Should Kabam send out a free 3* Skill Relic crystal to everyone?

As a workaround for the -90% power rate punishment in this month's TB EQ do you think Kabam should send everyone a 3* skill Striker (much like they do for events where they send out a 2*/3* version of a new champ to allow objectives to be achieved)?
Should Kabam send out a free 3* Skill Relic crystal to everyone? 60 votes
The node is not unfair. You are just choosing to not play with it. You could do the quest with a different class striker or skill champs that don't use strikers with some penalty but that's like complaining about a node where if opponent isn't incinerated that they take less damage... and going in with a non-incinerate champion... you chose to do that... it isn't that it is an unfair node.
Honestly, it's not like you really need the striker. Your damage isn't mitigated because you don't have it. You get the fury's for debuffs falling off anyway.
It's not like it's paired with power shield or something.
I had no idea we would get punished for not having them, the way it was phrased has been that it's a nice to have, not a necessity.
Even if I worked hard to earn 3* Relic shards it's still RNG and by no means guaranteed to drop a skill Relic - it feels like the 5*/6* champion requirement gate they added in Act 6, we are having to make do with restrictions instead of flourishing as we grow our rosters.
You don't need them. Especially in the skill chapter.
Node came and gone, No EfFs were given that day.