What special is dexable but you just can’t dodge



  • UsagicassidyUsagicassidy Member Posts: 1,858 ★★★★★
    This a a great thread.

    I often wonder on the same wavelength, what champs who you try to rush in after their special who should be vulnerable but just NEVER work for you and you always end up getting clipped. Mags is definitely one for me.
  • rockykostonrockykoston Member Posts: 1,505 ★★★★
    MasterA said:

    Also Yellowjacket sp1

    You need to create distance and then just dex once
  • OurobørosOurobøros Member Posts: 2,093 ★★★★★
    Apoc and Sauron specials and Korg sp1
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★

    I’m not talking about specials like nick furys sp1 because I don’t know anyone who can actually dex that.

    For me It’s Venoms SP2, Quicksilver SP1 and Dr strange SP1 to name a few.
    Interested to see what you all have trouble dodging!

    Someone posted a video of how to dex Fury's SP1 in the Forums awhile ago but I've never learned to do it. I just recently got Korg's SP1 down which is crazy given how long he has been in the game. I can dex Mags SP2 and Venoms SP2 flawlessly every time unless it's hard content in which case it's more like 20% of the time lol. A lot of the specials where distance helps I can do without distance, like Electro SP1 and MODOK SP1 unless it matters in which case I have to have distance. But I'd say both Apoc specials give me trouble. I'm not sure I've ever dexed his SP1 and I'm always shocked when I dex his SP2.
  • ShiroiharaShiroihara Member Posts: 1,092 ★★★★
    Gambit's SP1. I have to remind myself to not even try. I instinctively dex the first bit and always get clipped by the second, then I get stunned.
    I hate Gambit.
  • AMS94AMS94 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★★
    RedMags Sp2 / Wags Sp1
    Massacre Sp2
    Bishop Sp2
    Apoc Sp1
    Dormammu Sp2
    Monke Sp2
    Omega Sentinel Sp2
    Wong Sp2

    I can occassionally get lucky dexes on these but mostly I just get hit by them
  • FeuerschwerFeuerschwer Member Posts: 453 ★★★
    Korg’s L1 for sure, also Havok’s L1 and SigilWitch’s L2
  • H3t3rH3t3r Member, Guardian Posts: 2,882 Guardian
    Quicksilver sp2. He fast.
  • Jack2634Jack2634 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★

    I’m not talking about specials like nick furys sp1 because I don’t know anyone who can actually dex that.

    For me It’s Venoms SP2, Quicksilver SP1 and Dr strange SP1 to name a few.
    Interested to see what you all have trouble dodging!

    all of collector's sps , although we rarely see him
    punisher's sp1 . I can dodge it about 50% of the time , but most of the time i decided to block first 2 hits and dex the last
    Green Gob's sp2 . Can't remember how many times a GG's sp2 made me lost the fight in arena
    spiderman's sp1 . the double web part i can dodge if i want but decided to block anyway
  • FabriciusFabricius Member Posts: 48
    Heimdal sp2. It seem so easy. But no. I can't. Bad timing every time
  • GrandOldKaiGrandOldKai Member Posts: 796 ★★★★
    edited April 2023
    I was once able to dex Punisher (Skill) SP1 but now I don't bother
    Heimdall SP2 is a weird one because I think you actually cannot Dex it (and it's unblockable if he has Armour Up)

    Slow projectiles get me quite often
    (Dr Strange SP1, Red Magneto SP1/Other Magneto SP2, Moon Knight SP1 etc.)
    I haven't even tried dexing Apocalypse (granted, I barely even fight him)
    I often get clipped by prolonged beams (Maestro SP1, Bishop SP2, America Chavez SP2...)
  • Salve_maker05Salve_maker05 Member Posts: 424 ★★★
    Iron Patriots’ SP1 sometimes gets me because it’s like a double hit beam.
  • MoosetiptronicMoosetiptronic Member Posts: 2,166 ★★★★
    Slow specials; air walker. You have to be tight against the wall and even then it sometimes gets you.

    That aside, agreed on loads of these GG sp2, apoc, korg sp1, sauron sp1.

