Complete buff designs for classic champions



  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,212 ★★★★★
    I've tweaked Moon Knight from versions posted previously, since apparently some people enjoy that he changes through the lunar month. So I've put some of those abilities back in - enjoy!

    Stats for 5/65 champion.
    Any numbers can be considered placeholders, if they're under- or over-tuned.

    Moon Knight

    Health: 34,447
    Attack: 2301

    Avatar of Vengeance

    Withheld from death by the Egyptian Moon-God Khonshu, Moon Knight has 60% resistance to Power Drain/Burn/Steal effects, and is immune to Power Lock and Special Lock.

    When fighting opponents who are #Villain or #Dimensional Beings, Moon Knight gains +15% Combat Power and can't Miss.
    These opponents also suffer -25% Ability Accuracy.

    Mystically gifted at vanishing in the shadows, Moon Knight cannot be struck by attacks when dashing back. The Dexterity mastery is disabled.

    Critical Hits
    Moon Knight's Critical hits have an 80% chance to inflict bleed, 1495 damage over 3 seconds.

    Heavy Attacks
    Heavy Attacks gain +600 Critical Damage rating, and grant 60% less power to the opponent than usual.
    If other effects or abilities (such as Moon Knight's Signature Ability) are also reducing the opponent's Combat Power Rating, this ability cannot reduce it below 10%.

    Lunar variation: New Moon
    At the New Moon, Moon Knight gains an indefinite passive Precision granting +850 Critical Rating, and his Personal Bleed effects gain +25% ability Accuracy.
    Cloaked in the shadows of the night, all basic attacks have a 4% chance to Miss during the New Moon. Projectile basic attacks have a 10% chance to Miss. Miss does not trigger on a well-timed block.

    Lunar variation: Full Moon
    Bathed in the radiance of the full moon, Moon Knight gains an indefinite passive Fury granting +850 Attack, and +450 Armour and Block penetration. His Personal Bleed effects gain +25% Potency.

    The Fist of Khonshu:
    Moon Knight is rewarded with additional power from Khonshu when he counters his opponents attacks; gaining Eclipse and Solstice charges. He can have only one stack of each charge, and they must expire before being refreshed; but he can have both charges simultaneously.

    Eclipse charges - When he interrupts the opponent's Heavy attack or strikes them whilst recovering from a Special attack, Moon Knight gains an Eclipse charge lasting six seconds.
    Whilst he has an Eclipse charge, Moon Knight gains +650 Critical Rating; striking a bleeding opponent inflicts an Instant bleed for 30% of the attack damage; and all attacks Miss him whilst he is charging his Heavy attack.

    Solstice charges - When he Intercepts his opponents Dash attack, Moon Knight gains a Solstice charge lasting six seconds.
    Whilst he has a Solstice charge, Moon Knight gains +650 Attack; Unstoppable opponents react as though they weren't Unstoppable when struck, and Moon Knight becomes passively Unstoppable whilst charging his Heavy attack.

    Signature ability - Synodic Tide:
    Moon Knight gains +80% duration to his Eclipse and Solstice charges.
    Additionally, Moon Knight gains up to +40% Combat Power Rate during the Waxing and Full Moons, whilst his opponent suffers up to -40% Combat Power Rate during the Waning and New moons.

    Moon Knight's Combat Power abilities are 33% more potent when fighting against opponents who are #Villain or #Dimensional Beings.

    Special Attacks
    When fighting #Villain or #Dimensional Being opponents, Special attacks reduce their Defensive ability Accuracy by an additional 50%.
    SP1 - Moon Knight's Crescent darts inflict guaranteed Critical Hits, and Bleeds gain +50% duration.
    SP2 - The final blow has a 75% chance to Armour Break the opponent (-700 armour for seven seconds), and 75% chance to inflict Stun for 2.5 seconds.
    If Moon Knight has an Eclipse or Solstice charge, the Armour Break gains +50% Ability Accuracy, and +150% Potency and Duration.
    SP3 - 100% chance to Inflict Bleed (5950 damage over three seconds).
    100% chance to gain an Eclipse or a Solstice charge, which starts paused for 6 seconds. Subsequent SP3s will generate the alternate charge.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,212 ★★★★★
    Black Panther Civil War

    Stats for a 5* 5/65 champion

    Attack 2301
    Health 36885
    Critical Rate 928
    Critical Damage 850
    Armour 225
    Physical resistance 525
    Critical Resistance 525


    Black Panthers Vibranium Armour is non-magnetic, and provides T'challa with base critical resistance, Physical resistance and 30% resistance to Shock.

    Kinetic Armour
    Kinetic armour passives grant +550 Physical resistance, last 8 seconds, and stack up to five. Whilst he has Kinetic Armour, T'challa is immune to Armour Break and Sunder; although each time an immunity is triggered, one Kinetic Armour passive is removed.
    - Start the fight with one Kinetic Armour passive
    - When hit with a physical attack, 40% chance to generate a Kinetic Armour passive.
    - When hit with an Energy attack, or struck whilst blocking, 15% chance to generate a Kinetic Armour passive.
    - When attacking, 10% chance per hit to generate a Kinetic Armour passive.

    Stun Immunity
    Wherever T'challa has Kinetic Armour passives, or whilst Reflective state is active, he is immune to Physical Stun effects.
    Whenever a Physical Stun is prevented by his Immunity, a passive Stun lasting 2.2s is inflicted on the Opponent; and if present, a Kinetic Armour passive is removed. This Stun cannot interrupt Special Attacks.

    Reflective state
    When T'challa has two or more stacks of Kinetic Armour, he can activate a Reflective state by dashing back and holding block for 1.7s. Additionally, when defending, whenever T'challa gains Kinetic Armour he has a 10% chance to trigger his Reflective state, plus a flat 2.5% per Kinetic Armour passive present.

    Reflective state removes any Kinetic Armour passives; it lasts for 9 seconds, plus 2s per stack of Armour Up removed. On defense, it gains an additional 33% duration.

    T'challa's Reflective state grants an additional +1250 Critical Resistance, and +2550 Physical Resistance and Block Proficiency. Whilst active, T'challa cannot generate Kinetic Armour passives; after Reflective State ends, the armour enters cool-down, and he cannot generate Kinetic Armour for 9s.

    Reflective state provides immunity to Armour Break and Sunder; and when this immunity is triggered he gains five Reflect charges and Pauses his Reflective state for 2s.

    Additionally, whilst Reflective state is active, strikes on an opponent who is Unstoppable cannot be interrupted, and will immediately remove the Unstoppable effect and generate five Reflect charges.

