Increase The Availability Of Revives!

Last month, the Apothecary was added, forever changing the revive meta, shifting it from revive farming to a specialised quest, which guarantees revives. However, it was at an extremely slow rate, at around 2 revives per day when exploring both difficulties.This has proven difficult to deal with, as the bosses these days require way more materials than one revive, and buying revives with units just isn't an option for some people, particularly f2p players. In order for this to be an effective and meaningful change to MCOC gameplay, it needs to be buffed to levels appropriate for the current gameplay meta.
There is a simple solution to this: simply adding more difficulties to the Apothecary. Right now, there are two difficulties, each granting one revive each, some health potions, and a chance to get an extra revive. Higher difficulties could simply give more revives per run, and bring some consistency to the quest, as all the other daily quests have 4 difficulties. One suggestion is making higher difficulties harder in comparison to the difficulty of other daily quests, as revives are much less accessible than items like catalysts and ISO-8, meaning it would just undo the revive farming changes already made, which, in my opinion, downgrades the game from a fun, interesting and unique experience into just another grinding game.
The key, however, isn't buffing the Apothecary, though that is a solution. Rather, it is to increase the availability of revives in the game. This can be done through a lot of ways, whether it is buffing the Apothecary, decreasing the Unit cost of revives, or adding them as rewards in the EQ. Revives are one of the most important aspects of late-game MCOC, yet they are surprisingly hard to obtain for such a staple of the game.
There is a simple solution to this: simply adding more difficulties to the Apothecary. Right now, there are two difficulties, each granting one revive each, some health potions, and a chance to get an extra revive. Higher difficulties could simply give more revives per run, and bring some consistency to the quest, as all the other daily quests have 4 difficulties. One suggestion is making higher difficulties harder in comparison to the difficulty of other daily quests, as revives are much less accessible than items like catalysts and ISO-8, meaning it would just undo the revive farming changes already made, which, in my opinion, downgrades the game from a fun, interesting and unique experience into just another grinding game.
The key, however, isn't buffing the Apothecary, though that is a solution. Rather, it is to increase the availability of revives in the game. This can be done through a lot of ways, whether it is buffing the Apothecary, decreasing the Unit cost of revives, or adding them as rewards in the EQ. Revives are one of the most important aspects of late-game MCOC, yet they are surprisingly hard to obtain for such a staple of the game.
My most issue was my own skills - As a working man of a cleaning industry of 9 hours a day it is tiresome to even try play a game without falling asleep. At weekend i only felt burnt out, but arena was still ok to play in as mistakes are allowed there and I get some units as well from there anyway.
Surely it was a slow grind, but eventually the 20k units goal was reached and I am now at grandmaster chapter and studying to understand each phase. While working my way on 100% each chapters into grandmaster one I am now left with 14.555 units. Majority of those went into energy full refill and 40% revive potions.
I am aware that it’s ridiculous but I felt extremely happy having this much units to help me to continue pushing knowing I am somewhat ok knowing my tiredness will be the downfall on me during gaming 😴😴😴😴.
I do have large collections, but majority of those are at lowest rank, but that is fine for me. Hercules help!
Plus we have always gotten 1 revive from them events, so effectively all they've done is remove the farming option and gave us 1 revive per day
I completed act 6 without revive farming, just using the daily crystals and revives with the occasional units (I’m not an arena grinder so you don’t have to do that if you don’t enjoy it) on bosses or the occasional tough path fight so it is entirely possible. Good luck!
Sure, if you are impatient, there are options for impatient people. First, the game gives F2P players lots of opportunities to earn units, hundreds per month. And if you're really impatient, you can spend cash. But you don't have to spend cash and you don't even have to spend units if you want to save them for other things, you simply have to accept that you will be progressing slower than you want.
And to be honest, in the long run reviving through content is a horrible strategy. If means content downstream will be even more difficult and cost even more potions and revives, because you didn't build up the skills and roster to tackle the previous content. If you need a lot of potions and revives now, you will need more later. If you take the time to need less, you will also need less down the road.
In effect, this is a self-throttling process. You progress as fast as your skills allow. Revives allow you to progress a bit faster than you would otherwise, but eventually it catches up with you.
Right now the combination of inventory increases and apothecary means you can have 20 tier 1 and 20 tier 2 revives in inventory, plus 28 more in overflow, for a total of 68 revives available before resorting to other trickery. That should be plenty for any boss and any map path in the game in conventional content. And if you actually need that many and it takes you about a month to reload them, you probably should be taking a month per path.
Originally the intent of the so-called Everest content was that it was supposed to be virtually impossible to do on its face. It would require players to practice strategies, adjust roster, and find the optimal solutions to those problems. They became essentially farmed content with big pots of gold at the end. But they are supposed to push players to their limits. Without the ability to farm essentially unlimited revives, some Carinas challenges, specifically the ones with rarity caps, have now become impossible to simply brute force. But I'll bet the absolute best players using the absolute best strategies and with best play could do them in 68 revives. If not today, then eventually.
Now maybe most players would not even attempt such content if it had such high difficulty. But that's why it is called Everest content, and not Magic Mountain content. It isn't really worth climbing Mount Everest either, except for those who want to say they climbed Mount Everest.
The Carinas Challenges are meant to get players out of the habit of using Herc and Doom to solve all of their problems. These missions require you to develop your roster of garbage low tier champions and use them to solve a problem. And yes, it is a matter of practice, and skill comes from that.
It was designed to be strategized around, and practiced. If you only play things you know you can beat the first time, then for you it was not designed to be played.
Also, most Everest content is not going to be played by most of the players. Only the tiniest fraction of the playerbase has, or ever will, complete the Abyss. One of the arguments *against* end game content in general is only a tiny percentage of the playerbase will ever benefit from it, because the vast majority of the players of the game will never step foot in it, much less beat it or enjoy its rewards. On a proportional basis, the devs have spent far more time on end game content as a percentage of total dev time than the percentage of players who will ever play it. Maybe we should stop doing that, if "content not designed to be played" is as silly as you seem to be implying.
I was speaking generally, which is why I said "Everest content" and not "Carinas." But even for Carinas, do you have the optimal options? Do you know what the optimal options are? Do you have them all maximized? Do you *also* have the perfect playing strategy to go along with the optimal teams? Are you *sure* that is in fact the optimal combination? Nothing more to be learned? Intercept wasn't a thing until it was. Backdraft intercept wasn't a thing until it was. People have figured out all sorts of ways to beat content, but then suddenly in 2023 we figured out the last thing, and now the learning curve is over?
Also, are you certain no new champs will ever come out ever again that might make the content easier?
No, the problem appears to be that anything that takes more than a little skill and practice is broken. Because if average tier players playing average difficulty content have trouble, they just need to get good, but when high tier players playing high tier difficulty content have trouble, it is the content that is broken.