Positive view of TB EQ nodes

JockJonnyJockJonny Member Posts: 237 ★★
Always seems to be lots of hate on for the TB EQ nodes. I just gotta say that I actually enjoy them mostly.
Primary reason is it lets me use champions that I rarely if ever use in normal content
… Example just ran 1.2 with yondu and was super fun.

Are there fights that are brutal with the nodes? Absolutely!! But it is thronebreaker and currently the highest difficulty so it should be challenging.

Anyways I am sure I am in the minority here and let the disagree button fly haha but I’m gonna go ahead and give props to the kabaam devs.

Love content that I can use obscure champs so thank you. Peace


  • Feeney234Feeney234 Member Posts: 1,253 ★★★★
    JockJonny said:

    Always seems to be lots of hate on for the TB EQ nodes. I just gotta say that I actually enjoy them mostly.
    Primary reason is it lets me use champions that I rarely if ever use in normal content
    … Example just ran 1.2 with yondu and was super fun.

    Are there fights that are brutal with the nodes? Absolutely!! But it is thronebreaker and currently the highest difficulty so it should be challenging.

    Anyways I am sure I am in the minority here and let the disagree button fly haha but I’m gonna go ahead and give props to the kabaam devs.

    Love content that I can use obscure champs so thank you. Peace

    I used my Vision Aarkus today for the first time in quite a while in the cosmic chapter. I had a friggen blast lol
  • LilMaddogHTLilMaddogHT Member Posts: 1,211 ★★★★
    For each of the 6 maps in TB EQ, I will always set up my teams so that I don't bring & use the same champ twice for a lane. It lets you try out various champs, practice with those you may not generally use and see some interesting node interactions. 🤘🏼
  • StarSmasher2001StarSmasher2001 Member Posts: 234 ★★
    I actually like the nodes. Forces me to grow my roster in ways that I don't expect, e.g. this month I took my Apoc to r3 when I was content leaving him as r2 for the time being.

    Is it frustrating when you don't have the perfect champ for the node? Yes. Does that make it all the more satisfying when you do? Also yes.
  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,882 ★★★★★
    I usually like most of the nodes, and this month is no exception.

    The only issue I see is, that sometimes they create a node combo that isn't hard, just annoying, such as the Mysterio boss this month - lots of waiting and flying around, so it takes painfully long, but the difficulty isn't too high
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