    Reflection Charges

    For each 369 damage prevented by Blocking or by Physical resistance, T'challa gains a Reflect charge lasting nine seconds. This includes damage from Physical DoT abilities. T'challa's armour can store a maximum of twenty charges - gaining a charge beyond 20 will Pause Reflect charges for 2.5s.

    When T'challa hits the opponent with a Light attack, Special Attack, or the second blow of his Heavy attack, all Reflect charges are removed and their stored damage is inflicted as a burst of Physical damage.

    Reflected damage is increased by 30% on Heavy attacks, and 60% on Special Attacks. Aside from this, it is unaffected by nodes or effects that adjust T'challa's Attack rating such as Fury or Weakness.

    Medium attacks
    Medium attacks have an 85% chance to inflict Bleed, causing 725 damage over 1.5 seconds. On critical hits, bleeds gain +50% Potency.

    Heavy attacks
    If Reflective state is active, then Reflective state and Reflect charges are paused whilst charging a Heavy Attack. If charged for 0.9s, T'challa generates a non-stacking Fury Passive lasting 9s, and granting +207 Attack per Reflect charge.

    Special Attacks
    On critical hits, bleeds gain +50% Potency.
    Additionally, any bleed debuff inflicted is accompanied by instant bleed damage based on any Reflect charges active when the Attack was launched.
    SP1 - Generate a True Accuracy passive for 12s.
    Each strike has a 90% chance to inflict a stack of bleed for 2464 damage over 3s. Each bleed debuff is accompanied by an instant bleed for 193 damage per Reflect charge.
    SP2 - This attack benefits from +1600 Critical Rating, and +2200 Critical Damage Modifier. If Reflective state is active, then all strikes are guaranteed Critical hits.
    Each strike has a 90% chance to inflict a stack of bleed for 2464 damage over 3s.
    Each bleed debuff is accompanied by an instant bleed for 289 damage per Reflect charge.
    SP3 - 100% chance to stun the opponent for 3.5s. 100% chance to activate a Precision passive granting +1800 Critical Rating for 12s, plus up to five stacks of Armour if Reflective state is not active, and the armour is not on cool-down.

    Signature Ability
    Reflective state provides an additional 2250 Physical Resistance.
    Black Panther starts the fight in his Reflective state, with a duration as if triggered with 5.0 stacks of Armour Up.

  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,747 ★★★★★
    @Magrailothos here is my Invisible Woman buff concept (if she needs one), hope you enjoy it

    Moderate Update: Invisible Woman

    Always active:

    The Invisible Woman has 0 base armor or physical resistance
    When dodging backwards, Invisible Woman isn’t struck by attacks.
    For each Debuff on the Opponent, Invisible Woman’s Attacks deal an additional 4% of the damage dealt as a burst of Physical Damage.

    Force-field attacks:
    Invisible Woman’s first and second Medium attacks, and her second and 4th light attacks are Forcefield attacks, these do not make contact.

    Invisible Woman starts with her Force-field active.
    The Force Field’s max health is = to X health
    Whenever Invisible Woman would take damage other than from a Special 3 Attack, the Force Field takes up to 90% of the damage instead.
    Physical and Energy Resistance are increased by X.
    While the Force-field is active:
    Invisible Woman can activate the Parry Mastery against Non-contact attacks
    Invisible Woman can block Unblockable attacks from non-Skill champions.
    40% chance to inflict Exhaustion if the opponent hits the Forcefield.
    When the Force Field runs out, it goes into cool-down for 15 second(s), after which it will reform at 100% strength.
    This is reduced to 10 seconds against Mystic champions and increased to 25 seconds against Skill champions.
    Invisible Woman activates her invisibility whenever her Forcefield is depleted or if she dodges an attack.
    Invisibility lasts for 2 second(s), but starts Paused if Invisible Woman is not Bleeding.
    When Invisible, all attacks have a 100% chance to Miss as long as Invisible Woman isn’t blocking or dodging and Crit rating is increased by X.
    Invisibility is unpaused when an Opponent Misses, or an Opponent hits Invisible Woman.
    Note: Invisible Woman can now block when she is Invisible. This is useful for her as she can take advantage of her Forcefield when it is active.
    Whenever Invisible Woman would turn Invisible, she places a Fragility Debuff on the Opponent, max stacks 50.
    When attacking a Fragile Opponent, increase Critical Damage Rating by X and decrease their Block Proficiency by 10%.
    All Fragility Debuffs are Purified when Invisibility expires.
    Heavy attack: These are Forcefield attacks.
    Special attacks:
    If the opponent Blocks any of her special attacks, Invisible Woman has a 100% chance to turn Invisible.
    Special 1: Field Trip
    On the last hit, if the Force Field is active, add a flat 25% to its current strength.
    On the last hit, if the Force Field is on Cooldown, 50% chance for it to be restored at 50% strength.
    Special 2: Force Smash
    On activation, inflict a 20 second Sunder debuff, reducing Crit resistance to Zero
    The first hit of this attack grants Fury for 9 second(s), increasing Attack Rating by X, scaling with the current Force Field strength.
    Special 3: Now you see me, now you don’t.
    If the Force Field is active, add a flat 100% to the Force Field’s current strength. If the Force Field is on Cooldown, it is instead restored at 100% strength.
    Pause Invisibility. It cannot unpause for 6 second(s).
    Signature ability: Vanishing act (Unchanged)
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,212 ★★★★★
    Nice touches in there @EdisonLaw

    It's a surprisingly light touch, but stuff like parrying non-contact attacks and blocking Unblockable are really useful. And Sunder is very appropriate for her.

    I think being able to block as much as you like (including Unblockable) might be a bit overpowered - I'd probably go with "won't un-pause on Well-timed block.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,212 ★★★★★
    Gladiator Hulk

    Ghulk has some interesting abilities; and his Face Me! Ability is genuinely unique and useful. However, he needs a minor rework, because (1) his damage isn't even close to adequate, and (2) although he's built around a mechanic designed to reward aggressive gameplay (crowd excitement), Ghulk doesn't have any effective means to stop the opponent building Power. Hence, he has to stop and bait out special attacks, which then lets his Crowd Excitement fall and his damage drop.
    So what he needs is some kind of Taunt/Infuriate mechanic, and ideally access to bigger bursts of his higher-damage phase when he hits 100 Crowd Excitement. Hopefully the design below would make him useable and effective...

    Attack 2459
    Health 33,837


    Hulk is immune to all Poisons, and reduces the Potency of Exhaustion, Fatigue and Weakness effects by 90%.

