Happy March, Summoners; Welcome to Danger Room!



  • BoogalooglerBoogaloogler Member Posts: 97 ★★
    edited March 2023
    I also just noticed an issue with the set up. I'm all for merging SQ with a different game mode sometimes, or even every time. There is certainly starting to be quite alot for the casual player to keep up with. But I think when we do this, we have to look at the reward requirements typically in that game mode vs those in the SQ.

    For instance, incursion tiers are roster based, not progression based. So cav players that were previously competing in the top tier of incursions (equivalent of theat 6 this month) can now only compete and earn rewards at tier 5. If we're going to merge SQ into an existing mode, then SQ should adopt that game modes rewarding parameters
  • MrFullStopMrFullStop Member Posts: 153 ★★
    milestones is so high, they are the same as current one, and the only way to reach max is to get to z14 in s9,
    all s8 not gonna get you there, neither s7, (even both won't cut it), is there gonna be more points earned per zone??
    if not, this is gonna take VERY LONG time to grind each week
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Jax
  • Thepuertorican64Thepuertorican64 Member Posts: 2
    Will cavalier be able to get t6 basic catalyst or not?
  • Ericnewnes8Ericnewnes8 Member Posts: 15
    Any top tips for when you try to defeat ultron in act 3 chapter 1

  • SquirrelguySquirrelguy Member Posts: 2,654 ★★★★★
    edited March 2023
    I just now saw the month long objective with the 6* AG and I’m psyched.
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,234 ★★★★
    I am taking a pass. Never liked incursions, no one else really does either. If you look at the scoreboard in our alliance? 1 out of 30 players has played incursions and only once this past month.
    We have had years of rejected champs like Antman and ironpatriot crammed down our throats in one featured crystal and event after another. They love trying to force feed us champs and material we don't like!
    That is what this is about. "Oh, you don't like incursions? Well if you want anything this month? Ya gonna have ta play it! Like it or not!"
    Not me. I am taking a pass.
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,141 ★★★★★
    Rap said:

    I am taking a pass. Never liked incursions, no one else really does either. If you look at the scoreboard in our alliance? 1 out of 30 players has played incursions and only once this past month.
    We have had years of rejected champs like Antman and ironpatriot crammed down our throats in one featured crystal and event after another. They love trying to force feed us champs and material we don't like!
    That is what this is about. "Oh, you don't like incursions? Well if you want anything this month? Ya gonna have ta play it! Like it or not!"
    Not me. I am taking a pass.

    Your always complaining. About everything. You should probably just Uninstall the game finally. There are tons of people that don't mind the "trash" champs for various reasons. Tons of people actually enjoy incursions, there's more than the 30 people in your alliance that play the game too. I'm being as nice as possible here.
  • Kabam JaxKabam Jax Member, Moderator Posts: 1,718 ★★★★★
    Edit - 3:45pm PST, March 3rd:

    Reuploaded Milestones tables to rebalanced score thresholds.
  • BoogalooglerBoogaloogler Member Posts: 97 ★★
    Wait can we not earn incursion artifacts this month?
  • FrozenLoganFrozenLogan Member Posts: 45

    Wait can we not earn incursion artifacts this month?

    I would think not if normal incursions are on a break this month.
  • LilMaddogHTLilMaddogHT Member Posts: 1,211 ★★★★

    So I'm seeing a potential meta here and I just wanted to ask about some mechanics changes with the champion cooldown decrease. @DNA3000 perhaps you could have some insights.

    Say I enter the incursion with Apoc, get my 4 gens and set up Red Mags as a horseman. Then, in zone 5, I switch out apoc for someone else. My questions are these. Can I then bring apoc back onto my team later on as his cool down is only 5 minutes? And if so, can that same apoc now establish a second horseman? Like if I had entered a quest with both a 5 and 6 star apoc?

