Skill: Killmonger, Korg and Falcon Science: Hulk and Joe Fixit Mystic: Dragon Man and Mangog (decent chance it’s Juggernaut bottom left) Cosmic: Venom, Terrax and Venom the Duck Tech: War Machine, Rocket, Mysterio Mutant: Sauron and Sunspot
Skill: Korg, Killmonger Science: OG Hulk is the only silhouette I can make out Mystic: Dragon Man, Mangog Cosmic: Terrax and maybe Venom on the back Tech: War Machine, Rocket Mutant: Sauron, Sunspot
Skill: Killmonger, Korg and Falcon Science: Hulk and Joe Fixit Mystic: Dragon Man and Mangog (decent chance it’s Juggernaut bottom left) Cosmic: Venom, Terrax and Venom the Duck Tech: War Machine, Rocket, Mysterio Mutant: Sauron and Sunspot
Skill: Killmonger, Korg and Falcon Science: Hulk and Joe Fixit Mystic: Dragon Man and Mangog (decent chance it’s Juggernaut bottom left) Cosmic: Venom, Terrax and Venom the Duck Tech: War Machine, Rocket, Mysterio Mutant: Sauron and Sunspot
Pretty decent pool
Far from decent, it should have been full of C tier champs like War machine dragon man but they also added trash like venom the duck korg etc defense champs shouldn't be in the 7* pool so early
Skill: Killmonger, Korg and Falcon Science: Hulk and Joe Fixit Mystic: Dragon Man and Mangog (decent chance it’s Juggernaut bottom left) Cosmic: Venom, Terrax and Venom the Duck Tech: War Machine, Rocket, Mysterio Mutant: Sauron and Sunspot
Skill: Killmonger, Korg and Falcon Science: Hulk and Joe Fixit Mystic: Dragon Man and Mangog (decent chance it’s Juggernaut bottom left) Cosmic: Venom, Terrax and Venom the Duck Tech: War Machine, Rocket, Mysterio Mutant: Sauron and Sunspot
Pretty decent pool
Far from decent, it should have been full of C tier champs like War machine dragon man but they also added trash like venom the duck korg etc defense champs shouldn't be in the 7* pool so early
Dragon Man and War Machine are nowhere near C tier
Skill: Killmonger, Korg and Falcon Science: Hulk and Joe Fixit Mystic: Dragon Man and Mangog (decent chance it’s Juggernaut bottom left) Cosmic: Venom, Terrax and Venom the Duck Tech: War Machine, Rocket, Mysterio Mutant: Sauron and Sunspot
Pretty decent pool
Way better than I expected Like way way better 7* dragon man and sunspot and venom and falcon gonna wreck
Skill: Killmonger, Korg and Falcon Science: Hulk and Joe Fixit Mystic: Dragon Man and Mangog (decent chance it’s Juggernaut bottom left) Cosmic: Venom, Terrax and Venom the Duck Tech: War Machine, Rocket, Mysterio Mutant: Sauron and Sunspot
Pretty decent pool
Add Bishop to the list. Top right, using this art:
defense champs shouldn't be in the 7* pool so early
Most of the players going after 7* champs at release are going to be end game players, or soon to be end game players. Those players are mostly past the point where they need One More Attacker and will be hunting for a more diverse set of champions: particular strong utility attackers, strong war defenders, prestige champs, and good battlegrounds deck champs. Korg still has a place in the modern meta, for players who are past looking for a Herc to smash through quests.
Original 6* pool back from 2018 if I'm correct. Tell me why we can't see Kingpin or KG or Angela or something like that in 7* pool, come on! Even kabam have their own scale of how good a champ is and no matter what they will push bottom 50% champions of MCOC pool no matter what. Remember that bottom 50% which is more then a 100 ,champs. I think I will 100% hold off my 7* shards which is 36000 and unless they have r4 capability then I might consider opening otherwise if they are lvl 1-25. Equivalent of a r3 6* then I won't open them at all
Lmao, all those champs were there pre-buff. Both KP and KG were worse than VTD, Angela did not have her utility.
Original 6* pool back from 2018 if I'm correct. Tell me why we can't see Kingpin or KG or Angela or something like that in 7* pool, come on! Even kabam have their own scale of how good a champ is and no matter what they will push bottom 50% champions of MCOC pool no matter what. Remember that bottom 50% which is more then a 100 ,champs. I think I will 100% hold off my 7* shards which is 36000 and unless they have r4 capability then I might consider opening otherwise if they are lvl 1-25. Equivalent of a r3 6* then I won't open them at all
Original 6* pool back from 2018 if I'm correct. Tell me why we can't see Kingpin or KG or Angela or something like that in 7* pool, come on! Even kabam have their own scale of how good a champ is and no matter what they will push bottom 50% champions of MCOC pool no matter what. Remember that bottom 50% which is more then a 100 ,champs. I think I will 100% hold off my 7* shards which is 36000 and unless they have r4 capability then I might consider opening otherwise if they are lvl 1-25. Equivalent of a r3 6* then I won't open them at all
If you’re going to compare the initial 7* pool to the initial 6* pool from years ago then I think it’s important to keep in mind that, as others have pointed out, this was before many of these champs were buffed. It was also before Cable and Black Bolt got the Apocalypse and Hit Monkey synergies respectively.
While that pool of champs may look fairly decent right now, this was far from the case when it was originally released. So if we’re comparing what we’re able to see so far to what we got back then, then it’s clear that the initial pool of 7* champs will be quite better. Personally, I’d rather not see all of the top champs enter the pool right away, I’d rather see other good champs who may not get used as much get a chance to shine for a bit.
- Killmonger
- Rhulk/Hulk
- Dragon Man
- Terrax
- Sauron
- Rocket
- Storm
So basically a bunch of B-tier and C-tier champs.
Mutant: Sauron
Cosmic: Venom, Terrax
Mystic: Dragon man
Science: Joe Fixit, OG Hulk
Skill: Killmonger
Give it to me.
Skill: Killmonger, Korg and Falcon
Science: Hulk and Joe Fixit
Mystic: Dragon Man and Mangog (decent chance it’s Juggernaut bottom left)
Cosmic: Venom, Terrax and Venom the Duck
Tech: War Machine, Rocket, Mysterio
Mutant: Sauron and Sunspot
Pretty decent pool
Science: OG Hulk is the only silhouette I can make out
Mystic: Dragon Man, Mangog
Cosmic: Terrax and maybe Venom on the back
Tech: War Machine, Rocket
Mutant: Sauron, Sunspot
Mutant: Sauron, Sunspot
Cosmic: Venom, Terrax, Cull Obsidian
Mystic: Dragon man, Saquatch, Juggernaut (?)
Science: Joe Fixit, OG Hulk
Skill: Killmonger, Falcon (?), Kraven (?),
I can dream!
Like way way better 7* dragon man and sunspot and venom and falcon gonna wreck
Both KP and KG were worse than VTD, Angela did not have her utility.
While that pool of champs may look fairly decent right now, this was far from the case when it was originally released. So if we’re comparing what we’re able to see so far to what we got back then, then it’s clear that the initial pool of 7* champs will be quite better. Personally, I’d rather not see all of the top champs enter the pool right away, I’d rather see other good champs who may not get used as much get a chance to shine for a bit.