    Adoration of the Masses
    The Crowd gains +5 Excitement when either Ghulk or his opponent are hit. When any special attack is activated, gain +10 Excitement.
    Crowd excitement drifts down over time, if no-one successfully lands a hit.
    If/when Crowd Excitement reaches 100, it locks for 9 seconds, then resets to 60.

    Effects of Crowd Excitement:
    • Ghulk gains up to +1623 Attack at max Crowd Excitement.
    • When Crowd Excitement is above 80, Ghulk gains immunity to Power Lock and Special Lock.
    • Whilst Crowd Excitement is at 100, Ghulk gains immunity to Stun, and all of his attacks SMASH.
    • For every point of Crowd Excitement, the opponent is +0.5% more likely to throw a Special Attack
    SMASH Attacks
    Ghulk has a 5% chance to trigger SMASH on each of his attacks, increasing by a flat +5% on Defense.
    Every 12 seconds Ghulk gets angry and prepares to SMASH on his next attack. He also readies a SMASH attack any time that he is Evaded or Misses his opponent.
    • SMASH lasts for one attack, but will also persist for the full duration of any Special Attack 'chained' from a SMASH attack.
    • Gain +1623 Attack and +820 Block Penetration
    • SMASH Attacks are passively Unstoppable.
    • If a Heavy Attack SMASHes, it inflicts Armour Break (-800 Armour for 8s), and increases Crowd Excitement by an additional +10
    Face Me!
    Living by the rules of the arena, Ghulk is enraged by champions who use cowardly passive damage-over-time effects, triggering Face Me!
    Ghulk accepts the passive Direct Damage effects of the Battlerealm itself (e.g. Flare, Bane, Life Transfer) without these triggering his rage.
    Face Me! is also triggered whilst Ghulk is Taunted or Infuriated.
    • Gain +3278 Attack
    • Gain +245 Critical Rating
    • Instantly heal 70% of all damage taken
    • Opponent is 70% more likely to trigger a Special Attack, in panic.
    • Crowd Excitement drops at half the usual rate.
    When Crowd Excitement hits 100, it is locked for an additional 2.5-5 seconds before starting to fall.
    Additionally, once per fight, when either opponent's Health falls to 20%, the crowd judges Ghulk's battle prowess:
    - Thumbs Up - Ghulk proudly regenerates 3395-11845 Health over 10s
    - Thumbs Down - Ghulk angrily gains a passive Unstoppable for 2s, and an indefinite passive Fury granting +1229-3688 Attack.

    Special Attacks
    Stackable personal debuffs inflicted by Special Attacks will expire one at a time.
    SP1: Inflicts Armour Break, -800 Armour for nine seconds. If this attack SMASHes, an additional stack of Armour Break is inflicted.
    SP2: Inflicts a Trauma debuff for nine seconds, causing each hit to deal 40% of the damage recently dealt as a burst of Physical damage.
    If this attack SMASHes, it is a guaranteed Critical Hit, and an additional stack of Trauma is inflicted. Max three stacks.
    SP3: This attack gains +2459 Attack if it SMASHes. If Crowd Excitement is at 100, reset the duration.
    Ghulk triggers an Energise buff (+50% Combat Power) and inflicts a Suppression debuff on his opponent (-50% Combat Power), both lasting ten seconds.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,212 ★★★★★
    edited August 2024
    Posted in wrong thread.
  • FrostGiantLordFrostGiantLord Member Posts: 2,203 ★★★★
    To give the losers of the rework vote some love, I've decided to give them all complete rework concepts, starting with Elektra!

    Class: Skill

    Signature Ability:
    If the opponent is immune to Bleed, replace all Bleed effects with Ruptures
    Critical hits performed while the opponent is suffering from Physical Vulnerability refreshes all buffs on Elektra
    Vicious buffs are paused during Special Attacks, and gain +1 second duration for every buff Elektra gains
    Precisions gained while the Fighting Styles are on cooldown are stored, and are reactivated when charging up a Heavy Attack
    If the Assassin Mastery is active, all debuffs gain +20% duration, all buffs gain +20% efficacy, and each Okinawan Sai Strike grants Elektra a True Strike buff she gains 5 Precison from Assassin's Precision
    For every buff gained while the opponent is Stunned, and for every debuff the opponent had during that time, inflict a Physical Vulnerability debuff reducing Physical Resistance by 3% per buff/debuff for 6 seconds

    Elektra’s grueling training grants her the ability to decrease the effectiveness of Disorient effects by 50%, and Weakness effects have 20% less efficacy
    For every Bleed debuff on the opponent, increase Critical Hit chance by 8%
    Critical rating is increased by 9% while the opponent is Stunned
    Fighting Style-Ninjutsu: The default Fighting Style to start with
    Fighting Style-Aikido: Activating this Pre-Fight allows you to start the fight with Aikido
    1. Assassin’s Precision: Gain 1 for every successful Critical Hit or Bleed Debuff. Each time an Assassin's Precision is gained, it grants Elektra 1 Precision, increasing Critical Hit chance by 2%. Evades prevented by Elektra also activates Assassin’s Precision.
    2. Fighting Style-Ninjutsu: All Precision and Fury buffs are converted into Cruelties, increasing Critical Damage Rating by 5% per Cruelty. Cruelties last 5 seconds each, with all Cruelties refreshing and gaining 0.5 seconds of additional duration every time a new Cruelty buff is gained. Upon reaching 10 Cruelties, all Cruelties are removed, and Elektra activates her Okinawan Sai Strike ability
    3. Fighting Style-Aikido: Activated through a Pre-Fight, by using a different combo-ender compared to the last combo used, or by activating a Special Attack 2. Upon activation, all debuffs on Elektra are Purified, and for every Precision gained through Assassin’s Precision, gain a Fury buff as well, increasing attack rating by 3%. After reaching 10 Furies, all Furies are removed and Elektra activates her Okinawan Sai Strike ability
    4. Okinawan Sai Strike: Upon activation, remove all Furies and Cruelties on Elektra, she pulls out an Okinawan Sai (the three-pronged blades Elektra uses) and becomes unhittable until the Strike is performed (similar to Morbius’s Psionic Glide). After activating the Sai Strike, all removed buffs are converted into Bleeds dealing 3.5% of Elektra’s total health each over the course of 5 seconds, and the opponent gains a Physical Vulnerability debuff, reducing Physical Resistance by 9% for 9 seconds. If the opponent is immune to bleed, replace the Bleeds with Rupture debuffs dealing 2% of Elektra’s total health. Fighting styles cannot be activated for 5 seconds, and all the Precisions gained during this cooldown period will be converted into a Vicious buff lasting 4 seconds for every Precision gained and granting debuffs +8% potency

