12 Champ Crystal should be free



  • mum_m2mum_m2 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★
    edited November 2017
    So funny, this reminds me of Columbia House when the gave away CD's for a penny. It's like they are giving these things away. It's literally the cost of a candy bar. Fork it up or go run a paper route.
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    You're mistaking "can't" for "won't". It isn't hard to get iTunes/Google Play cards or rewards to pay for a $1 crystal. If you choose not to do that then you shouldn't complain about the deal.
  • klobberintymeklobberintyme Member Posts: 1,688 ★★★★
    Fun fact 1: you can tack up to a $20 charge to purchase kabam e-currency (units) onto your phone bill. So, 1 dollar is no ish.
    Fun fact 2: joan of arc was purportedly burned alive for her unyielding belief in her principles. Which may or may not have included not wanting to pay anything to get rewards from a f2p mobile game.
  • ImranImran Member Posts: 587 ★★★
    Kabam overpriced everything. But this offer good offer. I saw before they sell 3★ for 4$. I want to buy this offer while available. But I don't have a credit card, master card etc lol.
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    I can see that you just can't understand that the way this "gift" is being "sold" doesn't make sense in this occasion. Also you can't understand the frustation that the free2play players are having with this "gift".
    I already said everything I needed to. There is nothing more to explain. Now I'll just wait for a mod to read this and maybe pass this to the team.
  • QwertyQwerty Member Posts: 636 ★★★
    eXtripa69 wrote: »
    I can see that you just can't understand that the way this "gift" is being "sold" doesn't make sense in this occasion. Also you can't understand the frustation that the free2play players are having with this "gift".
    I already said everything I needed to. There is nothing more to explain. Now I'll just wait for a mod to read this and maybe pass this to the team.

    i don't understand this hard stance.

    there are 2 reasons why a F2P player can't/won't buy the crystal
    1. against their principles as a F2P player
    2. they have no acceptable medium to buy this offer with.

    can't do anything about #1 since this is a decision from the player, but there are multiple suggestions to solve #2.

    in either case, the choice is up to the player.

    also, where does kabam call this crystal a gift? in both the announcement and the in game message they just say they're adding a $1 crystal.
  • Jwallace25Jwallace25 Member Posts: 481 ★★★
    Qwerty wrote: »
    eXtripa69 wrote: »
    I can see that you just can't understand that the way this "gift" is being "sold" doesn't make sense in this occasion. Also you can't understand the frustation that the free2play players are having with this "gift".
    I already said everything I needed to. There is nothing more to explain. Now I'll just wait for a mod to read this and maybe pass this to the team.

    i don't understand this hard stance.

    there are 2 reasons why a F2P player can't/won't buy the crystal
    1. against their principles as a F2P player
    2. they have no acceptable medium to buy this offer with.

    can't do anything about #1 since this is a decision from the player, but there are multiple suggestions to solve #2.

    in either case, the choice is up to the player.

    also, where does kabam call this crystal a gift? in both the announcement and the in game message they just say they're adding a $1 crystal.

    Exactly. The crystal isn't even out yet, so for those that do not have $1, you have a head start to go ahead and start saving up until you can accumulate your dollar. Options include, but are not limited to:

    Selling unwanted junk
    Washing cars
    Walk around collecting coins
    Begging for money
    Performing jingles on the street
    Shining shoes
    Yard work for neighbors
    Filling out surveys online

    It's really up to you which method(s) you prefer, but if you start now, you should have earned a dollar by the time the special offer rolls out.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,453 Guardian
    eXtripa69 wrote: »
    I can see that you just can't understand that the way this "gift" is being "sold" doesn't make sense in this occasion. Also you can't understand the frustation that the free2play players are having with this "gift".
    I already said everything I needed to. There is nothing more to explain. Now I'll just wait for a mod to read this and maybe pass this to the team.

    Why do you keep implying that Kabam is calling this a gift, and then arguing that it is not a gift, when Kabam isn't calling it a gift? That's a strawman argument. Kabam says:
    Choose which Champions you’d like included in a special summoners choice crystal!

    We’ll be running some special polls very soon, in which we’ll ask all of you to choose the 2 Best Champions of each class! Then, we’ll add a 4-Star Version of the Top 12 (2 of each class) into a special crystal that will be available for only $1 USD!

