Battlegrounds, where is the fun?



  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,325 ★★★★★

    DNA3000 said:

    At 33% it’s approaching hopeless without expending ludicrous amounts of effort (or getting extremely lucky).

    I am at 25 matches deep and one win to break into Silver 3. I need to be extremely fortunate.

    Some six months later ...

  • Joker1976Joker1976 Member Posts: 890 ★★★
    edited March 2023

    BigBlueOx said:

    It’s important to consider that Battlegrounds is a mini version of war, including defensive placements, and having enough skill to manage when you have an poor to mediocre option for the fight.

    You gotta fight HT with Doom… yeah that’s gonna suck, but can you come up with a strategy for maximum damage in that moment? What is it? And then through playing you find out 2 things. (1) was it a good approach? (2) were you good enough to execute it?

    But also, after the fight you gotta think about how you landed in that position. (1) was it a strategic throwing of a round? (2) would it be better to ban HT based on how many mystics/energy damage champs are in your deck?

    I get that it’s frustrating but as a forum community, I’ve been observing a lot of belly aching on losses in battlegrounds, but not a lot of “this is what I’m doing, could I try something better?”

    It’s a competitive mode, so we all rightfully are reluctant to give advice on the matter, but at the same time I don’t think this approach works either. As a fan of the mode I want it to succeed, so maybe a pivot to more strategic based conversations is needed.

    The main difference I in AW, you keep your rating so if you have a 50/50 season you don't end up in the lowest bracket. Going 50/50 in BGs is keeping some of the best players in much lower brackets than is appropriate.
    Also AW is quite different in the fact that you are guaranteed the set defenders you have selected,..often not the case in BG’s when considering the draft. Wins and losses mostly comes down to roster depth imo,..the dude who’s got over 100 R3 6*’s is often going to thrash the one who’s only got 30 because the deeper account has the advantage to pick the top 30 attackers/ defenders/ dual threats that is optimal for the seasons meta, and banned champs isn’t going to hurt the bigger account as much. I have beat bigger accounts many times over the seasons but that has usually has come by more often from luck of the draft,.when i have gotten all the right champs and counters and my opponents haven’t.

    I honestly wish battlegrounds matchmaking was based more on a ratio of how many R3 6* champs and above a account has.

    People with 30 champs grouped together 40 champs the same,..and so on 50/60/70 ..etc,..
    And not have a 20 champ spread or difference.

    Idk how realistic this is,..just my thoughts.
  • kikiFurieuxkikiFurieux Member Posts: 255 ★★★
    Plus you can be 50/50 and be stuck in your bracket where someone with a lesser win percentage will move because they can align 3 wins sometimes...
    Ex: you: wwllwwllwwllwwll or wwlwllwwlwll
    them: wwwlllllllllwwwlllllllllwww

    Battleground is all about frustration at that point. Matchmaking, bugs (parry, specials thrown when hitting blocks...), Loss of progression when losing a match, etc...
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,325 ★★★★★

    DNA3000 said:

    At 33% it’s approaching hopeless without expending ludicrous amounts of effort (or getting extremely lucky).

    I am at 25 matches deep and one win to break into Silver 3. I need to be extremely fortunate.

    Some six months later ...

    And with the use of Victory Shields ... {8 straight losses after Silver II}

  • Vance2_jrVance2_jr Member Posts: 786 ★★★★
    edited March 2023
    I don’t even play it anymore. The BS far outweighs anything good or fun about it.
  • DrikinhooDrikinhoo Member Posts: 22
    I think the problem is that for some people, their definition to have fun is to win. In my opinion that's a wrong way to go about it. Personnally, even when losing in battlegrounds, I find fun in finding new strategies, developping new fighting abilities, learning new champs offensively, getting better at fighting really tough defenders, etc and etc. Battlegrounds is fun for me in that way because overall it makes me a far more better player season after season.
  • MordMord Member Posts: 150 ★★
    So lately in silver 2 I'm not only facing 16.5+ but master war alliances' members as well with an absolute stupid strong roster.

    Sweating like a pig to get a >50% win rate it is not only not fun but also, since I'm going nowhere at this rate, an absolute worthless waste of my time.

    Thanks for the experience, I think I've had enough :smile:

  • Ironman3000Ironman3000 Member Posts: 2,018 ★★★★★
    It's the only game mode where you can put in 2 hours of game time and literally make zero progress.

    Why are we losing tokens when they've admitted there are bugs they can't fix ruining streaks every day?
  • ThePredator1001ThePredator1001 Member Posts: 1,048 ★★★★
    The Battlegrounds mode by itself is very fun, one of my favorite modes in the game. It’s the progression system that makes it stressful and frustrating that takes away most of my enjoyment. If they changed it to make loses less punishing then I think people would enjoy it more
  • PikokPikok Member Posts: 156 ★★
    edited March 2023
    I have a fun in bg when I finish my 3 fight objectives and I dont have to touch bg anymore for 2more days.
    It is waste of time mode for players at the top. Sharks eating sharks meanwhile small fishes swimming unnoticeable and having fun thinking they are big fishes. Also fishermans (cheaters) having fun for sure
  • DJMNHDJMNH Member Posts: 723 ★★★
    Worst content. Its the place where you are being cheated
  • Bugmat78Bugmat78 Member Posts: 2,491 ★★★★★
    edited March 2023

    As it currently stands, losing feels much worse than winning. When you take into consideration the bugs, modders, and RNG of the draft, still losing the same number of medals as you can win is absurd. That is not a good way to get people to play a game mode.

    My biggest peeve with the mode.

    I would rather
    • a comprehensive 3 round win gave you 5 medals
    • just winning 2 of 3 rounds gives you 3 medals
    • losing by winning 1 of 2 rounds (ie a 3-round loss) 1 medal
    • no round won in a loss (whitewash) gives you 0 medals
    Then increase the number of tokens needed to go up each level to 15. Thus
    • 3 whitewash wins get you up with 3 x 5 = 15 medals
    • 5 of the 2v1 wins do the same as 5 x 3 = 15 medals
    • 15 f the 1 round losses to progress as 1 x 15 = 15 medals

    So anything less than normal 2v1 takes much more time but doesn't actually stop you in the log run from progressing.

    It would penalise people who throw rounds on purpose as strategy but still reward them more than losing, and so be good, while rewarding those who try to and do win every round more.

    Keep the points for the solo & alliance events the same (ie points for taking part and points for winning with energy less than marks) so even if more ppl reach the GC in the end, they would have less points overall because of how much they lost while progressing.

    People who reach GC in the first week would still reach, those who keep losing would at least still progress, if very slowly.
  • KillSwitchKillSwitch Member Posts: 283 ★★★
    The fun of BattleGrounds has drastically fallen off for me. It’s the embodiment of the term “One step forward, two steps back”, and extremely frustrating. I’m not a high-tier skill player and I am consistently getting matched with people who have rosters that FAAAAAAAR exceed my own. Just tired of the same old garbage, so I stopped playing BG.
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