    Medium Attacks: Has a 10% chance to inflict a Bleed debuff dealing 7% of Elektra’s attack rating for every Cruelty or Fury on Elektra
    Light Attacks: Only deal damage, no special abilities
    Heavy Attacks: If Fighting Style-Aikido is active, remove all Precision buffs on Elektra, replacing them with Bleed debuffs on the opponent dealing 3% of Elektra’s attack rating over the course of 2 seconds. If Fighting Style-Ninjutsu is active, increase Elektra's Critical Rating by 20% for the duration of the attack, and inflict a Physical Vulnerability debuff reducing Physical Resistance by 7% for 7 seconds

    Special Attacks:
    Sp1: Elektra unleashes a flurry of 4 shurikens on the opponent, before finishing them off with a dagger to the chest. Each shuriken has a 25% chance to inflict a Bleed debuff dealing 15% of Elektra's attack rating over the course of 15 seconds. If one or more Bleeds trigger, inflict a Stun debuff on the opponent, lasting an additional 0.75 seconds for every successful Bleed debuff.
    Sp2: Elektra unleashes a series of deadly blows and a mid-air double kick, before stabbing the opponent with her Sai. All the blows (there are four of them) have a 10% chance to grant Elektra a Vicious buff lasting until a Special Attack is performed, while the kicks each have a 50% chance to inflict the opponent with a Physical Vulnerability debuff, decreasing Physical Resistance by 10% for 10 seconds
    Sp3: Elektra throws down a smoke bomb and disappears into the shadows, as she runs and slashes at the opponent with her Sai before ducking back into the shadows. The opponent desperately swipes into the mist, allowing Elektra to sneak up from behind and stab her twin Sais into their back. The opponent has a 100% chance to be inflicted with a Stun debuff lasting 3 seconds, and Elektra gains 5 Cruelties and 5 Furies for the duration of the Stun. After the Stun has expired, she gains her Okinawan Sai Strike ability, and all Cruelties and Furies are removed, due to her ability.

    1. Toxic Relationship
    Elektra: Stun debuffs have a 30% chance to grant her a Vicious buff granting +7% debuff damage for 5 seconds
    Daredevil (Classic): Stun debuffs inflict a Physical Vulnerability debuff on the opponent, decreasing Physical Resistance by 10% for 5 seconds
    2. Master Assassins
    Bullseye: Cruelties gained due to Bullseye's immunity to Precision and Fatigue have +30% potency
    3. You're Hired
    Kingppin: When Kingpin is Unstoppable, the Combat Power Rate increase from his Rage is increased from 5% to 10%
    4. Rivals
    Psylocke: Bonus critical rating gained when the opponent has no power is increased by 30%
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,747 ★★★★★

    To give the losers of the rework vote some love, I've decided to give them all complete rework concepts, starting with Elektra!

    Class: Skill

    Signature Ability:
    If the opponent is immune to Bleed, replace all Bleed effects with Ruptures
    Critical hits performed while the opponent is suffering from Physical Vulnerability refreshes all buffs on Elektra
    Vicious buffs are paused during Special Attacks, and gain +1 second duration for every buff Elektra gains
    Precisions gained while the Fighting Styles are on cooldown are stored, and are reactivated when charging up a Heavy Attack
    If the Assassin Mastery is active, all debuffs gain +20% duration, all buffs gain +20% efficacy, and each Okinawan Sai Strike grants Elektra a True Strike buff she gains 5 Precison from Assassin's Precision
    For every buff gained while the opponent is Stunned, and for every debuff the opponent had during that time, inflict a Physical Vulnerability debuff reducing Physical Resistance by 3% per buff/debuff for 6 seconds

    Elektra’s grueling training grants her the ability to decrease the effectiveness of Disorient effects by 50%, and Weakness effects have 20% less efficacy
    For every Bleed debuff on the opponent, increase Critical Hit chance by 8%
    Critical rating is increased by 9% while the opponent is Stunned
    Fighting Style-Ninjutsu: The default Fighting Style to start with
    Fighting Style-Aikido: Activating this Pre-Fight allows you to start the fight with Aikido
    1. Assassin’s Precision: Gain 1 for every successful Critical Hit or Bleed Debuff. Each time an Assassin's Precision is gained, it grants Elektra 1 Precision, increasing Critical Hit chance by 2%. Evades prevented by Elektra also activates Assassin’s Precision.
    2. Fighting Style-Ninjutsu: All Precision and Fury buffs are converted into Cruelties, increasing Critical Damage Rating by 5% per Cruelty. Cruelties last 5 seconds each, with all Cruelties refreshing and gaining 0.5 seconds of additional duration every time a new Cruelty buff is gained. Upon reaching 10 Cruelties, all Cruelties are removed, and Elektra activates her Okinawan Sai Strike ability
    3. Fighting Style-Aikido: Activated through a Pre-Fight, by using a different combo-ender compared to the last combo used, or by activating a Special Attack 2. Upon activation, all debuffs on Elektra are Purified, and for every Precision gained through Assassin’s Precision, gain a Fury buff as well, increasing attack rating by 3%. After reaching 10 Furies, all Furies are removed and Elektra activates her Okinawan Sai Strike ability
    4. Okinawan Sai Strike: Upon activation, remove all Furies and Cruelties on Elektra, she pulls out an Okinawan Sai (the three-pronged blades Elektra uses) and becomes unhittable until the Strike is performed (similar to Morbius’s Psionic Glide). After activating the Sai Strike, all removed buffs are converted into Bleeds dealing 3.5% of Elektra’s total health each over the course of 5 seconds, and the opponent gains a Physical Vulnerability debuff, reducing Physical Resistance by 9% for 9 seconds. If the opponent is immune to bleed, replace the Bleeds with Rupture debuffs dealing 2% of Elektra’s total health. Fighting styles cannot be activated for 5 seconds, and all the Precisions gained during this cooldown period will be converted into a Vicious buff lasting 4 seconds for every Precision gained and granting debuffs +8% potency

    Medium Attacks: Has a 10% chance to inflict a Bleed debuff dealing 7% of Elektra’s attack rating for every Cruelty or Fury on Elektra
    Light Attacks: Only deal damage, no special abilities
    Heavy Attacks: If Fighting Style-Aikido is active, remove all Precision buffs on Elektra, replacing them with Bleed debuffs on the opponent dealing 3% of Elektra’s attack rating over the course of 2 seconds. If Fighting Style-Ninjutsu is active, increase Elektra's Critical Rating by 20% for the duration of the attack, and inflict a Physical Vulnerability debuff reducing Physical Resistance by 7% for 7 seconds

