Battlegrounds, where is the fun?

Really, I can not see the fun part in this game mode anymore, i win one loose 3, I win one loose 1 etc. 3 days playing stuck in platinum and can not progress further any further, is like being in a never ending loop, is either bugs, or the cheaters , or the input issues or the matching system. I have reached gladiator circuit in all the previous seasons except this one that I stop playing now, what a waste of time.
Joking aside I haven't even been able to bring myself to do 1 BGs match this season because of how stressful last season was for me
Now back to square 1 😂
Don’t have to waste time ranking up champs for metas. Don’t have to worry about modders. Don’t have to debate using a victory shield. And you feel better about yourself by helping some other poor soul struggling to advance.
This is my method until the “we are working on it” turns into something tangible.
I play 3 matches and don’t care whether I win or lose.
Grinding each season to GC is a burn out I’m not willing to deal anymore 🙂
I would love to know your prestige or maybe see your roster op but since just two months ago you were working on your 2nd r4, it pretty clearly matchmaking has been extremely favorable to you.
Also, it’s been 7 days. You don’t have to make it to gladiator in the first week.
You gotta fight HT with Doom… yeah that’s gonna suck, but can you come up with a strategy for maximum damage in that moment? What is it? And then through playing you find out 2 things. (1) was it a good approach? (2) were you good enough to execute it?
But also, after the fight you gotta think about how you landed in that position. (1) was it a strategic throwing of a round? (2) would it be better to ban HT based on how many mystics/energy damage champs are in your deck?
I get that it’s frustrating but as a forum community, I’ve been observing a lot of belly aching on losses in battlegrounds, but not a lot of “this is what I’m doing, could I try something better?”
It’s a competitive mode, so we all rightfully are reluctant to give advice on the matter, but at the same time I don’t think this approach works either. As a fan of the mode I want it to succeed, so maybe a pivot to more strategic based conversations is needed.
I 100% agree BG isn't fun right now which is why I've completely stopped except the every other day objectives for 3 fights. The part I find the least fun is watching lower accounts getting easy path to higher tiers and then later complaining about matchmaking when this horribly flawed matchmaking system is what got them to higher tiers to begin with.
I’m not going to dive again into the matchmaking system discussion (which is totally flawed as it is), but I’m going to say that the “zero sum” game that VT is for most people at the moment ain’t fun at all.
@FiiNCH I know you are a high end skilled player, and of course players like you advance easier, but there is the need for mid skilled players to have an incentive to play BGs, other than the 48hrs objectives, in order for them to keep participating and play the “losers” role for players like you.
Otherwise you will soon find yourself fighting only the high skilled players (as the mid will gradually quit), and it will be much harder to advance to GC even for you then.
VT needs restructuring, I hope Kabam implement the changes soon, and don’t let BGs participation fall more than it has already fallen.
Everyone I matched up with had 5-6*’s and destroyed my poor chumps within 12 seconds…And it was kinda fun.
It was funny to see my opponents taking their time selecting their champs when it didn’t even matter. I wasn’t playing to win, just testing my skill against impossible odds. It actually felt a bit satisfying when I nearly beat a 6* Bishop with my Summoned Symbiote.
I played three quick matches within a few minutes, got my 600 Trophy Tokens, walked away with no hard feelings, and it was actually the most positive experience I’ve had with this mode to date.
Now I want to rank up my 4* Punisher, Thanos, Unstoppable Colossus, Goldpool, Sigil Scarlet Witch, and Immortal Iron Fist for fun, heheh.
Yes the matchmaking is flawed and yes the design isn’t good, I’ve been vocal to Kabam on these points. That said, I’m tired of seeing people belittle smaller accounts whilst telling everyone how big their own account is..
The reset each season means that you are going through exactly the same motions to get from Bronze - Silver... and GC. Even if you have a 100% win rate, that is still 2-5 fights each tier. If people are closer to a 50% win rate, then it is double, triple, quadruple, or even more number of fights each tier. Sure, the rewards are worth it, but it just gets repetitive season to season.
The 'fun' competition aspect disappears after the first few days as the dominant strategies develop. Selecting Human Torch or facing a Kingpin becomes extremely rote. Even with the RNG of drafting, I begin to face the same defenders each match. This is less of a problem once you get to GC, as the nodes change weekly. But you have to get through the slog of VT just to get to the 'fun competition' (I guess I can't put matchmaking issues aside entirely). It feels more like doing Arena fights against the same Kang/Thanos teams over and over.
Again, I want to reiterate that the rewards can be well worth the work. And fun is entirely subjective. But for me personally, BG as a whole is less engaging to me.