Paragon or TB and stuck in Victory track? Check this out

Here is a little something to show those of us who are paragon or TB and still in victory track, 65 accounts currently in Arcane 2, meaning full victory track rewards and guaranteed GC rewards.

I had to get to #12 in Arcane 2 to find a rating over 1M.
Dr. Zola
By the way, scroll yourself through Arcane 2, I only did 65 accounts in this, but there are hundreds more under a million rating and would be destroyed by an average TB or paragon.
Felt like Al Bundy was talking directly to me. Decently skilled, half decent roster 2.2 mil. Paragon currently stuck in Gold, win 2, lose 2, win 1, lose 1 and so on. Don’t have tons of units to spend on Victory shields and it takes forever to go up a tier without using 1 or 2 or sometimes more so I’m rollin’ F2p right now and feeling the pain. I’m going up against some pretty heavy accounts too due to my 14,650 prestige. A lot of matches are even accounts, a few are lower but at least 30-50% have way more higher ranked up champs and ratings of 3-4mil. These guys have every amazing/new champ at r3/r4 and sometimes it’s too much to take on unless you get a perfect draw for counters.
Pretty weak that these players get in GC so easily and get way better rewards. I’ve pretty much went from going hard at BGs in the evenings after work to casually just playing for the objective rewards. It’s so frustrating and my gf has even said “Why do you even play that game anymore? You don’t seem like you’re having fun.” as she hears my frustration and cursing when I’m one fight from advancing and I lose the 3rd round by 200 points or have an AI glitch or bad draws that bomb the whole matchup,etc. and I’m right back to zero.
Definitely feel the current system is saying to TB and Paragon players to spend on shields to reliably advance in BG. Maybe increasing needed wins to 5 or 10 per level and not losing medals when you lose would help even things out??? I made it to GC last season but had to play ridiculous amounts of fights, use victory shields when needed and I only got like 2-3 days in GC before it ended so got bottom tier rewards in like Uru 1 or 2 or something. Really enjoy the BGs concept as a solo player with no alliance and a full time career/other hobbies but if things don’t change probably won’t be playing as much.
You keep saying they would be destroyed by a TB or Paragon, but the GC is ELO. Not Roster-based. Which means they're not advancing there because of the Matchmaking. If they don't belong there, they wouldn't advance at all, unless they're actually skilled, or some other means.
You have posted ad nauseum about the subject, as have I. The difference is I stick to the Threads already open on the subject. We don't need to keep spamming them on the Forum. I'm pretty sure we can discuss it in the plethora of Threads already open.
I'm not assuming anything. I'm looking at the evidence. I'm sorry you're upset that you can't advance by beating up smaller Accounts.
Can ya all watch the video on this thread and/or refer to the developers and ask your all selves these questions "is this what we intended?" And "is this good for the game?"
I'm finding bgs to be kinda tiring. I get my 1 win and throw the next 2 for the objectives. I don't even care anymore.
I'm currently at bronze 1 with a parangon account of 3,5 M PI, prestige of 15,5 k and over 1 000 champions. The way this game mode is structured totally killed my mood. I'm not playing it anymore because of the frustration AlBundy described (win 1, lose 2, win 2, lose 4...) and I found myself playing the game itself less and less every day. That and the fact that the game has currently numerous bugs that are totally ignored on the forum (no answer from the mods) and when we voice them, we got threads closed and/or comments deleted for no reason.
I guess as long as people will buy stuff, Kabam will have no incentive to change this game mode.
The arguments defending this have shifted so much…first it was about fairness for the small accounts, then it was about how small accounts can “outskill” big accounts and deserve rewards, and now it pivots to suggest small accounts may have climbed by nefarious means.
Thanks @Chatterofforums. I’ve been operating under the assumption BGs were a competition. Perhaps they are for some of us. For others, they look more like a handout.
Dr. Zola
Dr. Zola
Meaning, people, especially the larger accounts, are having a far more difficult time to get to GC than in past seasons. This adds more sting to it when seeing so many lower accounts in GC (there are hundreds more than the video shows as the video was just a taste).
Current BG is pretty messed up in terms of fairness, so lots of things have to be changed and not just solely a single thing.
If they got rid of 10k just for entering GC and instead requiring a certain number of wins to activate this reward (such as 5 total wins, not in a row but total), then that might be less unfair but it would still be unfair.
A potential option could be having qualifying players be able to opt in to either (1) Start in Bronze and grind as normal to get the standard rewards, or (2) opt to start in GC and give up on some of the rewards that they might have earned. That would still not be entirely fair, but it would allow some players to bypass the frustration they feel by this mode.
Dr. Zola
You are doing what you like to do and derail a thread as we have undeniable proof of a major issue here.
Also, how do you explain that there are several thousand less players in GC (especially on the more developed rosters side) than normal at this point with the season end so close? Arcane 2 is the current lowest batch in GC, which is thousand less than it this point in past seasons where all arcane, all gama and lots of uru would be full by now?
You can do what most of us expect and make up a unfounded answer that likely has little to do with anything or you can just admit that no matter which way you slice it, Kabam is seriously dropping the ball and improperly handling this entire issue
What you keep doing is comparing the size of all the Accounts to your own, as if the Leaderboard is supposed to line up from biggest to smallest, and that's not the way it works. People reach the GC by winning consecutive Matches. They don't get defaulted to it because they're bigger than other Accounts.
If you belong there, earn your way up. That's all I can say. Posting about it over and over because you're personally offended by their progress is just redundant. We've talked about it for weeks.
Also, if you consider skill to consist of only taking out Accounts much smaller than your own, then you don't want a fair competition. You want a default system. That's not what I want. I want a competition that awards performance. Not a junk measuring contest.