@AngelMcNugget So when i make a point of my own it's arguing for the sake of arguing? but that only goes for me?
Read the title of the post...
This isn't a negative argument, you're the only one who is seeing it that way, not every argument is negative, maybe get your head out of your
I saw you comment this earlier and a mod already took it down, so you came all the way back here to repost it and tagged me? Just let it go, man.
No, im right, you're wrong, im tired of you coming to my posts commenting stuff that's just so wrong, you do this way to much, you have this false picture in your head painting me as the villain, and for what? Because you thought you were right about something you were very wrong about, and refuse to change your mind because god forbid you're ever wrong, your so ignorant you seem to think you have the most experience in the room when in reality you have the least, every comment of yours i see is just so unbelievably slow, and im not saying that to be mean, it really just is, you seem to think that you know everything about the game and know what's going on in everyones heads.
because everything i post is automatically something malicious because i was the one who posted it, it would be remotely fine if you actually had a legitimate reason, but you're entire reason is because of a post i made weeks ago, one that you were wrong about, not just the battlegrounds timer one but the titania one as well, you were wrong in both.
This was a normal discussion before you came in here just being hostile, but you dont wanna take responsibility for it.
Yeah, I don't really understand this. You are .... prolonging the fight so that the poor sap on the other end gets their hope raised by a second round victory, so that you can stomp them out in the third round? That is pretty villainous.
I know when I am overmatched and the opponent has a much stronger roster than I, I appreciate being able to just lose two rounds, get 1 match completion towards my objective, and move on with my day.
Throwing rounds are a thing... it's called playing smart.
Wait, the premise of this post was that the "changes" didn't improve matchmaking?
That wasn't a part of it, was it?
The premise was that the changes could have made matchmaking worse
Atleast for lower accounts
You're lying.
What...? How was that a lie?
Prove your not lying post a ss of your match history
Here's as low as i can go on the match history, i played for a little while today, and here are 2 of the accounts i faced which werent even anywhere near the lowest i saw.
Well this definitely doesn't look like what you were describing looks like you had one disconnect and one quit before the match started.
Like i said that's as far down as i can go
But out of the 6 matches you show 4 came down to the wire. So this is not the massacre you were saying. Obviously these guys had skill if they were so overwhelmed by the account size differences. I'm really not understanding the reason for your post. You are a couple of tiers before GC. I faced top accounts before I got to GC that had 4 r5 6* and the rest r4s accounts. I have 1 r5 and 12 r4s so by what your saying is that I should never have had to face them? I don't see how that would be far.
Out of the 6, 3 were low accounts and no they did not come down to the wire i simply played to round 3 purposely
I had 5 or so matches before these and 3 left on the ban screen and they were much lower than the accounts you can see in the picture, accounts with 4 stars in their decks and below 10k pi champs
I noticed the low accounts all the way up until about d2 where it slowed down and in d1 it has stopped, for now atleast.
Yup not buying any of this. You're making this big of a deal with little to no evidence. You now claim it happened the whole season but again you have 2 SS and 6 matches as evidence. Then proceed to tell me 16.2 prestige accounts vs 19.5k prestige account that's also masters aw is not that big of a difference. Lmao. It doesn't work like that. You have a wonderful day. I'm done here you proved my point thanks.
I didnt say it happened the whole season why are you making stuff up? And no it's not so big a difference that you have no chance of winning
@AngelMcNugget So when i make a point of my own it's arguing for the sake of arguing? but that only goes for me?
Read the title of the post...
This isn't a negative argument, you're the only one who is seeing it that way, not every argument is negative, maybe get your head out of your
I saw you comment this earlier and a mod already took it down, so you came all the way back here to repost it and tagged me? Just let it go, man.
No, im right, you're wrong, im tired of you coming to my posts commenting stuff that's just so wrong, you do this way to much, you have this false picture in your head painting me as the villain, and for what? Because you thought you were right about something you were very wrong about, and refuse to change your mind because god forbid you're ever wrong, your so ignorant you seem to think you have the most experience in the room when in reality you have the least, every comment of yours i see is just so unbelievably slow, and im not saying that to be mean, it really just is, you seem to think that you know everything about the game and know what's going on in everyones heads.
because everything i post is automatically something malicious because i was the one who posted it, it would be remotely fine if you actually had a legitimate reason, but you're entire reason is because of a post i made weeks ago, one that you were wrong about, not just the battlegrounds timer one but the titania one as well, you were wrong in both.