    Here's another "gift" that is being "sold" that doesn't make sense because of all the "work" you have to do to get the "gift"
    The Million Made Arena

    We’ll run a special 7-Day, 1-Star and 2-Star Champion arena, with lots of 5-Star Shards in the Milestone Rewards! Can you make it to 1 million points and score yourself 10,000 5-Star Shards?

    We’ll be upping the points awarded from 1-Star and 2-Star Champions for this special arena, and it will take approximately 500 fights to collect all of the Milestones. Not able to hit all of them? Don’t worry! The 10,000 Shards are spread among all of the Milestones. Collect what you can!

    Why do I have to grind arena for this "gift" when they could just hand the shards to me. It is not a "gift" if I have to "work" for it.

    Except neither of these things are gifts. They are special offers and events.
  • LoPrestiLoPresti Member Posts: 1,035 ★★★
    edited November 2017
    I'm f2p on my second account, but I'm buying this deal for sure. Screw morals. I don't understand what the big deal is. Just buy it and pretend like you're still f2p to your buddies. It's just a dollar.
  • TempestTempest Member Posts: 295
    I agree with OP. I don't think a dollar is a big deal, I would gladly pay it and I've paid more for less. However, I'm thinking of the players who don't spend for whatever reason... Maybe they are students and don't have a credit card.. Maybe they don't want to connect their payment to their phones because it's too much trouble or they don't want their kids who use their devices to buy other stuff, whatever..

    Those people now have to set up payment? Or will they just say, " Hey Jim, can you just buy it for me so I don't have to sort this out?" Oh wait, can't do that, account sharing.. Even if it's $1..
  • CapWW2CapWW2 Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
    eXtripa69 wrote: »
    Again ... free2play players "can't" spend a dollar, even if they have it and want to do it. I would happily pay 10x times the amount of units they are planning on release it. Even if it was 1 cent, players wouldn't be able to buy it.
    If this isn't happening at least increase the cost of it since this is a false gift.

    Lmao 😂 no one is forcing you to buy a thing bro. You are not willing to buy the offer? DONT DO IT. Get over it. Just because you want everything free? Move on sir. Spend the dollar or keep playing for free.

    Stop complaining!!!
  • AshtontonicAshtontonic Member Posts: 63
    Tempest wrote: »
    I agree with OP. I don't think a dollar is a big deal, I would gladly pay it and I've paid more for less. However, I'm thinking of the players who don't spend for whatever reason... Maybe they are students and don't have a credit card.. Maybe they don't want to connect their payment to their phones because it's too much trouble or they don't want their kids who use their devices to buy other stuff, whatever..

    Those people now have to set up payment? Or will they just say, " Hey Jim, can you just buy it for me so I don't have to sort this out?" Oh wait, can't do that, account sharing.. Even if it's $1..

    its more on the not to spend principal, and if kabam wants to get free likes, at least they should show us that they are grateful of boosting 250k likes in 2 wks times, its totally a free likes campaign + a cheap sale.

    Furthermore like others mentioned, a 5* will be more appropriate instead of a 4* as soon or later whether we agree or disagree, a 4* value will be just like a 3* in future...
  • MarkxMarkx Member Posts: 209
    edited November 2017
    For petes sake people its 1 dollar there's no way you can't spend 1 dollar on a mobile game and no one is gonna blame a f2p player for spending 1 dollar on something that's worth it.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,453 Guardian
    Markx wrote: »
    For petes sake people its 1 dollar there's no way you can't spend 1 dollar on a mobile game and no one is gonna blame a f2p player for spending 1 dollar on something that's worth it.

    I fully respect someone's decision not to spend money on principle on a mobile game. Perhaps they believe you shouldn't spend money on virtual items. Perhaps they realize it is a slippery slope they don't want to test themselves with, and the first dollar is the gateway to more dollars. Whatever the reason, if you don't want to spend money, you shouldn't be bulllied into spending just because it is "just a dollar."

    But by the same token, the world doesn't revolve around those spending beliefs. The game runs on spenders, and many things will require cash to acquire. Not a cash equivalent like units, but actual money. The players playing for free are subsidized by the players that pay, simple as that. I respect the free to play philosophy, but I also recognize it only exists because the non-free to play players buy them that privilege.
  • Nemesis666Nemesis666 Member Posts: 186
    I don't need anymore 4* I want 5* but for a dollar crystal I'll buy 20
  • Monstermatt1272Monstermatt1272 Member Posts: 14
    eXtripa69 wrote: »
    Wow, just wow... complaining over a dollar

    Is not just a dollar. The concept they decided to use to introduce this offer at this price is stupid.
    Get likes in the facebook page --> Unlock rewards. However you still need to pay to unlock the reward ... So the facebook thing is just to disguise the reason for the offer (which is not even an offer, is basically a gift that we need to pay for it)
    I would buy the crystal for 10x times the amount of units that they are currently planning on selling it, but I can't buy it for a dollar.

