How many units did it take you to beat the Act 6 GM?

Curious to see what I should save up. Currently on Darkhawk boss in 6.4 with about 2800 units. Wondering if I should use them for Spring Cleaning event or finish my TB push
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
14 solo 20% revives, 3 team revives, couple of 40% one's and a lot of saved potions of lvl 3 and 4. If i were you, i would have bought the 1000 units bundle that is proposed to you after completion of EQ
If you farm a bunch of revives and health potions, then the GM shouldn't cost you much at all to beat.
After spending time saving units (close to 2K units), farming revives and watching tons of YT for about 3 months, went at it again for the 2nd or 3rd attempt (don't remember).
I used up about 40 revives and spent no units.
If you can, farm as much revives as possible to minimize the unit spending.
Understanding the phases and knowing which champion to use (but with GM any champ will do if you have the skills) will also minimize the unit spending.
Jokes aside. I pushed for thronebreaker back in the day because offers were coming and I needed a rank 3 champ. So bought my way through abyss and Grandmaster in one weekend… costed so much.
My point is don’t stress. Let it take time, practice a lot and soon you’ll get him down.