How far have you progressed in EOP and Carina v3?

MoosetiptronicMoosetiptronic Posts: 2,144 ★★★★
Given that EOP feels like a half way house on the latest Everest content before the next abyss comes out, I'm intrigued by how many people have started EOP, how far you've progressed if you have and what you're status in game is, if you have?

Back in the day, on a similar poll for how people obtained their first R3 for TB, most people gritted their teeth and ground out one abyss path;

So... EOP as the first main route for achieving a R5 through content; has it engendered a rush of completion, to grab that first one?

Feel free to share views on how you've found it if you've taken 1 or more runs so far.

How far have you progressed in EOP and Carina v3? 137 votes

10+R4 and all challenges done
RaganatorbenshbTristanHenrytfu_41QuikPikfrodo2377GarlopseudosaneLiquidkoldMoosetiptronicFloorKillerGogeta91199TedthebellhopXigroPikoluKappa2ghorrendous_tooBugmat78Mobile_P0tat0Mother_Flerken 39 votes
10+R4 and some completed
MasterSmokeBashlordManup456buttersIKONIvarTheBonelessjaymania82Dwhalen8554Banhammer_steParth_vanshSearmenisOoooiiiiieeeeeeMrSakuragiRugbyman371Patrick44Lee99 16 votes
10+R4 and none done
DrZolaJadedzuffyCapt_MegasauceJediTrix5GreekhitMik81Giantwalrus56 8 votes
3-9 R4 and all challenges done
IamnikeAmaadAkiraZAKKY1GiuliameijDracarusElwindAndremlopesJT_SupremeRuwqiersawillrun4adonutGildarts99GeneralMerceSlayinAliveNLand 14 votes
3-9 R4 and some completed
World EaterMagrailothosJazz_MessengerCat_MurdockMhd20034Total_Domin01HendrossCupidCyborgNinja135LordSmasherxLunatiXxSaltE_Wenis69Nalak8ThePredator1001AgenteMagnusTheBussibaerSwamp_DragonMightyDhdsjskskskLittleha132 20 votes
3-9 R4 and none done
flip3609sbroSandeepSdoctorbsilentagHungaryHippoNetbreakerNoob_Master69ReignkingTWRenaxqqCharlie21540DrauglinJenskeDabamNinjaStrongSammyDeAyomaggots69SpartanGhostPowerOfACandleMister_pl0w 19 votes
TB and all challenges done
TB and some completed
UnobtainiumClaws 1 vote
TB and none done
FreakydSachhyam257OurobørosShiroMikazukiSpecMStarSmasher2001Salve_maker05LickyChuck_FinleyIceVer 10 votes
No interest regardless of whether TB or paragon
kikiFurieuxItsDamienBENNYJcaptain_rogersRawrasurusBrHunter67360Viking_St3v3Beurky38The_HoTUCHuck_fINA 10 votes


  • TyEdgeTyEdge Posts: 3,068 ★★★★★
    I’m getting my 14th r4 today. I’ve been doing a challenge every 1-2 weeks, and I only have Thunderbolts left.

    My 14th r4 will be Crossbones. Crossbones will tackle Kraven, Scorpion, and Peni. America will do Ikaris. My first r5 will be Rintrah, Galan (sorry, Herc), Nimrod, Apoc, Kingpin or Nick, or maybe S99 for science.

    And for the record, I Herced the left side and intended to stop. I ended up with surplus energy, which led to farming revives because EQ was made harder for no good reason. Once I had revives, I may as well have done another challenge. When I opened four hour crystals, I had surplus energy. With the energy, I had nothing to do but farm revives and the cycle has kept repeating every 1-2 weeks. Way to manage the game.
  • Hector_1475Hector_1475 Posts: 1,794 ★★★★★
    Paragon. 7 6R4s, I have explored EoP but no v.3 Carina's challenges done.
  • 10+R4 and all challenges done
    EOP was awful unfun content, but i got it done so i can keep up for war. I wouldnt repeat that awful content ever again.
  • Ironman3000Ironman3000 Posts: 1,935 ★★★★★
    10+R4 and all challenges done
    I've done everything.
  • ReignkingTWReignkingTW Posts: 2,773 ★★★★★
    3-9 R4 and none done
    I was waiting for a 6* herc, but with farming going anyway I might try one and done.
  • OurobørosOurobøros Posts: 1,493 ★★★★
    TB and none done
    Tired of trying already
  • ShiroMikazukiShiroMikazuki Posts: 503 ★★★
    TB and none done
    I’m going to do them eventually when i man up and make myself suffer from the pain lol
  • Gildarts99Gildarts99 Posts: 370 ★★
    3-9 R4 and all challenges done
    Done about two to three weeks ago. just recently got enough cats for my 8th rank 4. also pulled a skill rank 4-5 gem and guess who got it? yhh Shang chi. also done with the profile pic one.
  • MaratoxMaratox Posts: 1,592 ★★★★★
    10+R4 and all challenges done
    Just rounded out EOP carina’s with the thunderbolts challenge last night. Got a 4-5 mystic gem and will most likely be taking absorbing man to rank 5. Very excited for it
  • MoosetiptronicMoosetiptronic Posts: 2,144 ★★★★
    10+R4 and all challenges done
    TyEdge said:

    I’m getting my 14th r4 today. I’ve been doing a challenge every 1-2 weeks, and I only have Thunderbolts left.