    Special Attacks:
    Sp1: Elektra unleashes a flurry of 4 shurikens on the opponent, before finishing them off with a dagger to the chest. Each shuriken has a 25% chance to inflict a Bleed debuff dealing 15% of Elektra's attack rating over the course of 15 seconds. If one or more Bleeds trigger, inflict a Stun debuff on the opponent, lasting an additional 0.75 seconds for every successful Bleed debuff.
    Sp2: Elektra unleashes a series of deadly blows and a mid-air double kick, before stabbing the opponent with her Sai. All the blows (there are four of them) have a 10% chance to grant Elektra a Vicious buff lasting until a Special Attack is performed, while the kicks each have a 50% chance to inflict the opponent with a Physical Vulnerability debuff, decreasing Physical Resistance by 10% for 10 seconds
    Sp3: Elektra throws down a smoke bomb and disappears into the shadows, as she runs and slashes at the opponent with her Sai before ducking back into the shadows. The opponent desperately swipes into the mist, allowing Elektra to sneak up from behind and stab her twin Sais into their back. The opponent has a 100% chance to be inflicted with a Stun debuff lasting 3 seconds, and Elektra gains 5 Cruelties and 5 Furies for the duration of the Stun. After the Stun has expired, she gains her Okinawan Sai Strike ability, and all Cruelties and Furies are removed, due to her ability.

    1. Toxic Relationship
    Elektra: Stun debuffs have a 30% chance to grant her a Vicious buff granting +7% debuff damage for 5 seconds
    Daredevil (Classic): Stun debuffs inflict a Physical Vulnerability debuff on the opponent, decreasing Physical Resistance by 10% for 5 seconds
    2. Master Assassins
    Bullseye: Cruelties gained due to Bullseye's immunity to Precision and Fatigue have +30% potency
    3. You're Hired
    Kingppin: When Kingpin is Unstoppable, the Combat Power Rate increase from his Rage is increased from 5% to 10%
    4. Rivals
    Psylocke: Bonus critical rating gained when the opponent has no power is increased by 30%

    Looks really good
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,212 ★★★★★
    I found this rework really difficult to follow, @FrostGiantLord - I'm going to aim for constructive feedback, if that's okay?

    I think there's definitely good stuff there; but I've been having to read, go back, read, go back. And it still doesn't quite make sense.

    I like the idea of the prefight; but a prefight that lets you start the fight by immediately purifying both Double Edge and Liquid Courage seems a bit OP, for a Skill champion. Even Chee'ilth specifically can't Cleanse those away; although I suppose Mole Man can.

    I also think that the fighting styles need a bit of polish. I love the idea of different fighting styles, but what do these really do to make playing her feel different?

    Compare them to Ronin's stances: his stances all do very different things (defense, offense, reducing defensive ability accuracy). The only difference I can see between Elektra's two styles is that they both increase her damage in slightly different ways. Neither provides any meaningful utility apart from the shrug-off when entering Aikido stance.

    I'm not sure that I fully understand the 'Abilities' section, because there are little details missing. But what I understand is:
    Assassin's Precision - basically, when Elektra strikes with a critical hit, or inflicts a bleed debuff*, she activates a Precision. No details if it's a buff, or a passive; or a duration.
    *Your description also mentioned "when she prevents an Evade". However, I've read through a few times and: Elektra has no ability to prevent Evades, at all. Not can she reduce ability accuracy in any way. Was this left in from an earlier draft? Or had something been left out?

    Ninjutsu style - basically, instead of gaining the aforementioned Precision buff/passive, Elektra gains a Cruelty buff/passive instead (is that right?). Aside from this, all it actually does is enhance her heavy attack.

    Aikido style - the slightly more powerful one which lets her instantly Purify the Recoil debuffs 😉. In this style, Elektra gains Furies as well as Precisions, which will up her damage respectably. This style also enhances her heavy attack, in a slightly different way.

    The Sig simply replacing all bleeds with ruptures seems very powerful (especially for a Skill champion), since there's no champion in the game immune to both. So at Sig 1, bleed immunity becomes completely irrelevant, for Elektra. Look at Classic Guillotine for comparison: she has basically minimal abilities apart from Bleed and hitting things. Even so, the entirety of her Sig is that it replaces Bleed with Ruptures, and it only scales to 100% chance at Sig 200.
    For Elektra, a more balanced option might be more Precisions, more Physical Vulnerabilities, etc.
  • FrostGiantLordFrostGiantLord Member Posts: 2,203 ★★★★

    I found this rework really difficult to follow, @FrostGiantLord - I'm going to aim for constructive feedback, if that's okay?

    I think there's definitely good stuff there; but I've been having to read, go back, read, go back. And it still doesn't quite make sense.

    I like the idea of the prefight; but a prefight that lets you start the fight by immediately purifying both Double Edge and Liquid Courage seems a bit OP, for a Skill champion. Even Chee'ilth specifically can't Cleanse those away; although I suppose Mole Man can.

    I also think that the fighting styles need a bit of polish. I love the idea of different fighting styles, but what do these really do to make playing her feel different?

    Compare them to Ronin's stances: his stances all do very different things (defense, offense, reducing defensive ability accuracy). The only difference I can see between Elektra's two styles is that they both increase her damage in slightly different ways. Neither provides any meaningful utility apart from the shrug-off when entering Aikido stance.

    I'm not sure that I fully understand the 'Abilities' section, because there are little details missing. But what I understand is:
    Assassin's Precision - basically, when Elektra strikes with a critical hit, or inflicts a bleed debuff*, she activates a Precision. No details if it's a buff, or a passive; or a duration.
    *Your description also mentioned "when she prevents an Evade". However, I've read through a few times and: Elektra has no ability to prevent Evades, at all. Not can she reduce ability accuracy in any way. Was this left in from an earlier draft? Or had something been left out?

    Ninjutsu style - basically, instead of gaining the aforementioned Precision buff/passive, Elektra gains a Cruelty buff/passive instead (is that right?). Aside from this, all it actually does is enhance her heavy attack.

    Aikido style - the slightly more powerful one which lets her instantly Purify the Recoil debuffs 😉. In this style, Elektra gains Furies as well as Precisions, which will up her damage respectably. This style also enhances her heavy attack, in a slightly different way.

    The Sig simply replacing all bleeds with ruptures seems very powerful (especially for a Skill champion), since there's no champion in the game immune to both. So at Sig 1, bleed immunity becomes completely irrelevant, for Elektra. Look at Classic Guillotine for comparison: she has basically minimal abilities apart from Bleed and hitting things. Even so, the entirety of her Sig is that it replaces Bleed with Ruptures, and it only scales to 100% chance at Sig 200.
    For Elektra, a more balanced option might be more Precisions, more Physical Vulnerabilities, etc.

