Anyone Else Taking Damage when EoP ikarus uses Sp1?

While doing the Spiderverse EoP Carina challenge I was having an issue where when during the ikarus fight I would lose a chunk of health after he would throw his sp1.... This was my last challenge to complete and I never remembered that happened during the other runs I made...
I reported it to kabam but got only the response that future information couldn't be provided and I would have to look in forums or in-game messages for any updates...
I am just curious if anyone else has experience this big besides me?
I reported it to kabam but got only the response that future information couldn't be provided and I would have to look in forums or in-game messages for any updates...
I am just curious if anyone else has experience this big besides me?
Not everything is a bug. Unless you’re using a mystic champ avoid light attacks, otherwise he will gain these buffs and you will fry with every special he throws.
Heres a link to a short clip
As you don't have a mystic, I'll suggest taking this fight extremely slow, without using light hits, and doing only heavies.