Mastery point recovery/cores.

I have recently recovered my mastery points in the offense tree and when reallocating my points, I noticed that I need to buy all of the mastery cores again! Any help would be appreciated. Support have been useless so far!
Once you have a node “unlocked” before, it remains unlocked even after resetting your masteries. Same goes for those “large” unlock Unit cost nodes too like Precision/Cruelty, which are high amount of Units, not Cores. They remain unlocked too.
**But, the smaller incremental costs (5 Units, or Gold, etc) here and there do indeed need to be paid again every time.
But those are NOT Cores, and are called Level ups, not Unlocks.
**And, if you thought you would get your Cores back upon reset, and can use them for DIFFERENT nodes ? Nope. Your Cores keep an existing node unlocked.