12 Champ Crystal should be free

Sorry but this should be free, not $1. You are giving everyone access to a god tier 4* champ, but many of your base are free to play players and even though it’s a great price they’d have to compromise their standards to buy it. It feels a lot like “if everyone gives us a dollar we’ll reach our end of year goal!” tactic.
I personally don’t need a god tier 4* with where my roster is now and have spent occasionally, so this isn’t about me. But I see nothing wrong with giving everyone this crystal for free so some newer players can catch up, esp. since 5*s are the future. Just my two cents. Feels cheap to encourage us to get to 1 million likes and then the reward is pay a dollar to play/be part of this campaign. People who spend can spend, but this should be free appreciation of your player base.
I personally don’t need a god tier 4* with where my roster is now and have spent occasionally, so this isn’t about me. But I see nothing wrong with giving everyone this crystal for free so some newer players can catch up, esp. since 5*s are the future. Just my two cents. Feels cheap to encourage us to get to 1 million likes and then the reward is pay a dollar to play/be part of this campaign. People who spend can spend, but this should be free appreciation of your player base.
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Money isn't the problem, the problem is using the money in the game. Selling the crystal for something like 200 units (5/6x times more expensive than a 1$ crystal) would be more efficient.
Not every Promotion will be free. A dollar is not at all unreasonable. It's a 4*. The last time we voted, it was a 3*, and it was free. At the end of the day, it's still a business.
If every player gave them a dollar, that would be about a day of their average revenue.
The point to specials like this is, in fact, to "compromise their standards." They are trying to convert free to play players into paying customers. It is similar in strategy to stores having sales. Often the sales actually cost the store money by cutting or even completely eliminating the profit on those items (sometimes they are sold at a loss, so-called "loss-leaders). Why do it? Because if they can convince you to come to the store and spend money, they hope they will convince you to spend more money on other things while you are there.
Specials like this are often the same idea. No one that owns a smartphone cannot afford a dollar. If you can't afford a dollar, you can't afford to charge your smartphone with electricity. But the vast majority of F2P game players don't spend any money at all. There is a mental threshold for many people between spending zero dollars and spending a lot of dollars. If they can convince you to spend a buck today, it is way easier to convince you to spend two bucks next week, and ten bucks next month.
The actual money raised is relatively tiny, and not the point to a teaser offer. It is good value, deliberately so because the point is to attract new *paying* customers from the pool of free players. Which is entirely their right to do. In fact I think it is more than fair to use offers like this to attract new customers, because at least they represent extremely good value.
For once, I think if they give out this offer, it's very attainable and good value.
A god tier 4* champ for $1 .. it's easily one of the best offer from Kabam.
and I will tell you a secret .. if you're F2P .. you don't have to buy it .. simple as that .. it's not like you're doing quests or harder content and rewards are **** .. it's an offer, just like any other offers they put out .. and it's optional ..
I can't simply spend money due to a variety of reasons, and I'm sure that every free2play player thinks the same.
I could be "okay" if this was a high-value offer, but it's only 1$ which means that money isn't the main goal of this offer. For that price in the scenario they are using it is basically a gift.
Selling this crystal for units is more fair since every player can get it.
And to say I pay for phone and data is different than pulling out the credit card for the video game.
It seems silly that you don't think anyone should be allowed to buy something just because you can't. If you can't afford $1, then you simply don't get to have this. I'm sure there will other offers for just units coming up, but I don't blame them for trying to get people's credit cards on file either.
Is not just a dollar. The concept they decided to use to introduce this offer at this price is stupid.
Get likes in the facebook page --> Unlock rewards. However you still need to pay to unlock the reward ... So the facebook thing is just to disguise the reason for the offer (which is not even an offer, is basically a gift that we need to pay for it)
I would buy the crystal for 10x times the amount of units that they are currently planning on selling it, but I can't buy it for a dollar.
Then don't
You might not like it, but it is not stupid. The whole point of marketing campaigns is to engage the potential audience. The more you engage the audience, the more likely it is you will continue to retain their attention. This is a fundamental principle of marketing.
Back in the day, marketeers used to send out ads containing special offers for certain products, like magazines. They used to make the ad as simple as possible under the principle of least friction: make it as easy as possible for the potential consumer to engage with you and you will get the most potential customers. One day someone got the idea to actually *increase* the work involved: instead of just sending a card back, you had to peel stickers from the things you wanted and paste them onto a card. Sometimes you had to find and attach a special offer sticker as well that did basically nothing. This increased the amount of work people had to do to claim the offers. And yet, the amount of response they got dramatically increased. By engaging the audience, making them actually do things and invest time with you, you increased the odds they would actually continue putting effort in and actually responding to you. You might or might not send that card in. But if you spent time reading offers and peeling stickers, you were far more likely to decide since you did all that work, you should get something for it.
I've said this many times, but it is always worth repeating. The point to all of this is engagement. The more involved your customer base is, the more involved they will likely remain. You want them to do something to unlock the offer, because you have engaged your customer base. You want them to spend money, even if it is a single dollar, because it overcomes the psychological hump of spending money on a game. It converts free players into paying customers.
Engagement and conversion are the basis of the F2P industry. And like it or not, it is an incredibly effective business strategy. It is very smart.
If you want to stand on your principle of not paying for a game you could play for free, that's fine. But you cannot ask a company to specifically honor that principle by always allowing everything to be free. They are going to dangle things in front of you constantly trying to convert you into a paying customer. That's the deal you make with F2P companies. You get to play for free and they get to tempt you into spending money. The moment you think it is stupid or unfair for them to offer things for money because you don't want to spend money, you're essentially reneging on that deal.
Play free , Be happy 😃
1. considering that brian grant has completed labyrinth 100%, i'm pretty sure he's not running any risk of missing out on "key" champions to complete content.
2. that's his choice and anybody else's choice to "miss out" on this if they don't want to spend $1.
It would be better. It is explicitly not intended to be better.
The whole point of Brian Grant not spending on the game is not that he is opposed to spending money on games. It is apparently to see how far he could get not spending. In fact, it isn't even about money. Brian Grant also refuses in-game gifts which would cost him zero dollars. He knows this means his experience will be fundamentally different from any player that gets gifts and spends money.
I'm sure that at no time does Brian Grant explicitly wish for things to cost money so he can't buy them. But I'm also sure he understands that the whole point of not spending money is that his account will not be able to take advantage of offers like this. I'm not explicitly worried about him.
As to others that want to remain F2P, that's their choice. But that choice has consequences, and being unable to buy something for a dollar is one of those consequences.
Lots of things are acquirable by F2P players. In fact, some of the very best things are: OG Vision, for example, was acquirable using only units both times he came up. But some things, like say Red Deadpool, aren't. This one isn't. Some things won't be. In fact, in the general case most offers cannot be targeted to or acquirable by F2P players for the game to survive.
This offer isn't available yet, but should he upcoming in like a Month or whatever