    Right. Thanks for the feedback man. I feel like the Bleed-immune bypassing could be a bit OP, and the percentage of damage that could have been dealt could have increased with the sig levels. The fighting styles could have been more unique as well, thank you for pointing that out. I'm working on the Iron Fist rework next, and I'll be sure to keep all this in mind, when I'm designing his abilities. Thanks for the advice!
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,212 ★★★★★
    So, I've updated my own rework for Dr Strange. He should have decent abilities to control buffs and power (although not both at once), and has quite a few abilities that should soft-counter meta opponents like Serpent, Hulkling and Galan. He should also be fairly Recoil-friendly, and pack a decent punch in his Attack phase (Hoggoth's Wisdom).

    Dr Strange

    Health 45773
    Attack 3734

    Dr Strange is immune to Nullify, Stagger, and to Neutralise.

    Dr Strange benefits from +1400 Energy Resistance, but has zero base armour.

    Dr Strange's combat power is zero, and cannot be altered. He passively gains power at a rate of one bar every nine seconds; plus he gains 3.3% of his Max power any time a buff ends on the opponent. His ability power rate cannot be reduced below zero.

    When launching a Special Attack, Dr Strange's exceptional Mystic training enables him to generate a 40% Protection Passive, lasting until 0.2 seconds after the Special Attack ends.
    This protection should be helpful against Power Stings and Languor nodes, as well as reducing Recoil damage.

    On his fourth light attack, Dr Strange disables his highest Special Attack for 0.5s.

    Nullify abilities
    Each hit of a Heavy attack has a 100% chance to Nullify one buff. If no buff is currently active, he has an 70% chance to Stagger the opponent for 7s

    Whenever any buff is Nullified or Staggered from the opponent, Dr Strange gains an indefinite Mystical Energy passive increasing his Special Attack damage by +10% (max ten).
    Unless otherwise specified, Mystical Energy passives are consumed at the end of his Special Attacks.

    Mystic Blessings:
    Dr Strange invokes a series of Vishanti blessings to counter his opponents; each lasts twelve seconds and then he cycles to the next blessing.

    Each Mystical Energy passive increases the potency of Dr Strange's Mystical Blessings by 10%, to a maximum of +100%

    Oshtur's Refuge (OR)
    • Gain a Protection buff granting +800 Critical Resistance, and reducing damage from all sources by 40%
    • Gain a Steadfast buff enabling him to block Unblockable attacks.
    • Gain 150% Bleed Resistance
    Hoggoth's Wisdom (HW)
    • Gain a Fury buff granting +1867 Attack
    • Gain a Precision buff granting +585 Critical Rate
    • All attacks inflict a burst of Energy damage equal to 25% of the damage dealt
    Agamotto's Insight (AI)
    • Life Steal 929 Health on every hit.
    • Opponent's ability Power rate is passively reduced by 40%, and the Power denied is transferred to Dr Strange
    • MLLM combo: Power Steal 5% of Opponents Maximum Power, or 7.5% against Cosmic or Superior opponents
    By dashing back and holding block for 1.8s, Dr Strange can refresh his current blessing. This can only be done once per Blessing.

    Special Attacks
    Special attacks gain additional effects depending on Strange's current Blessing. Effects in gold gain +10% Potency per Mystical Energy when they are cast.
    SP1 (Magic Missile): This missile cannot be Evaded, and inflicts True Damage, ignoring all armour and resistances. Additional Blessing effects:
    • OR: During this Blessing, the SP1 does not benefit from or consume Mystical Energy.
      The missile has a 90% chance to Nullify a buff on a hit. If a buff is Nullified by this attack, Dr Strange gains a burst of 33% of a bar of Power
    • HW: The missile is a guaranteed critical hit, and costs 35% less Power.
    • AI: 90% chance to inflict Power Burn on hit (burning 15% of the opponent's Current Power)
    SP2 (Faltinian Triplicate): On activation, generate a Vigilance buff lasting 12s, plus 1s per Mystical Energy passive.
    Additional Blessing effects:
    • OR: Each hit has an 80% chance to Nullify a buff. If the opponent has no buffs to Nullify, each hit inflicts a burst of 1295 Direct Energy damage.
    • HW: on activation, inflict an Energy Vulnerability passive for -1820 Energy Resistance lasting 15s. Each Mystical Energy passive also pauses Hoggoth's Wisdom for 1s.
    • AI: The Special Attack grants no Power to the opponent. Each hit has an 80% chance to Steal 10% of the opponents current Power.
    SP3 (Astral Inversion):
    New animation showing Strange pushing the opponents Astral Form out of their body and dispersing astral energy before forcibly restoring them
    This attack Destroys all buffs on the opponent, generating one Mystical Energy per buff destroyed (these augment the SP3, and are then consumed as usual).
    Additional Blessing effects, which last for 12s, plus 1s for each Mystical Energy.
    • OR: During Oshtur's Refuge, a passive 150% Neutralise is inflicted
    • HW: Inflict a Degeneration debuff inflicting 11,202 damage. Potency increased by 50% against Cosmic and Superior opponents.
    • AI: Inflict an Enervate passive and a 50% Petrify passive.
    Destroying buffs should bypass pretty much every defense anyone currently has against them. And yes: Serpent is susceptible to Enervate, too - I've tested...

    Signature - Counterspell:
    Whenever his opponent triggers a buff, Dr Strange automatically tries to Nullify it, with 70% chance of success.
    Additionally, each time Dr Strange rotates to the next Mystic blessing he has 60% chance to generate a Mystical Energy Passive.
  • CybourgRokuCybourgRoku Member Posts: 48
    I've made a... few rework idea threads and was considering putting mine into their own thread but figured I'd put an idea here instead of making a brand new one and clogging stuff up more. Also I've enjoyed reading through the concepts here so far as well. So here is a quick rework idea I had for LokI
    I very recently learned how to do the colors and such for this, so I apologize if I over compensate, I'm having a lot of fun.
    The abilities will be posted in order of relevance for the kit and I will give a brief run down of what I imagine his rotation to look like at the end.
    Numbers are based on a 6*R5


    Curse: Enemies inflicted with Loki's Curse are dealt 7414.2 (180% of modified attack rating) Energy Damage over 14 seconds.
    While the opponent is Cursed, Loki steals any buffs they would gain (Stolen buffs last for 8 seconds.) and all stolen buffs on Loki are paused.

