Hey Kabam, where is the BG compensation?

Following up on your post regarding the BG state and bugs:
It's been over two weeks since your post acknowledging not less than 7(!!!) major bugs in Battle Grounds, yet there's been no progress made to address these issues
It is very disappointing to see that Kabam's response to these bugs was to simply acknowledge them and expect players to accept them without any sort of compensation. This is simply unacceptable. As players, we deserve to be compensated for the resources we've lost due to Kabam's own mistakes. It's not enough to simply apologize and promise to fix the issues (without even giving a timeline) while players keep spending money on a game mode that clearly isn't functioning as intended.
Your players have wasted Victory Shields, Elder Marks, and Energy. These resources are not cheap - they cost real money. Players have invested a lot of money in the game, and it's only fair that you compensate players for the lost resources.
No one is expecting an enormous amount of compensation, but at the very least, you can offer something small (1 VS and 200 EM for example) to show us that you care about your player base and understand that this is not their fault. It's not fair to expect players to keep investing in a game mode that's riddled with bugs and not functioning properly.
In conclusion, hopefully Kabam will take responsibility for the issues with Battle Grounds and offer appropriate compensation to players who have been affected. As you expect us to understand it's an online game mode and bugs will happen, you should also be reasonable enough to say "We messed up, let's give them something back"
Thanks for your time
@Kabam Miike
It's been over two weeks since your post acknowledging not less than 7(!!!) major bugs in Battle Grounds, yet there's been no progress made to address these issues
It is very disappointing to see that Kabam's response to these bugs was to simply acknowledge them and expect players to accept them without any sort of compensation. This is simply unacceptable. As players, we deserve to be compensated for the resources we've lost due to Kabam's own mistakes. It's not enough to simply apologize and promise to fix the issues (without even giving a timeline) while players keep spending money on a game mode that clearly isn't functioning as intended.
Your players have wasted Victory Shields, Elder Marks, and Energy. These resources are not cheap - they cost real money. Players have invested a lot of money in the game, and it's only fair that you compensate players for the lost resources.
No one is expecting an enormous amount of compensation, but at the very least, you can offer something small (1 VS and 200 EM for example) to show us that you care about your player base and understand that this is not their fault. It's not fair to expect players to keep investing in a game mode that's riddled with bugs and not functioning properly.
In conclusion, hopefully Kabam will take responsibility for the issues with Battle Grounds and offer appropriate compensation to players who have been affected. As you expect us to understand it's an online game mode and bugs will happen, you should also be reasonable enough to say "We messed up, let's give them something back"
Thanks for your time

@Kabam Miike
But plenty EMs have been wasted on auto forfeit, and frankly its annoyingaf.
It’s a bold strategy, Cotton…
Dr. Zola
You knew there are bugs, yet you spent elder marks and other resources and are mad about it?
Broken AF and laughable.
It’s wholly acceptable to ask for compensation for lost resources.
A fix and compensation are not mutually exclusive. If Kabam provide compensation that doesn’t mean they stop trying to fix the game. But it lets the players/customers know they are valued and help them through the bugs that are slowing/stopping progress.
The compensation Kabam provides doesn’t really cost them anything. It’s not the same as a company providing a 20% discount to 1m customers that would reduce income by the amount being compensated. It’s just made up trinkets that we as players put some inherit value in. Maybe Kabam has analytics that whenever they provide compensation it’s leads to a reduction in spending and it’s put them off. When I was buying stuff in game, compensation never really effect me, but I am a sample of one.
We wasted so much of these things in this season.
Anyone who’s been on the forums the past two months has seen tons of BG bug documentation (even though it’s often swept quickly back to the Bugs pages). You would have to be blind to miss.
While things like draft blackouts and being unable to fight BG fights may not technically be “universal,” given that forums members have documented scores of instances of BGs issues (and the acknowledgment by the team of at least several of those bugs), how should we take the lack of discussion of any kind of remedy? Why submit more evidence if it goes nowhere.
Maybe there’s a generous package of relief around the corner. But loss of items like Victory Shields as well as loss of matches last season directly influenced my decision to play less BGs this season, which were also affected by bugs. The seeming lack of enforcement actions against accounts that broke rules further undermined confidence in a fair system. I doubt I’m alone.
Dr. Zola
I think they would make it top priority to fix it if it affected them instead of players.
Dr. Zola