    And correct on venom sp2 (and a few others, abom sp2 is similar) it's easy to Dex if you are extra large, but small characters it's much harder.
  • rcm2017rcm2017 Member Posts: 665 ★★★
    Fabricius said:

    Heimdal sp2. It seem so easy. But no. I can't. Bad timing every time

    U cant dex heimdall's sp2, if i remember correctly and if he has atleast 1 armor up then its unblockable too.
  • rcm2017rcm2017 Member Posts: 665 ★★★
    Red mags sp2 dex is easy and can be done instinctively if you are very close to red mags, i always get clipped by red mags sp2 when i am far away. Same with switch classic sp2.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,674 ★★★★★
    Special 2 with a lot of quick contact hits
    Like silver surfer
  • SearmenisSearmenis Member Posts: 1,750 ★★★★★
    Ikaris Sp2, it takes too damn long.
  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,880 ★★★★★
    For some reason Air-Walker SP1. Much worse than Strange or Man-Thing for me
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,069 ★★★★★
    For some reason, I just can't ever dex Cyclops' special attacks. None of them. It should be so easy, right? It's just a freaking beam. But it somehow still manages to hit me almost every time.

    Korg's SP1 is also one that should be easy but I've just never learned.

    Ghulk's SP1 also has a way of tripping me up. It has such a weird hit box. I can avoid the blow just fine, but the shockwave or whatever it is that comes afterwards has a bad habit of knocking me down.
  • Khellendros138Khellendros138 Member Posts: 606 ★★★
    Yellowjacket sp1
    Green goblin sp2
    Venom sp2
    Bishop sp1
  • ReignkingTWReignkingTW Member Posts: 2,773 ★★★★★
    edited April 2023

    Gambit's SP1. I have to remind myself to not even try. I instinctively dex the first bit and always get clipped by the second, then I get stunned.
    I hate Gambit.

    I get clipped by that all the time too. Just as bad, Moon Knights 2nd projectile on the sp1. I think the audio isn't timed with the visual so I get clipped. It's slower than the first one.
  • MasterSmokeMasterSmoke Member Posts: 583 ★★★
    Kangs SP2 the second beam of it clips me sometimes
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,191 ★★★★★
    Definitely agree with some of the above - Green Goblin SP2 (second hit), Bishop SP1, Nick Fury SP1.

    One that no one has mentioned is Gorr's SP2. It gets me all the time.
  • Bugmat78Bugmat78 Member Posts: 2,491 ★★★★★
    Nick fury sp1- have dexed it maybe 3 times ever

    Bishop sp2 - the unblockable call out i think gets me nervous and so it's 50/50

    Knull sp1 - didn't even know it's dexable lol

    Both punishers' specials though tbf I can dex og punishers' sp1 when i concentrate

    Dr. Strange sp1 and sp2
  • TheWatcher_TheWatcher_ Member Posts: 153
    for me:
    Doom sp1 and sp2. I dex them to early
    Rintrahs sp2. If I Don't back up all the way, I'll get hit for sure
    Green goblin sp2. The first hit always gets me.
    Guardian sp1. I also dex this to early.
    Tigras sp2. Especially in a corner. Yikes
    Nimrods sp1. That last hit always gets me
    Knull sp2. It's like tigras where there is a lunge and It's so risky for me to dex
    Venoms Sp2. It's why I bait his sp1 cause I know I can't mess that up. It's also a Lunge like Tigras and Knull
    Bishops sp2. Like doom, I dex to early and take huge damage.
    Yellow Jackets Sp1. Again, I dex to early
    Korgs Sp1. I dont even know
    Mags sp2. The timing and the spacing.
    Negs sp1 and sp2. I fight with negs a lot but on defense I can't get the timing right on both. Especially on the sp1
    Kingpin Sp2. Also dex to early.
    I probably forgot a few that I can't dex, but these are the main ones
  • Zak2025Zak2025 Member Posts: 62
    Quicksilver , doom , Idoom, yellowjackets guardians sp2, Korg, bishop, Zemo, apocalypse , knull, magneto, cable.war machine, and whenever I am corened
  • HipocerosHipoceros Member Posts: 100
    I guess the problem with specials is that the game doesn't accurately take in count the distance between the player and the champ. It calculates the time and some kind of close or far distance. So devices with more wider aspect ratio are in disadvantage because you can go further away than normal devices... so you often have to dex in different synch than expected by the animation on the screen.
  • TheAngryOneTheAngryOne Member Posts: 501 ★★★
    Red Magneto SP2 / White Magneto SP1

    Can only evade reliably when i am close to Mags. Far away I swipe & pray. 🥺
  • MorningstarIsBaeMorningstarIsBae Member Posts: 217 ★★★
    Bishops s2 gets me almost every single time. I can dex some of the most complex specials but for some reason i can't for the life of me get down bishops s2
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