Arena Express Mode

Hi all,
It seems that Kabam Zero enters the stage again:

What do you think/wish about/for this new feature?
Was hoping for an arena revamp for years now!!
It seems that Kabam Zero enters the stage again:

What do you think/wish about/for this new feature?
Was hoping for an arena revamp for years now!!
Only way to know for sure is to wait until tomorrow.
Not a lot of detail in this version of the info.
"pay us money to make your game go faster"
There is no other interpretation to this.
Like, if you win the first two fights and you have the Express option turned on you have the option to skip the last fight - it's treated as a win but you get sightly less points (80-85%?), less Battle Chips or something. A bit like an auto fight if you've already won, so to speak.
Reallity- skip animations and screens for 10usd or what ever and save 2 to 5 seconds of time that will take you to click a button. And the only change to arenas- make crappy rewards a bit less ****. CONGRATS KABAM BEST NOT A CHANGE EVEEEEEEEER
Nope. $10 saved.
My specullation is this might be an attempt to slow down bots & farmers. Again, this is pure specullation on my end. And even if it is an action to give bots/farmers a "disadvantage", I dont think its the right way to go. My theory, it's not solid at all and based no nothing but my imagination, and it's a pretty dumb guess.
I mean, nice for those that buy the sigil but I do agree it's a kick in the groin for the rest. I still want to wait and see before we all bust out the pitchforks.
However, I can imagine that it is a feature that needs some limited in-the-wild testing before being rolled out fully, similarly to how only new players had access to the energy refill change a few months ago in order to see how it worked ahead of a community-wide implementation. If that's the case, then I'm more in favor of it. I remember suggesting that Sigil users be used as beta testers at the time, instead of new players. I think that's a cool perk for them without, in the end, holding QoL features back from the wider community.
That’s a new one right?
There are two kinds of QoL improvements. There are those that affect the fundamental interface and interactions with the game, and those that affect the internal "friction" of gameplay itself. For example, tapping on an icon to see a description of a thing is a fundamental UI interaction. Inventory increases are reductions in friction. I think the former should, in general, be made available to everyone, but the latter should be fair game for monetization, because while we call them "QoL" they are really just the softest game-impacting monetization options available. If we exclude them from monetization, we force monetization "up" the game-impacting food chain.
The very first R5s in the game for the most part were earned via game play. That was a huge monetization opportunity lost, to counterbalance the desire for top tier stuff to be earnable in-game before it was completely diluted by whales. If we're not going to sell early access to the top tier stuff, and we're not going to sell QoL game play features, what's left? The problem with squeezing all of the monetization into the middle is that the middle is hazily defined, and mostly boring. That's a dangerous long term combination.
I feel this is more of a luxury item than a QoL item because it’s being monetized but also because the information that is out right now is very vague. I mean, there’s minimal screens in arena so it can be assumed what it means. Also, in my opinion, I haven’t really seen this been a complaint enough to be a QoL change. I do see how this can be a benefit to people who grind the arena though same as the energy timer is a benefit to people who like to do a lot of quests or storage for people who like to have a health stash of items. I’m kinda just ranting now and may have gotten away from my point, but don’t really see this as QoL irme just a luxury item
Why Kabam isn’t selling alternate skins for champions (especially with BGs now) is lost on me.
Another thing many games do to generate revenue without disrupting balance, is to offer permanent attribute increase items. These are very minor increases; typically like 1% more damage or something. They don’t affect the balance that much but players have the desire to “max” out at any cost. F2P can get them after 6 months to a year of grinding whereas spenders get them much quicker.
Another source of revenue is the premium pass system which is clearly here to stay.
There are a lot of ways to generate revenue.