has been playing from the start of the game and previously used to 100% UC EQ and occasionally do a single run of completion of Cavalier EQ.

    keep same difficulties...bring back r4 rewards in cav eq objectives and update the rewards/difficulties every year as per ongoing meta
  • Feeney234Feeney234 Member Posts: 1,253 ★★★★
    edited January 2023
    Thronebreaker wasnt bad. In terms of difficulty, i only had issues with the Zemo and Absorbing Man, but thats mainly because i suck lol.

    The paths were actually fun when you have counters (and if cross charges would work correctly). My only issue with Thronebreaker was that Kabam pretty much took the Cav exploration challenge (r4 mats) and rolled it into TB difficulty exploration which was kind of a dirty move. Kabam essentially rolled out an entirely ADDITIONAL difficulty to EQ (more time spent, more energy) for pretty much a smidge better than what we were getting in pre TB. I feel rewards definitely need to be tweaked up a bit.

    Now, i truly feel bad for the newer players whom are still progressing and growing their rosters ect who got absolutely SLAPPED with this sudden spike in difficulty for practically nothing extra for them. Those are the ppl who really took the L with this.

    And before everyone comes back like "BuT ThEy NerFeD iT"... yeah ok cool. It never should have been touched in the first place!!! Why fix something that aint broke?!
  • FrostGiantLordFrostGiantLord Member Posts: 2,200 ★★★★
    Absolutely horrible. Just horrible. They messed up the whole EQ this month. We need to put up with a difficulty increase, and get no better rewards. Honestly, the only thing worse than this is adding Spider Punk to the game
  • marce2128marce2128 Member Posts: 8
    edited January 2023
    Hello, my experience with the new difficulty is bad.
    Before the change to the difficulty that is now a conqueror i could complete 100% without problems and the uncollected i did with some difficulty at 100%.
    Now with the change I am about to finish 100% conqueror with some difficulty and spending some revives, but it is absolutely impossible for me to finish uncollected, in chapter 3.1 I had to use several revives to finish it (only in one path), but 3.2 is impossible, when the boss fills a one power bar and throws the special, he regenerates more than what he loses, my damage is small so from there it is impossible, I looked for tutorials on how to beat him but until today i couldn't.
    I really don't know if it's worth spending resources, I didn't even start the secondary mission, and I'm not going to do it.
    I hope they change for February, because otherwise, as I put in the other post, I will have no choice but to leave the game, since I will not be able to progress in it and I will stagnate...
  • Sundance_2099Sundance_2099 Member Posts: 3,639 ★★★★★
    Hope to hell February has a 50% nerf on Contender and Proven because even nerfed they are still too high. If not, I think I will be doing Contender for the story and playing Incursions and arena the rest of the month.
  • PascalGambitPascalGambit Member Posts: 47
    I began doing the Uncollected difficulty but gave up after doing a couple of paths in chapter one. It's taking much longer than the previous iteration and I refuse to put in more time for reduced rewards - why has the iso per completed path been reduced so substantially? I don't recall any announcements of a reduction and there's been no response to the queries raised.

    Moreover, the game is regularly malfunctioning and is downright unplayable at times, compounding the frustration.

    It was incredibly disrespectful to close down the other thread where players were airing their concerns. However, the move wasn't unexpected and is typical of the way Kabam has dealt with pressing issues over the years. In my view, Kabam takes advantage of the fact that the demographic playing the game is largely consisted of young people who lack the experience in how to demand better treatment and are genuinely unaware of their rights if and when things go horribly wrong as they often do with MCOC. I highly doubt Kabam would have the audacity to thumb their noses at their customers if for instance the game was populated with women in their 30s, who often will act as a collective and will confront companies to get them to apologise and change tact when they're shortchanging loyal customers..
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