This was a normal discussion before you came in here just being hostile, but you dont wanna take responsibility for it.
Chill with the grudge, man. Nobody's disagreeing with you because of some thread you made weeks back. We're disagreeing because we don't agree. Nothing you just said was relevant to your own thread in the slightest.
Oh really? No grudge? If that's the case then reply to everyone like you reply to me.
The problem isn't that you're disagreeing i dont care, you didnt provide anything meaningful to the post, if you look closely at the title there's something at the end of it, it's called a question mark, instead providing an actual educated thought or an opinion you opted to be hostile.
I would be more tempted to engage and explain the workings of the current matchmaking system, how that system has been debated to death already in the forums, and how the new system has actually been built on a lot of well thought out comments by people like DNA, who reasonably explained it to you, if this thread were more constructive and involved less belittling.
My question is, do you have a better way to do BGs matchmaking? Do you know why they do it this way?
Also, PI does not determine how good or worthy an opponent is. You seem to lump accounts with 5/65 champs on their rosters as "low level accounts"..... they certainly aren't endgame but 5/65 sig 200 (which can show up as ~10k PI) can still be comparable and competitive to R3 6* champs.
@AngelMcNugget So when i make a point of my own it's arguing for the sake of arguing? but that only goes for me?
Read the title of the post...
This isn't a negative argument, you're the only one who is seeing it that way, not every argument is negative, maybe get your head out of your
I saw you comment this earlier and a mod already took it down, so you came all the way back here to repost it and tagged me? Just let it go, man.
No, im right, you're wrong, im tired of you coming to my posts commenting stuff that's just so wrong, you do this way to much, you have this false picture in your head painting me as the villain, and for what? Because you thought you were right about something you were very wrong about, and refuse to change your mind because god forbid you're ever wrong, your so ignorant you seem to think you have the most experience in the room when in reality you have the least, every comment of yours i see is just so unbelievably slow, and im not saying that to be mean, it really just is, you seem to think that you know everything about the game and know what's going on in everyones heads.
because everything i post is automatically something malicious because i was the one who posted it, it would be remotely fine if you actually had a legitimate reason, but you're entire reason is because of a post i made weeks ago, one that you were wrong about, not just the battlegrounds timer one but the titania one as well, you were wrong in both.
This was a normal discussion before you came in here just being hostile, but you dont wanna take responsibility for it.
Chill with the grudge, man. Nobody's disagreeing with you because of some thread you made weeks back. We're disagreeing because we don't agree. Nothing you just said was relevant to your own thread in the slightest.
Oh really? No grudge? If that's the case then reply to everyone like you reply to me.
The problem isn't that you're disagreeing i dont care, you didnt provide anything meaningful to the post, if you look closely at the title there's something at the end of it, it's called a question mark, instead providing an actual educated thought or an opinion you opted to be hostile.
I asked you multiple questions about your opinion on the Battlegrounds matchmaking, and you opted to insult me instead. I never mentioned anything aside from the contents of this specific thread.
@AngelMcNugget So when i make a point of my own it's arguing for the sake of arguing? but that only goes for me?
Read the title of the post...
This isn't a negative argument, you're the only one who is seeing it that way, not every argument is negative, maybe get your head out of your
I saw you comment this earlier and a mod already took it down, so you came all the way back here to repost it and tagged me? Just let it go, man.
No, im right, you're wrong, im tired of you coming to my posts commenting stuff that's just so wrong, you do this way to much, you have this false picture in your head painting me as the villain, and for what? Because you thought you were right about something you were very wrong about, and refuse to change your mind because god forbid you're ever wrong, your so ignorant you seem to think you have the most experience in the room when in reality you have the least, every comment of yours i see is just so unbelievably slow, and im not saying that to be mean, it really just is, you seem to think that you know everything about the game and know what's going on in everyones heads.
because everything i post is automatically something malicious because i was the one who posted it, it would be remotely fine if you actually had a legitimate reason, but you're entire reason is because of a post i made weeks ago, one that you were wrong about, not just the battlegrounds timer one but the titania one as well, you were wrong in both.
This was a normal discussion before you came in here just being hostile, but you dont wanna take responsibility for it.