    Channeling: While idle Loki channels his magic. After channeling for a total of 7.5 seconds (This does not need to be done all at once), Loki steals all buffs from the opponent and places a Curse on them.
    If Loki's Curse is active, channeling pauses the Curse's duration.
    As a defender, Loki passively channels even while not idle but the total time to channel is increased by 100% and his Curse cannot be paused by channeling.
    Anytime Loki is knocked down, his channeling progress is reset.

    Trickster God: Loki's mastery of tricks and magic grants him immunity to Reverse Controls, and Special Lock and at end of his SP1, and SP2 Loki becomes invisible, causing the opponent's next attack and all attack for 0.8 seconds after to miss (This effect triggers even if Loki is blocking).
    After causing an attack to miss this way, this ability goes on cooldown for 15 seconds, or 2 seconds while the opponent is Cursed.

    Signature Ability: Ascendant: Loki generates a bar of power over 11.81 - 5.45 seconds as long as he is below 1 bar of power.
    While the opponent is cursed and Loki is channeling, Loki power drains the opponent equal to 120 - 200% of the power generated by this ability.

    Heavy Attacks: While the opponent is cursed, all hits from this attack are guaranteed critical hits, and the last hit of this attack refreshes the Curse's duration.

    Light, and Medium attacks: Deal a burst of 205.95 (5% base attack rating) energy damage for every buff on Loki, additionally while the opponent is cursed they also have an 18% chance to passively stun the opponent for 1.2 seconds

    Special Attacks

    SP 1: The last hit of this attack places an 8 second Flyting buff (Max 3) on the opponent. When a Flyting expires, or is removed or nullified from the opponent Loki deals a burst of 1235.7 (30% of modified attack rating) energy damage to his opponent.
    While Loki has a Flyting buff he deals 123.57 (3% of base attack rating) energy damage for each buff he has to the opponent each second.

    SP 2: This attack is passively unblockable.
    The last hit of this attack deals an additional burst of energy damage equal to 1.5% of the opponent's max health for each buff on Loki.
    The additional burst damage dealt by the last hit cannot exceed 100,000, or 25% of the opponent's max health.

    SP 3: Loki immediately activates Curse and sets it's duration to 14 seconds, Curse is also paused for 8 seconds after this attack ends.

    Most synergies would remain the same, but I did have a couple changes for those as well

    Immortal Souls: Other Synergy members: Hela
    Loki: Old effect: While they are cursed Loki is considered to always have more current health than them.
    New Effect: Ascendant signature ability is enhanced to provide power up to 2 bars of power (Old synergy with Thor Rag)
    Like Old Days: Other Synergy members: Thor Rag - Removed.
    Get Help!: Other Synergy members: Thor Rag
    Loki: The first time each quest that Loki would be knocked out, he instead becomes indestructible for 0.5 seconds and gains his Trickster God invisibility regardless of the ability's current cooldown.
    Thor: Same as old effect from "Like Old Days"
    Puny God: Other Synergy members: G-Hulk
    Loki: old effect: Basic attacks have a 10% chance to miss Loki while his opponent is under the effects of a buff.
    New Effect: Trickster God's invisibility lasts for an additional 0.3 seconds after the first attack has missed.

    Rotation Breakdown:
    I imagine him with this kit operating like a mix between Ghost and Void. The Sig ability will be important for this.
    Start out passive, channeling as much as possible while getting to an Sp1 and launching it,
    using the space created and the invisibility, continue to channel and apply Curse (This may require a second SP1 (With no invis) depending on how disruptive the opponent is being).
    Once Curse is applied, you can be more aggressive with the passive stuns on basic attacks, and Curse refresh on heavies,
    For power gain match ups you can use invis to keep space and bait attacks, allowing some extra channel time (For curse pause and power drain from Sig)
    In high buff match ups, be as aggressive as possible and go for some spicy SP2s with those stolen buffs
    in low buff match ups, maintain Curse as best as you can and stack your Flyting buffs for some extra passive damage before going in for the (sadly not as big) SP2.
    If you find yourself in a tough spot, the SP3 helps get you channeled safely and gives you a decent window where Curse is paused and then just refer back to the previous steps.

    Anyways, that's all I've got, I'd love to hear what ya'll think.
    Thank you so much!
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,212 ★★★★★
    It's been a while!

    Misty Knight

    Breaking the premise of a 'complete' buff, I think Misty needs less...

    Misty is a fairly fun champion, but sadly lacking in traditional Skill utility. Whilst she can shrug off debuffs, this ability isn't nearly reliable enough to be useful on Offense; and she's got no ability accuracy reduction abilities - just a short-term ability to shut down Evade with her Coldsnap.

    She's also got arguably the least useful Signature ability in the game.

    However, her base kit is a lot of fun; with her access to potentially limitless Unblockable + guaranteed Crits being it's own kind of Utility, and making her a decent choice in all kinds of scenarios (like the recent Heimdall in AoA - you can't Autoblock someone who's Unblockable...)

    To me, the obvious solution is to basically leave her base kit alone and just give her a new Signature ability. I'm hoping this one would be fun, and give her some interesting utility against particular champions:

    Misty Knight - new Sig ability

    Misty takes 18-36 seconds after the fight starts to evaluate her opponents weaknesses. After this, she gains the following bonuses for the rest of the fight. All the benefits of Antimetal charges are doubled against #Metal opponents:
    • All opponents - Cryogenic charges additionally grant +10-20% Coldsnap Potency, and Antimetal charges additionally grant +15-30 Critical Damage Rating.
    • Tech opponents - When inflicting Armour Break, increase Potency by +5-10% per Antimetal charge, and remove an additional stack of Armour if the opponent has two or more Armour Ups.
    • Cosmic opponents - For each Antimetal or Cryogenic charge, reduce the opponent's Buff ability accuracy by 2-4%
    • Mystic opponents - Each Cryogenic charge passively reduces the opponent's Ability Power Gain by 5-10%
    • Science opponents - The purification chance for Antimetal charges rises by a flat 0.5-1.5% per charge.
    • Skill opponents - Each Cryogenic charge reduces the opponent's defensive ability accuracy by 2-4%
    • Mutant opponents - Misty cannot detect her way to additional abilities against Mutants.
  • Ant_WarriorAnt_Warrior Member Posts: 202

    Iron Fist (reborn)

    For this rework, I'm trying to actually give Iron Fist some Mystic utility, whilst keeping him a hard-hitting martial artist.
    Largely I was avoiding animation changes, but for Iron Fist, I'd like one that shouldn't take much coding time: whilst Holding Heavy Attack: just 'borrow' CAIW's stance/strike, combined with Mordo's animation of drawing energy into the fist.

