First R5 options

I currently have the means to take TWO champs to R5. But now that it’s an option, I am torn and don’t want to decide lol.
I have 3 Cosmic T6CC. Thought I have Herc sig 200, I LOVE me some CGR (almost always bring him into war) and hulkling. Though Herc seems like the best long term answer since no 7* will be avaliable any time soon
I also pulled a skill gel from EOP. Sig 200 Valk absolutely destroys and she’s one of my favorite champs in the game. And Fury needs no explanation, amazing 2-way champ.
My dilemas are:
With Gladiator coming later this year, and Adam warlock hopefully being amazing, do I wait to R5 a cosmic until I NEED an R5 Herc?
And with Zemo in the next featured pool, I may wait and see if I like his play style and possibly take him up as my skill R5
What are your guys’ thoughts? What would you do?

I have 3 Cosmic T6CC. Thought I have Herc sig 200, I LOVE me some CGR (almost always bring him into war) and hulkling. Though Herc seems like the best long term answer since no 7* will be avaliable any time soon
I also pulled a skill gel from EOP. Sig 200 Valk absolutely destroys and she’s one of my favorite champs in the game. And Fury needs no explanation, amazing 2-way champ.
My dilemas are:
With Gladiator coming later this year, and Adam warlock hopefully being amazing, do I wait to R5 a cosmic until I NEED an R5 Herc?
And with Zemo in the next featured pool, I may wait and see if I like his play style and possibly take him up as my skill R5
What are your guys’ thoughts? What would you do?

Don't worry about the future and live the present to its fullest
I would just r5 Herc. We dont really NEED r5's lol but they are nice