First R5 options

ISO17ISO17 Member Posts: 87 ★★
I currently have the means to take TWO champs to R5. But now that it’s an option, I am torn and don’t want to decide lol.

I have 3 Cosmic T6CC. Thought I have Herc sig 200, I LOVE me some CGR (almost always bring him into war) and hulkling. Though Herc seems like the best long term answer since no 7* will be avaliable any time soon

I also pulled a skill gel from EOP. Sig 200 Valk absolutely destroys and she’s one of my favorite champs in the game. And Fury needs no explanation, amazing 2-way champ.

My dilemas are:
With Gladiator coming later this year, and Adam warlock hopefully being amazing, do I wait to R5 a cosmic until I NEED an R5 Herc?

And with Zemo in the next featured pool, I may wait and see if I like his play style and possibly take him up as my skill R5

What are your guys’ thoughts? What would you do?


  • PikoluPikolu Member, Guardian Posts: 8,290 Guardian
    R5 herc wouldn't be "needed" until the next abyss-like content comes out imo. But always rankup whoever you enjoy, it'll be a long time before you can get 6* gladiator and unless you sell your soul to arena or wallet to cav crystals, you won't get 6* Adam Warlock for quite awhile either.
  • GhostFace2022GhostFace2022 Member Posts: 168
    Valkyrie my dude
  • Jack2634Jack2634 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★
    Don't rank up champs just because they are good . If you love CGR and always brought him to war , then proof to him that you love him !
  • Feeney234Feeney234 Member Posts: 1,252 ★★★★
    ISO17 said:

    I currently have the means to take TWO champs to R5. But now that it’s an option, I am torn and don’t want to decide lol.

    I have 3 Cosmic T6CC. Thought I have Herc sig 200, I LOVE me some CGR (almost always bring him into war) and hulkling. Though Herc seems like the best long term answer since no 7* will be avaliable any time soon

    I also pulled a skill gel from EOP. Sig 200 Valk absolutely destroys and she’s one of my favorite champs in the game. And Fury needs no explanation, amazing 2-way champ.

    My dilemas are:
    With Gladiator coming later this year, and Adam warlock hopefully being amazing, do I wait to R5 a cosmic until I NEED an R5 Herc?

    And with Zemo in the next featured pool, I may wait and see if I like his play style and possibly take him up as my skill R5

    What are your guys’ thoughts? What would you do?

    I would just r5 Herc. We dont really NEED r5's lol but they are nice
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