Would you like to see changes to BG matchmaking?

Lots of threads on this and different opinions, but let's get some quantitative data on the subject.
Would you like to see changes to BG matchmaking? 51 votes
Post edited by Kabam Ahab on
The best way to do it would be strength of BG deck. Even so, I have no idea if the coding for that could even be done.
A tier system similar to AW would be ok, but it would they would have to take at least 2 seasons worth of data to compile rankings etc... so not realistic IMO
If we can get a little data on a more simple high level item (does it need adjustments?), then it might be able to help show an overall community feeling and hopefully actually get us some kind of input or response on the subject from Kabam other than the very generic one they did once (even though we have different feelings on how it should be).
We already have tons of qualitative data in forums but unless someone actually sorts through it, it's too messy to have any real impact. I'm hoping a quantitative data source can at least show a very general overview of how a small sample group of players are feeling about this.
First of all who will riot after any matchmaking change, are the lower UC accounts, which at this point they are already spoiled from the rewards they are overachieving from BGs for two seasons now.
Change matchmaking to random, or tie the rewards proportional to matchmaking parameters.
You can’t give away rewards to players that elude the competition.
When I did so BG matches, I thought most if not all my matches seemed fair. If I had to suggest a system, I think people should be in their tiers, or similar to war. You climb that tier and face people and that tier and eventually you max out at what your current skill and roaster allows for. Both skill and roster are important in BG, and I can see definite issues if it’s set for people to only fight people around their level the whole time because that would lead to an easy road, but if you’re in gold or something, then you should be able to fight those opponents and rosters. If you start struggling and finding it hard to move then you found your peak and gotta work to surpass that.
There is no easy answer or fix to matchmaking. I do feel that having the draft portion being reworked is the best way. Often times, whoever picks first has an advantage in my experience. It sets up the whole match in a sense. I firmly believe that both both player A and player B should pick defenders at the same time each round. They would be hidden until both players hit ready or the time runs out. Then you each get to pick your attacker (knowing who the defender is). I've thought of many solutions to even the filed out and think this is this simplest and most pain free way of doing it. Yes, this does eliminate a small portion of the strategy aspect of bgs, but I do believe it would make those mismatches more fair and give everyone a fighting chance at winning every match.
It's easier to Ignore scattered discussions going around in circles in the other threads, but straight up numerical analysis can help define the perceived issues.
That is what everyone is upset about, right? Keeping smaller accounts out of Mysterium? At least let me just once enjoy the start of a season with a string of about two dozen UC accounts with 5* Drax as their top champ.
Is that really too much to ask
Dr. Zola
Either way - it just needs blown up.
If you get a streak going, it’s the same as it is currently in terms of matches to go up.
But also allows people to hold a 50% win rate (which is what they seem to want with how they currently have matchmaking set up) and still move up the ranks, albeit very slowly.