    Honestly, your making a way bigger deal out of this than you need to, Kabam is promoting their game, while still trying to make money off of it, big deal. If there wasn't people spending money there would be no MCoC. I got to admit, i've spent a very little amount of money on this game, but if I was asked to put in a little, I would do it. This game has given me potentially 1000 hours of joy, why not support them, its only a dollar.
  • PiviotPiviot Member Posts: 658 ★★★
    Imran wrote: »
    Kabam overpriced everything. But this offer good offer. I saw before they sell 3★ for 4$. I want to buy this offer while available. But I don't have a credit card, master card etc lol.

    Go to miejers go to there gift card section and look for iTunes or google pay or whatever your phone uses
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Codornas wrote: »
    Thank you!

    Well after reading that, i think kabam rocked this one. Ive been looking for a way to get unique 2* for a while now, just hope those crystals cost units, not money.

    And regarding the 4*. I dont think 1 dollar should be a problem, in fact they are being very generous. Gotta give credit when it's due.

    The poll is on the 20th this month correct?
    I d go with the ones i dont have or have undupped

    Iceman and Cable
    Blade and Kingpin
    Quake and Luke Cage
    Mephisto and Hood
    Medusa and Angela
    Stark Spidey and Green Goblin

    Come on bro you can't vote for Luke Cage lol. Sorry you don't have him duped, but seriously.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    All kabam want is money

    I wish people would get that if Kabam doesn't make money we don't have a game. What's fantastic is that you really can be free2play and reach the highest levels. It takes more time and/or grind but it can be done. But the minute the game isn't profitable it ceases to exist.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,975 ★★★★★
    eXtripa69 wrote: »
    Wow, just wow... complaining over a dollar

    Is not just a dollar. The concept they decided to use to introduce this offer at this price is stupid.
    Get likes in the facebook page --> Unlock rewards. However you still need to pay to unlock the reward ... So the facebook thing is just to disguise the reason for the offer (which is not even an offer, is basically a gift that we need to pay for it)
    I would buy the crystal for 10x times the amount of units that they are currently planning on selling it, but I can't buy it for a dollar.

    I am not disagreeing with you but can your please clarify "can't" or "won't"?
    Gifts cards can be used if it's a credit card thing. If it is just personal principle or gambling conviction or something else then occasionally you may have to resolve to not have access to all rewards and I commend you on your convictions.
    As others said, maybe this is their way of rewarding paying players and making it available to those who don't pay too.
    Kabam has not been known for good offers for awhile, so tactic or not, I say we encourage it. We still have a choice either way.

    Have to agree with this. I can understand if people can't make purchases for whatever reason, but if they won't on principle then there's not much that can be said. It's a dollar. If they want the Crystal, they'll have to buy it. If not, there's not much to say.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    eXtripa69 wrote: »
    Wow, just wow... complaining over a dollar

    Is not just a dollar. The concept they decided to use to introduce this offer at this price is stupid.
    Get likes in the facebook page --> Unlock rewards. However you still need to pay to unlock the reward ... So the facebook thing is just to disguise the reason for the offer (which is not even an offer, is basically a gift that we need to pay for it)
    I would buy the crystal for 10x times the amount of units that they are currently planning on selling it, but I can't buy it for a dollar.

    I am not disagreeing with you but can your please clarify "can't" or "won't"?
    Gifts cards can be used if it's a credit card thing. If it is just personal principle or gambling conviction or something else then occasionally you may have to resolve to not have access to all rewards and I commend you on your convictions.
    As others said, maybe this is their way of rewarding paying players and making it available to those who don't pay too.
    Kabam has not been known for good offers for awhile, so tactic or not, I say we encourage it. We still have a choice either way.

    Have to agree with this. I can understand if people can't make purchases for whatever reason, but if they won't on principle then there's not much that can be said. It's a dollar. If they want the Crystal, they'll have to buy it. If not, there's not much to say.

