Kabam, what’s wrong with your battlegrounds matchmaking?

I have 6 rank 4 champs. I deal players with 10+ rank 4 champs. It doesn’t look like a normal system. It’s quite disappointing to do such matches. This way you can’t move anywhere.

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The matchmaking cannot be tailored to give everyone "fair" fights, just fights against people in whatever tier they are in. It's a competition.
The biggest mistake Kabam made was making such a ridiculous matchmaking system in previous seasons that gave lower players an easier path to high BG rewards. This motivated many from avoiding rankups while making lower accounts feel entitled to thinking they have to get matchups with those similar in size to their roster despite going for same rewards as those with far stronger rosters.
Why you want matches with the exact similar deck?
What’s the point of even ranking up champs if you would always face same strength decks?
As long as you are at the same tier (VT) or same rating (GC), matches should be totally random.
You should be able to match anyone that competes for these rewards.
Instead of asking for more EVEN matchmaking, you should ask for a more FAIR matchmaking, which is random.
Expecting an easy route to top BG rewards and expecting easy path to same or better rewards than much stronger rosters is nothing short of extremely entitled.
No, if people don't agree, then they must be silenced.
If you don't want to be challenged, then don't play it. If you want the rewards those same people are going for, you'll have to compete against them.
This is not a kindergarten sandbox nor is this a support group. This is a discussion forum, and if you can't be told you're wrong, you should seek a support group instead of a discussion forum.
It cannot "clearly" not make sense for account A and account B to compete against each other, but "clearly" be totally fine if they both have the same opportunity for the same rewards.
Regardless of that, my point is the same issues are brushed off on here. People are sharing their concerns.
If you're in the lower half of your bracket you can't string together wins and progress anywhere.
They probably don't complain because they just think they need to improve their roster or skills a bit
Then the one that played better would win.
And it not fair to match almost full R4 players when you have 3 or 4, because if you both have similar skills, then the one with more jacked roster will win, or even if they play a little worse, they would win still, theres still a decent difference between each rank between R1 and R4, thats why we rank up champs, if not why waste resources on ranking champions when that rank up will not make any difference?
Its senseless to talk about the rewards, if you are more skilled, you win more rewards, and thats it.
People think that players with a lot of R4s have more skill than players with only a few, thats the main problem here.
You having more champs fully ranked up doesnt mean you are better, it means you spend more or you play waaaaay more, that doesnt mean you are more skilled necessarily.
At least in VT, GC should be different, but in VT matchmaking should mainly look for players with similar rosters, so skill will be the main difference between them.
In GC there should be tiers like in Incursions, and depending on which bracket you are, each fight will give you different amount of points, the higher the bracket the more points you get.
Something like:
Non R3 6*: 5 points per win, -5 per lose.
Between 1 and 5 R3 6*: 10 points per win, - 10 points per lose.
Between 1 and 3 R4 6*: 15 points per win, -15 points per lose.
More than 3 R4* 6*: +20 points per win, -20 points per lose
In this case, every 3 R4 that the enemy has more than you, will make a difference of 1 point; Ill explain this.
If you have 3 R4 and the enemy has 9 R4, you will lose 18 points instead of 20.
This way the players that are behind in roster wont have this matchmaking issues because dont lose as much when they get vs stronger roster.
And this wont affect the ones with stronger rosters because they will have "easier" fights since they have a more jacked roster.
I think its the most fair way
I also have 2 r4s and I’ve been facing the stacked 14k+ opponents in 70% of matches for the previous 2 seasons.
1 every 3 would make you lose only 11 points instead of 20 if you play vs a player with full R4, a thinks that quite enough