    Health 25606
    Attack 2527

    Defensive Abilities:
    Iron Fist still wears no armour; however his base block proficiency is on par with CAIW.
    Thanks to his mastery of Martial arts, Iron Fist can activate the Parry mastery against non-contact attacks.

    Critical hits:
    Critical hits have a 60% chance to Armour Break (-460 Armour), plus 2.5% flat chance per Chi counter. These armour break effects stack, and last seven seconds.
    If the armour break is resisted due to an immunity, Iron Fist gains a Cruelty passive (+150 Critical damage Modifier) which lasts for seven seconds and is paused during Iron Fist's Special attacks. Max stacks equal to his current Chi.

    Iron Fist gains Chi passives lasting seven seconds each time he dodges an Attack, or makes a well-timed block (max five). All Chi is refreshed when another charge would be gained.
    Each Chi passive increases Iron Fist's Regeneration rate by 8%, and grants +250 Energy resistance, and +145 Critical Rating. Chi passives also enhance Iron Fist's Heavy and Special Attacks.

    Heavy Attacks:
    If he has Chi, Iron Fist rapidly accumulates Cruelty passives whilst charging his Heavy attack (one per 0.25 seconds), which grant +150 Critical damage Modifier for seven seconds and are paused during Iron Fist's Special attacks. He can sustain a maximum number of Cruelty passives equal to his current Chi.
    With four or more Chi, when chaining his Heavy attack from a combo Iron Fist becomes passively Unstoppable for 0.7s.

    Landing a Heavy attack has a 25% chance per Chi passive to Nullify a buff on each of the two strikes. Each buff removed from the opponent also removes two Chi.

    Iron Fist's personal Nullify is ineffective against the artificial buffs of Robots.

    Signature ability:

    Iron Fist develops increasing control over his Chi:

    • He can stack up to 10 Chi passives.
    • Chi now also increases the Potency of his Armour breaks by 15% each.
    Special attacks:
    • With three or more Chi, Special Attacks cannot Miss
    • With five or more Chi, Special Attacks are Unblockable
    • All Special Attacks inflict an additional +10% Physical Burst Damage per Chi counter, all of which are consumed at the end of the Special attack.
      If the Special attack is chained from a Heavy attack, this Physical Burst damage is doubled.
    Special-1: When activated, Iron Fist recovers 2% of his Max health.
    This attack has a bonus critical rating of +650, and each hit has the same chance to cause Nullify as though it were a Heavy attack.
    Special-2: The Potency of Chi and Cruelty passives are doubled during this attack. With three or more Chi, this attack gains True Accuracy.
    Special-3: 100% chance to Remove all Armour from the opponent, and inflict Armour Break (-1200 Armour) and Fragility (-50% block and suffer +650 Critical damage when struck), both lasting nine seconds. If activated with six or more Chi, this Special only consumes five of them.

    As an Danny Fist simp, do not use the pictured design.

    Danny in this game probably has one of my favourite champion designs in game with him being an almost perfect adaption to MCOC's prior chiseled/block-ish art direction of the mid 2010's and I absolutely despise his shirtless suits.

    If anything just adjust him a slight bit to better look like a modern character whilst keeping the current design more or less in tact or go Heart of the Dragon with it
  • Ant_WarriorAnt_Warrior Member Posts: 202

    Iron Fist (reborn)

    For this rework, I'm trying to actually give Iron Fist some Mystic utility, whilst keeping him a hard-hitting martial artist.
    Largely I was avoiding animation changes, but for Iron Fist, I'd like one that shouldn't take much coding time: whilst Holding Heavy Attack: just 'borrow' CAIW's stance/strike, combined with Mordo's animation of drawing energy into the fist.

    Health 25606
    Attack 2527

    Defensive Abilities:
    Iron Fist still wears no armour; however his base block proficiency is on par with CAIW.
    Thanks to his mastery of Martial arts, Iron Fist can activate the Parry mastery against non-contact attacks.

    Critical hits:
    Critical hits have a 60% chance to Armour Break (-460 Armour), plus 2.5% flat chance per Chi counter. These armour break effects stack, and last seven seconds.
    If the armour break is resisted due to an immunity, Iron Fist gains a Cruelty passive (+150 Critical damage Modifier) which lasts for seven seconds and is paused during Iron Fist's Special attacks. Max stacks equal to his current Chi.

    Iron Fist gains Chi passives lasting seven seconds each time he dodges an Attack, or makes a well-timed block (max five). All Chi is refreshed when another charge would be gained.
    Each Chi passive increases Iron Fist's Regeneration rate by 8%, and grants +250 Energy resistance, and +145 Critical Rating. Chi passives also enhance Iron Fist's Heavy and Special Attacks.

    Heavy Attacks:
    If he has Chi, Iron Fist rapidly accumulates Cruelty passives whilst charging his Heavy attack (one per 0.25 seconds), which grant +150 Critical damage Modifier for seven seconds and are paused during Iron Fist's Special attacks. He can sustain a maximum number of Cruelty passives equal to his current Chi.
    With four or more Chi, when chaining his Heavy attack from a combo Iron Fist becomes passively Unstoppable for 0.7s.

    Landing a Heavy attack has a 25% chance per Chi passive to Nullify a buff on each of the two strikes. Each buff removed from the opponent also removes two Chi.

    Iron Fist's personal Nullify is ineffective against the artificial buffs of Robots.

    Signature ability:

    Iron Fist develops increasing control over his Chi:

    • He can stack up to 10 Chi passives.
    • Chi now also increases the Potency of his Armour breaks by 15% each.
    Special attacks:
    • With three or more Chi, Special Attacks cannot Miss
    • With five or more Chi, Special Attacks are Unblockable
    • All Special Attacks inflict an additional +10% Physical Burst Damage per Chi counter, all of which are consumed at the end of the Special attack.
      If the Special attack is chained from a Heavy attack, this Physical Burst damage is doubled.
    Special-1: When activated, Iron Fist recovers 2% of his Max health.
    This attack has a bonus critical rating of +650, and each hit has the same chance to cause Nullify as though it were a Heavy attack.
    Special-2: The Potency of Chi and Cruelty passives are doubled during this attack. With three or more Chi, this attack gains True Accuracy.
    Special-3: 100% chance to Remove all Armour from the opponent, and inflict Armour Break (-1200 Armour) and Fragility (-50% block and suffer +650 Critical damage when struck), both lasting nine seconds. If activated with six or more Chi, this Special only consumes five of them.

    And tho I'm barely understanding how good he'd be, Danny getting buffed would be cool as hell so I could actually use him in stuff than have him as a trophy champ
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