“War is too easy”

I’d love for people to stop complaining about war and how BS is turning out to be. I bet they are the same ones who said that war was too easy. I give kudos to Kabam for showing a lesson to people who think that know better than the own creators of the game. I’d love for Kabam to increase the rewards however because it is really clear that we need to use items at times to win. Because if you think about it when Kabam introduced the new revamped war map and scoring everyone and their mom complained,a few updates later now, they still are (I’m using “they” because I never complained I just rolled with the punches and accepted the fact that war was different). Kabam will still increase the difficulty of war by making the nodes more “interactive” if you will. However we will be doing triple the work compared to what we did the very first time war changed yet receiving the same rewards. It is ironically unbelievable how those that complained just made it harder on themselves while receiving the same payout. Good job everyone
You don’t have to 100% you know?
That was the point of the increased Nodes.
We got more defender kills than them 55-49, both got 3 boss kills but we got 100% and they only got 99%
Now I know that not being fully diverse is our fault and we need to work on it but it shouldn't decide a war.
Skill should decide a war and our opponents needing to revive and one of our bosses getting 12 kills is not skill
To be honest, if Defender Kills count for nothing and you're paying attention to those instead of Diversity, it's a preventable Loss. It takes skill to finish a Map. The difference is no one is penalized for dying.
1. It changed the focus of Wars and became the single focus of metrics.
2. The game is changing and will only amplify that in the future.
3. People are spending hard-earned and purchased Resources to increase their chance of losing.
4. War is not about dying the least. It's about working together as an Ally.
5. It discouraged Players from making an effort and progressing.
6. No reasonable game would penalize Players for making purchases.
7. It created a very minimal focus on a select few number of Champs, hence Diversity.
8. It created a separation between Players that was never really intended. "Skill" is what it's been labeled.
9. Trying should never be a nail in the coffin.
10. Relying on Defender Kills is not skill at all.
Shall I continue?
LOL when has a war ever not being about dying the least. Literal wars are mostly won by the side that died the least.
That's exactly the point. This isn't something that has been the case from the onset. It became a larger problem as newer Champs were released, and gained more Kills. These changes were after almost 2 years of the game evolving and growing. It was never meant to be about Defender Kills alone.
that doesn't change the fact that dying less should be rewarded..
There's a difference between reward and penalty.
What the hell are you talking about? Are you 8?
War being BS and being too easy are not mutually exclusive, you know. And because I’m not a chief, so I cannot comment on steak, lol?
To be fair, Defender kills and diversity are mutually exclusive, so Kabam chose the latter one over the former. That way, war is predetermined even before it starts. Well, top alliances only have to share def rating, then we don’t even have to fight the war. So yes, it’s BS format.
And best alliances know how to win either way. It’s just a lot less fun, so we complain. What’s wrong with that?
1. No it didn't. Defender kills could make the difference (the "tie-breaker" that Kabam is struggling so much to implement satisfactorily in the new system), but wars were mostly decided by boss clears/exploration. It was not routine for alliances to clear all 3 bosses in the way it is now, and wars were frequently winnable without doing so.
2. This is just a bunch of words, which don't actually make a point. "The game is changing", so what? "will only amplify", so what? You're not making a cogent argument here.
3. Using resources only increased your chance of losing if you failed to use them strategically. Champ on low health? Heal up before the next fight. Your team is KO'd? Don't just use repeatedly level 1 revives. People used resources when they felt the potential gain out-weighed the risk. If you're advocating a system where those who are prepared to invest the most resources win, then we may as well forego the actual fighting and simply each put up our maximum amount of units (or loyalty, or glory, or whatever other indirectly connected currency you wish to use).
4. I can agree that war is certainly not about dying the least now. But in relation to the old system; that is your opinion, not fact- presenting it as such is misleading and dishonest.
5. Again, this is a very ambiguous statement. Progression in what regard? What sort of effort? Let's assume you're referring to the much touted scenario of KO-ing and declining to revive because you do not think you can beat the champ. There are a number of solutions here.
A) Get better. Practise against that champ (in story, in duels) so that next time you are capable of beating them.
C) Ask your alliance for back up. Sometimes it helps to have an ally help you out. If war is really about working together, then this should be a legitimate option- currently, as alliances are expected to clear 100% of the map, this is actually discouraged.
Being unable to beat a champ on a single occassion should not (in my opinion) necessitate a complete change in the system. Otherwise the would be no limiting content, and everyone would be able to complete everything in the game.
6. OK... but as I've already covered, using resources (i.e. making purchases) does not necessarily result in penalities. And with the addition of glory, an increase in consumed resources may not result in an increase in actual monetary purchases.
7. Diversity has already been forced (artifically) in the new system, so this isn't relevant.
8. Your evidence for this is what? You have no knowledge of what Kabam "intended". Besides, you're essentially suggesting that wins/losses should be decided on factors other than the ability to kill opposing champs without dying (which you resentingly term "skill"- to me, that seems to be a fairly good definition).
9. Regeneration penalises players (e.g. Maestro in Act 4) for trying unsuccesfully. Are you saying that this is also unfair? The concept of risk-reward is inherent in most games.
10. Limiting the defender kills of the other alliance is the skilled part. If both are equally skilled, neither will get defender kills. It is about the ratio.
Please do continue- in my view, you've completely failed to construct a convincing argument.
That girl want to work for kabam.... So she is writing in the favor of kabam... I am sure, whatever she do..... Kabam never hire.....her..
Stop enough..... When u can't understand anything don't post it... Fake mod...
Whilst I understand what you're saying, I'm trying to refute the actual arguments put forward rather than say anything about the personalities of those involved.
So they took away defender kills because they thought that was discouraging people from trying, then introduced nodes to prevent people from progressing ? That makes no sense, it's a contradiction in itself and further proof that they wanted to increase revenue.
What exactly are the objectives ? They don't want people to not try fighting a node and giving away defender kills and now at the same time we are not supposed to finish maps and give away exploration and attacker kills ? Someone explain that to me.
Our alliance wars still almost always end with 100%/100%. Max diversity on both sides. Defender rating deciding the outcome by a few hundred points or less. Us with 100+ defender kills and our opponent with 70 - 80 defender kills.
Need points for defender kills to make skill matter - not harder nodes.
I agree with you, except that we tried the tough defense strategy a couple wars ago and it didn't work. The outcome was both alliances had 100% complete, we had 186 defender kills and they had 71 defender kills. we lost because of diversity even with a max diffcilut defense because all you have to do is spend to overcome it.
Depends what tier you're in, which paths you're taking, and which champs ur facing on certain nodes. There are now some paths in Tier 1 that people routinely get stuck on and require backup. We won the most recent AW with all 3 of their BGs not being able to clear a certain key node.