Happy March, Summoners; Welcome to Danger Room!



  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,171 ★★★★★
    edited March 2023

    Bad event 🤣 if you guys wanted to introduce new hacks just should ve put it in Incursions. 25 rooms and to do that you need revives health pots. To do that you need to do 12 rooms every week . For the time investment and repetitiveness this was a bad idea

    Why. Revives are super cheap
    6 per week, yeah.
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,171 ★★★★★
    Has anyone tallied up how much would be needed to buy all the TB items?
  • RockCity333RockCity333 Member Posts: 122
    A swing and a miss on the side quest this month.
  • KienMinhKienMinh Member Posts: 21
    edited March 2023
    tbh danger room sidr quest sux .. so much fights to complete the objectives.. 104 fight each threat lvl .. that is 520 fight .. like grinding arena but nothe same cuz the health pool is large and the room to room time just take so long to get 1 objective done.

    also the EQ chapter 2 is really bad combinations of nodes .. way too annoying for monthly quest… 6s trigger an unblockable.. by the time u bait out a special.. they on unblockable again and then bait the unblockable then u against the wall.. and then u gotta knock down damage protection.. wtf .. i would like to e see the **** design this nodes combo play the quest and enjoy it.
  • 007Bishop007Bishop Member Posts: 508 ★★★
    This event is fun and pretty easy too. Not sure why people are hating on it. Incursions has always been fun and with these new nodes, most fights are over in less than 20 hits.
  • Ansh_AAnsh_A Member Posts: 673 ★★★
    The rewards are good and the incursion style is not bad.

    The quest is too tedious though. 54 fights means 17 zones, which is 5 more than completing the entire quest at all threat levels. They should have reduced it for some of the other prizes. I wont judge on thr 6* awakening, its worth the grind but the others are definitely not.
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,171 ★★★★★
    Ansh_A said:

    The rewards are good and the incursion style is not bad.

    The quest is too tedious though. 54 fights means 17 zones, which is 5 more than completing the entire quest at all threat levels. They should have reduced it for some of the other prizes. I wont judge on thr 6* awakening, its worth the grind but the others are definitely not.

    It’s a month-long thing, but I have decidedly mixed feelings about 108 fights for a 5-star AG I’ll never use, 3000 shards and a quarter of a 4-star relic.
  • NSlaNSla Member Posts: 15
    You should have the side quest incursion store available based on the sector your are able to enter and defeat first boss versus tied to progression in the Acts. I have not completed Chapter 6 but I am able to compete in sector 5 and Sector 6. Otherwise, this version of side quest not interested. I like the February Mojo side quest which allowed me to challenge myself and go up to Threat Level 5.
  • StellarStellar Member Posts: 1,128 ★★★★
    Emilia90 said:

    Poethell said:

    Why oh why? Nobody likes incursions to begin with. So let’s make a side quest!

    Solo incursions with hacks and the right characters can be super fun so I disagree
    Yes but when you’ve got stupid node that make the defender nearly unkillable the fun become just frustration !

    Please Kabam review those nodes so we can have fun and not frustration doing incursion.
    I was fan of incursion but those stupid set of node took all the fun
  • HammerGod3HammerGod3 Member Posts: 43
    Am I a complete idiot? How do you select a threat level when entering an incursion solo?
  • Ansh_AAnsh_A Member Posts: 673 ★★★

    Am I a complete idiot? How do you select a threat level when entering an incursion solo?

    Top right of the screen after your team is selected and before you hit enter solo.
  • HammerGod3HammerGod3 Member Posts: 43
    So it looks like once I send an invite to other players, I lose the ability to select a threat level difficulty and do a solo run until the invites expire. Is there a work-around for this?
  • bumble-beebumble-bee Member Posts: 159 ★★
    edited March 2023
    Game is completely broken.
    I launched sp3 using doom on warlock.
    After sp3, I did M+M and then M+L+L+L+M combo.
    However, warlock was able to use sp3 during mid-combo.

    After 9 rock shield charges are consumed, it should take 11 to 15 second before regain charges.
    But, korg started with 9 rock charges again immediately.
  • bumble-beebumble-bee Member Posts: 159 ★★
    Even after holding block for 2 seconds (I saw the timer finished), defender nightcrawler does not switch to swashbuckling mode.
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,171 ★★★★★
    edited March 2023
    Was the power drain/degen hack give a silent nerf? I can’t get beyond 4 stacks even with a relic. What am I missing here? I heavy and no additional stacks apply.

    Edit - the description in-game is nerfed compared to this thread. The performance in-game is even further nerfed from the in-game description by what seems to be an unstated stack limit.
  • Maverick75Maverick75 Member Posts: 805 ★★★
    edited March 2023
    First, I think I am an average player, even if I am Paragorn and even if I don’t go far in the Incursions.
    I play the Incursions with someone and at the same time (no wait). Near 1 hour and half for 9 rooms at level 5, near 1 hour for 6 rooms at level 6.

