Nimrod is known as the one of the best mutant killers. For maximum effectiveness needs high signature ability, it influences both his tempo (energize buff) and burst damage (shocks from sp2). Even without dupe performs incredibly well against mutants Just avoid bringing him against Bishop and you are good to go
To be honest, he’s so good, I have forgotten how to fight mutants otherwise. Bishop is the only one I have answers for because he’s the only one I still have to deal with. And it’s not just mutants, some of his abilities are extraordinary on a multitude of champs. He can convert regen into shock on anyone, he completely trivializes armour break, and he reduces special attack damage and critical hit damage on anyone.
I'm gonna be very honest. I was never on board the nimrod train. Got him recently took him to r3, gave him a tech ag and used him a lot. My two cents on the champ: Literally the GOAT against mutants/regen/prowess fights, but in normal fights, he's just not that special. He's fine against non-mutants but he's seriously overhyped. I prefer my Ultron over Nimrod any day of the week. Nimrod will still eventually go to r4 but for now, I have absolutely no reason to take him up over a champ like Ghost
Just avoid bringing him against Bishop and you are good to go
I’ve also used him against bishop just fine. Play slow. Go straight into orange phase. hit block and bait heavy. Dex sp2. Ez
Literally the GOAT against mutants/regen/prowess fights, but in normal fights, he's just not that special. He's fine against non-mutants but he's seriously overhyped. I prefer my Ultron over Nimrod any day of the week. Nimrod will still eventually go to r4 but for now, I have absolutely no reason to take him up over a champ like Ghost