    My 14th r4 will be Crossbones. Crossbones will tackle Kraven, Scorpion, and Peni. America will do Ikaris. My first r5 will be Rintrah, Galan (sorry, Herc), Nimrod, Apoc, Kingpin or Nick, or maybe S99 for science.

    And for the record, I Herced the left side and intended to stop. I ended up with surplus energy, which led to farming revives because EQ was made harder for no good reason. Once I had revives, I may as well have done another challenge. When I opened four hour crystals, I had surplus energy. With the energy, I had nothing to do but farm revives and the cycle has kept repeating every 1-2 weeks. Way to manage the game.

    So similar. Did mine last week, thunderbolts was the last one. Think of who you'll use if you get unlucky on Crossbones shrugging scorpion everytime without DAR protection and getting blown up. He's awesome though, used him for ikarus too, as had no Chavez and he's got great reach for the special heavy counter.

    Also ended up in an odd energy cycle; opened nearly 400, 4 hour crystals for heals over all the runs and ended up with so many refills (had 25 in overflow at one point) it just prompted re-farming to then go for another run.
  • Chuck_FinleyChuck_Finley Posts: 1,084 ★★★★★
    TB and none done
    When I became TB there were two individual EOP fights left. I was able to complete 1 of the two. Had zero counters for the other (don’t remember which one).

    Roster has grown a bit since then but going through a whole path was not on my radar until I completed Act 7 …which I am casually doing as I can with minimal resources (7.3.4 as of now) . Now with revive farming gone… probably will never be on my radar knowing all this Everest content was completed by average players (like me) with a bunch of revives.

    My entire perspective on how to enjoy the game as newly F2P due to frustrations like this has shifted everything.
  • IvarTheBonelessIvarTheBoneless Posts: 1,273 ★★★★
    10+R4 and some completed
    Started carina with 8 r4 and I have 11 now. Only 2 challenges left and I will do alt avengers in a couple of days and then wait for robots until I get dragon man or nebula (prefer dragon man)

    Found the HARD. Like I really struggles with the jugg only run (100+ revives and almost no health pots) and also with spiders (80 revives and no health pots).
  • GeneralMerceGeneralMerce Posts: 236 ★★
    3-9 R4 and all challenges done
    got the 4->5 science gem. Working Spot up for it now but need to get him to R4 first. Horrible content IMO but we struggle to get it done
  • World EaterWorld Eater Posts: 3,685 ★★★★★
    edited March 2023
    3-9 R4 and some completed
    2 challenges done - dimensional beings and mutants for 100% exploration.

    Looking to do another challenge within a week, not sure which one though.
  • Banhammer_steBanhammer_ste Posts: 62
    10+R4 and some completed
    Exactly 10 r4 and I've got one left to do. I really enjoyed it for the most part. Only the spiders challenge felt really painful. Solo juggs run was surprisingly not too bad. Only peni felt like I was just throwing revives at it
  • Giantwalrus56Giantwalrus56 Posts: 906 ★★★★
    10+R4 and none done
    Planning on running my 1st carina's on Sunday. Ran left side a few days back with herc, heimdall, & Rags to get initial clear
  • JadedJaded Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★
    10+R4 and none done
  • ItsDamienItsDamien Posts: 5,626 ★★★★★
    No interest regardless of whether TB or paragon
    10 R4 champs, none of this EoP or Carinas even attempted and no desire to do so. I do the bare minimum I have to in game to get some rewards and until the input removal is reverted or the inputs are similar to how they were before the removal, I have no reason to continue attempting content.
  • FiiNCHFiiNCH Posts: 1,664 ★★★★★
    10+R4 and all challenges done
    Got it done in 5 runs (did a double juggs run).

    Overall it wasn’t the worst. I’d rather have more EOP style content than abyss tbh.
  • Mhd20034Mhd20034 Posts: 160
    3-9 R4 and some completed
    Only have the robots and thunderbolts ones left.Just waiting for more iso to rank some champions and then i am finishing them.
  • ChatterofforumsChatterofforums Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★
    10+R4 and all challenges done
    Did em all unit and money free (but boy did I take advantage of beating up 3.2.6 Thanos). My guess it's not a coincidence that 3.2.6 getting nerf shortly after the eop as I know I'm not only one that went crazy on it to get the r5.
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Posts: 4,688 ★★★★★
    10+R4 and all challenges done
    Trivialised it with revives first week.
  • GreekhitGreekhit Posts: 2,820 ★★★★★
    10+R4 and none done
    I haven’t even attempted yet, since i still miss 5*/6* Scarlet Witch.
    I never complete content, I’m always focusing and exploring it when I’m able to, because I don’t like going back to finish a path after months.
  • SearmenisSearmenis Posts: 1,575 ★★★★★
    10+R4 and some completed
    It doesn't really matter if you have 15 or 6 r4s, they need to be the right champs for the job. But, you can use r3s as well, the amount of revives (sic) used are almost the same.
  • zuffyzuffy Posts: 2,218 ★★★★★
    edited March 2023
    10+R4 and none done
    I had 15 R4 when eop came out. Just didn’t feel like torturing myself to do the carina 3 challenges. I did the regular eop exploration.
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