    @GroundedWisdom I had to respond to this because I agree with you! That doesn't happen every day so just thought I'd make it official.
  • CoderKnight69CoderKnight69 Member Posts: 53
    eXtripa69 wrote: »
    Come on guys..you don't need to spend that 1$ from ya pocket...just dwnld Google Opinion Rewards and get a dolla in minutes...

    It would still be f2p as you haven't spent from your wallet,right??

    That's not even an option since that app isn't even compatible with some devices, including mine

    There are litetrally thousands of apps on google play which can give you a dollar gc for doing small,simple jobs such as installing apps,leaving reviews etc.Idk bout appstore,might there be too such apps.

    Pls at least try googling before complaining...google opinion rewards was just a example for you :)
  • TypoKnigTypoKnig Member Posts: 5
    Of all the offers to complain about this isn’t one of them in my opinion.
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    eXtripa69 wrote: »
    Come on guys..you don't need to spend that 1$ from ya pocket...just dwnld Google Opinion Rewards and get a dolla in minutes...

    It would still be f2p as you haven't spent from your wallet,right??

    That's not even an option since that app isn't even compatible with some devices, including mine

    There are litetrally thousands of apps on google play which can give you a dollar gc for doing small,simple jobs such as installing apps,leaving reviews etc.Idk bout appstore,might there be too such apps.

    Pls at least try googling before complaining...google opinion rewards was just a example for you :)

    As stated before, none of those apps work or is not compatible with some devices. So that's not an option
  • ContestOfNoobsContestOfNoobs Member Posts: 2,131 ★★★★★
    Jwallace25 wrote: »
    Qwerty wrote: »
    eXtripa69 wrote: »
    I can see that you just can't understand that the way this "gift" is being "sold" doesn't make sense in this occasion. Also you can't understand the frustation that the free2play players are having with this "gift".
    I already said everything I needed to. There is nothing more to explain. Now I'll just wait for a mod to read this and maybe pass this to the team.

    i don't understand this hard stance.

    there are 2 reasons why a F2P player can't/won't buy the crystal
    1. against their principles as a F2P player
    2. they have no acceptable medium to buy this offer with.

    can't do anything about #1 since this is a decision from the player, but there are multiple suggestions to solve #2.

    in either case, the choice is up to the player.

    also, where does kabam call this crystal a gift? in both the announcement and the in game message they just say they're adding a $1 crystal.

    Exactly. The crystal isn't even out yet, so for those that do not have $1, you have a head start to go ahead and start saving up until you can accumulate your dollar. Options include, but are not limited to:

    Selling unwanted junk
    Washing cars
    Walk around collecting coins
    Begging for money
    Performing jingles on the street
    Shining shoes
    Yard work for neighbors
    Filling out surveys online

    It's really up to you which method(s) you prefer, but if you start now, you should have earned a dollar by the time the special offer rolls out.
    dont know people these days are free to life play?

    come on man 1$? 1$ IS HARD WORK THESE days.

    u could use that 1$ to upgrade ur soda from small to xl
    or get another 1$ value item from mcdonalds
  • DL864DL864 Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★
    eXtripa69 wrote: »
    I can't simply spend money due to a variety of reasons

    I can't spend cause I don't have a credit card,Only a debit card.
    Yep,I know,I'm living under an old rock.

    LOL. What kind of debt card do you have? All major banks debt cards can be used as debt or credit. I don’t have a cc but can spend with iTunes.
  • Itinho2107Itinho2107 Member Posts: 69
    Take the dollar I do not have now and give to the hungry around the world. Victims of hurricanes, war and famine. And I will be one of those who will give five dollars to Kabam.
  • charaderdude2charaderdude2 Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★
    DL864 wrote: »
    eXtripa69 wrote: »
    I can't simply spend money due to a variety of reasons

    I can't spend cause I don't have a credit card,Only a debit card.
    Yep,I know,I'm living under an old rock.

    LOL. What kind of debt card do you have? All major banks debt cards can be used as debt or credit. I don’t have a cc but can spend with iTunes.

    I'm saying,I can't make transactions with a debit card in Google play,Also,I'm in India.
    That problem would be solved pretty soon,but,I think I'll remain f2p anyway.
  • Draco2199Draco2199 Member Posts: 803 ★★★
    edited November 2017
    It's a dollar. Lol.

    It's the principle, are you offering to buy everyone who can't afford it the offer? If not then please don't be rude, just because you can afford a dollar doesn't mean everyone can. That's a very insensitive statement.
This discussion has been closed.