    As a feedback to the SQ:

    -The objectives of 2 x 54 fights are incredibly long. Ok, the level 5 rewards worth them. But what a pain... Usually I play quite all the SQ objectives. This month, I will stay on the level 5 ones. Because simply not enough time, the other in-game activities are more attractive (rewards, time consuming) and the rewards of the other levels aren’t worth the priority.

    -Usually, the special currency received allows me to get most of the store. At the moment, I don’t think I will reach all the TB items at the end of the 4 weeks, even if I play all the levels (that have lower rewards).
    The increase of the gap between 2 milestones is too important (for example: 150k points -> 246k points) whereas the amount of currency in the milestones is thin. Some milestones between them could have been added.

    OK, the (regular) Incursions are one of the less attractive activities of the game. Due to the weak rewards and the feeling of a nevending activity. But, as designed, this event is an overdose of Incursions for the major part of the players.
    Mixing them with something else would have been better. It could be temporarily adding a part of the special currency to the regular Incursions rewards.
  • UsagicassidyUsagicassidy Member Posts: 1,893 ★★★★★
    I've never made it all the way to the end before in the regular game incursions, so I'm a bit confused. Since it says threat levels up until 5 have 12 zones.

    I just passed zone 12, now I'm on zone 13. I thought it ended after 12 (I'm on 4, not 6). Do incursions just keep going indefinitely but you don't get any rewards after 12? Will anything happen if I exit out? Or does anything good happen if I keep playing? (Is it just additional points?)
  • FrozenLoganFrozenLogan Member Posts: 45

    I've never made it all the way to the end before in the regular game incursions, so I'm a bit confused. Since it says threat levels up until 5 have 12 zones.

    I just passed zone 12, now I'm on zone 13. I thought it ended after 12 (I'm on 4, not 6). Do incursions just keep going indefinitely but you don't get any rewards after 12? Will anything happen if I exit out? Or does anything good happen if I keep playing? (Is it just additional points?)

    Additional points, no additional rewards aside from the 500ish gold for completing the zone. If you exit after completing zone 12 you get all of the rewards.
  • PemulaPemula Member Posts: 60
    why after zone 15 I can't ReSwap my torch ? it just missing from champ list whenever I try to swap it again after 5 minutes delay
  • StellarStellar Member Posts: 1,128 ★★★★
    Pemula said:

    why after zone 15 I can't ReSwap my torch ? it just missing from champ list whenever I try to swap it again after 5 minutes delay

    That’s 5 minutes after you quit the incursion not 5 minutes after you swapped your champion.

    So if you swapped Torch and want him back, you’re screwed
  • altavistaaltavista Member Posts: 1,622 ★★★★
    If we don't play each week - does this mean we miss out on SQ rewards? For example, if we can only play Week 3 and Week 4, are Week 1 & 2 SQ rewards lost to us?

    If so, this is a departure from typical SQ design, where player's are typically able to earn all available SQ rewards regardless of when they play.
  • FrozenLoganFrozenLogan Member Posts: 45
    altavista said:

    If we don't play each week - does this mean we miss out on SQ rewards? For example, if we can only play Week 3 and Week 4, are Week 1 & 2 SQ rewards lost to us?

    If so, this is a departure from typical SQ design, where player's are typically able to earn all available SQ rewards regardless of when they play.

    Yes, the rewards have a weekly timer and reset so it needs to be played each week for max rewards. It is not like most SQs that you can run through 4 weeks of quests on the last day and still get everything.
  • ThiartcThiartc Member Posts: 295 ★★
    Emilia90 said:

    Thiartc said:

    just to understand correctly - no new "content" created for this eq, and we have to do 3 times more fights for less rewards?

    each danger room has 12 zones - 3 fights per floor that is 36 fights for each difficulty + 75 if you want to do threat 6.

    This month we had 4 fights, 4 times per week, that is 16 fights in total for the week, thus for the same (lets call it same, but i feel its less) rewards as last month we need to do a total of 80 fights more, per difficulty - that is 400 more fights if you do all 5 threat levels. (excluding level 6 as it was not part of Feb EQ)

    Now let talk about the other issues - potions, we need to buy most incursion potions with units, but most of us have other way in farming portions for regular content - so for less reward and more effort we will also have to burn through our units to get revives and health pots to complete basic monthly content?

    the only positive is, no energy refills required or champs locked behind AQ and AW

    Looks like the danger store sells Incursions stuff. Also, this clearly isn’t less rewards lol
    it is actually less than last month, except for the 6* AG. but what about the total loss in incursion artifacts, and the 5 & 6* shards lost from milestones, did you take that all into account when you said it wasn't less?
  • ValrozValroz Member Posts: 218 ★★★
    There should be rewards that isn't geared towards relics, especially to those like me who don't think relics actually do anything really useful. Would be nice to see more rank up rewards fill up those relics/battlecast based rewards.
  • StellarStellar Member Posts: 1,128 ★★★★
    Here are how stupid rng can be with nodes in incursion.

    Seriously, even with Valkyrie it nearly impossible to do 😑

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