    Apoc's Horseman ability is once per quest... but dropping him from the team may refresh that when you bring him back in. It's an interesting idea that is worth a try. Similar things could be tried with like HT (particularly unawakened or low sig). Use Nova flame, drop from team for another champ, sub back in for another Nova flame use when 'refreshed'.
  • DR13ROWNDR13ROWN Member Posts: 1
    Cant even get into the game. Tried on two different devices, and just stays on login page and errors out.
  • St4rlordSt4rlord Member Posts: 5
    edited March 2023
    I just did room 1 of sector 8, and then the game kicked me out and now I am not in an incursion anymore, but cant start another 1. Everything has to be bugged on release, huh? Kabam?
    @Kabam Miike
  • St4rlordSt4rlord Member Posts: 5
    And now the new incursion is completely gone from in game.... Interesting
  • St4rlordSt4rlord Member Posts: 5
    Guess it showed up 24 hrs early and kabam caught it and shut it down after I joined and did 1 zone.....
  • RenaxqqRenaxqq Member Posts: 1,718 ★★★★★
    edited March 2023
    So, theoretically we can get 6* AG crystal even in day one if we're going to grind incursions? I'm talking about threat lvl 5 month long objective where you have to win 54 fights with tagged champs.
  • SbkruebSbkrueb Member Posts: 601 ★★★★
    So am I correct that we can obtain 2 6* AG crystals this month?

    One in room 25 of the top difficulty and one in the solo milestone?
  • Paupershango_2006Paupershango_2006 Member Posts: 539
    This Side Quest looks very spicy this time. It's exactly like the combination of Incursions and the Squirrel Girl's Acorns, Gamma Radiation, and Star Ore events.
  • ManleManle Member Posts: 2
    So this month Cavalier players don't even have a chance of getting T6 Basic Catalyst Fragments or T3 Alpha Catalyst Fragments ? :(
  • edited March 2023
    This content has been removed.
  • This content has been removed.
  • TatteshwarTatteshwar Member Posts: 199 ★★★
    So the 6 star awakening gem is only limited to paragon players or can thronebreakers get it as well ???
  • Banhammer_steBanhammer_ste Member Posts: 62
    I really like the idea of mixing up the side quests with different game modes. Keeps it a bit more interesting.

    Bit unsure if it's going to be much or any better for my little account than normal excursions though.

    At least it sounds like you can grind out more or less all the rewards for your level. That's if I'm reading it right. Easy 6* ag for my big boy account.
  • LumkimLumkim Member Posts: 8
    So there will be a store correct? havent had one of those in a couple months.
  • LumkimLumkim Member Posts: 8
    also can any level of account get that 6* ag or is it just thronebreaker and above?
  • Emilia90Emilia90 Member Posts: 3,720 ★★★★★
    Thiartc said:

    just to understand correctly - no new "content" created for this eq, and we have to do 3 times more fights for less rewards?

    each danger room has 12 zones - 3 fights per floor that is 36 fights for each difficulty + 75 if you want to do threat 6.

    This month we had 4 fights, 4 times per week, that is 16 fights in total for the week, thus for the same (lets call it same, but i feel its less) rewards as last month we need to do a total of 80 fights more, per difficulty - that is 400 more fights if you do all 5 threat levels. (excluding level 6 as it was not part of Feb EQ)

    Now let talk about the other issues - potions, we need to buy most incursion potions with units, but most of us have other way in farming portions for regular content - so for less reward and more effort we will also have to burn through our units to get revives and health pots to complete basic monthly content?

    the only positive is, no energy refills required or champs locked behind AQ and AW

    Looks like the danger store sells Incursions stuff. Also, this clearly isn’t less rewards lol
  • PoethellPoethell Member Posts: 146
    Why oh why? Nobody likes incursions to begin with. So let’s make a side quest!
  • Emilia90Emilia90 Member Posts: 3,720 ★★★★★
    Poethell said:

    Why oh why? Nobody likes incursions to begin with. So let’s make a side quest!

    Solo incursions with hacks and the right characters can be super fun so I disagree
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