Chill with the grudge, man. Nobody's disagreeing with you because of some thread you made weeks back. We're disagreeing because we don't agree. Nothing you just said was relevant to your own thread in the slightest.
Oh really? No grudge? If that's the case then reply to everyone like you reply to me.
The problem isn't that you're disagreeing i dont care, you didnt provide anything meaningful to the post, if you look closely at the title there's something at the end of it, it's called a question mark, instead providing an actual educated thought or an opinion you opted to be hostile.
I asked you multiple questions about your opinion on the Battlegrounds matchmaking, and you opted to insult me instead. I never mentioned anything aside from the contents of this specific thread.
Why do you think i said read the title of the post
Your question tilted toward the narrative that this post is useless and dumb and everything i say is wrong, the post is a question in which people were meant to share their own experiences this season, i do not know if they are actually being unfairly matched that's why i made the post.
Instead of actually making an attempt at answering the question you basically said "this post is dumb"
@AngelMcNugget So when i make a point of my own it's arguing for the sake of arguing? but that only goes for me?
Read the title of the post...
This isn't a negative argument, you're the only one who is seeing it that way, not every argument is negative, maybe get your head out of your
I saw you comment this earlier and a mod already took it down, so you came all the way back here to repost it and tagged me? Just let it go, man.
No, im right, you're wrong, im tired of you coming to my posts commenting stuff that's just so wrong, you do this way to much, you have this false picture in your head painting me as the villain, and for what? Because you thought you were right about something you were very wrong about, and refuse to change your mind because god forbid you're ever wrong, your so ignorant you seem to think you have the most experience in the room when in reality you have the least, every comment of yours i see is just so unbelievably slow, and im not saying that to be mean, it really just is, you seem to think that you know everything about the game and know what's going on in everyones heads.
because everything i post is automatically something malicious because i was the one who posted it, it would be remotely fine if you actually had a legitimate reason, but you're entire reason is because of a post i made weeks ago, one that you were wrong about, not just the battlegrounds timer one but the titania one as well, you were wrong in both.
This was a normal discussion before you came in here just being hostile, but you dont wanna take responsibility for it.
Chill with the grudge, man. Nobody's disagreeing with you because of some thread you made weeks back. We're disagreeing because we don't agree. Nothing you just said was relevant to your own thread in the slightest.
Oh really? No grudge? If that's the case then reply to everyone like you reply to me.
The problem isn't that you're disagreeing i dont care, you didnt provide anything meaningful to the post, if you look closely at the title there's something at the end of it, it's called a question mark, instead providing an actual educated thought or an opinion you opted to be hostile.
I asked you multiple questions about your opinion on the Battlegrounds matchmaking, and you opted to insult me instead. I never mentioned anything aside from the contents of this specific thread.
Why do you think i said read the title of the post
Your question tilted toward the narrative that this post is useless and dumb and everything i say is wrong, the post is a question in which people were meant to share their own experiences this season, i do not know if they are actually being unfairly matched that's why i made the post.
Instead of actually making an attempt at answering the question you basically said "this post is dumb"
you came in here being hostile and condecending
I never said that any of this post was dumb, but I do think the way you were arguing over the intentions of the random strangers you matched with was going nowhere. So I asked multiple questions about your actual opinion, and you've yet to answer them. If the tone of my questions was hostile and condescending, then that's my bad. But you decided to handle my legitimate questions with irrelevant insults. The title of the post means nothing to me, I asked you the questions I wanted to know about your perspective on Battlegrounds matchmaking, and that's that. If you don't wanna answer them, then I'm not interested in arguing over your online reputation and I'll see my way out of it.
I would be more tempted to engage and explain the workings of the current matchmaking system, how that system has been debated to death already in the forums, and how the new system has actually been built on a lot of well thought out comments by people like DNA, who reasonably explained it to you, if this thread were more constructive and involved less belittling.
My question is, do you have a better way to do BGs matchmaking? Do you know why they do it this way?
Also, PI does not determine how good or worthy an opponent is. You seem to lump accounts with 5/65 champs on their rosters as "low level accounts"..... they certainly aren't endgame but 5/65 sig 200 (which can show up as ~10k PI) can still be comparable and competitive to R3 6* champs.
So im not allowed to explain my own point? When DNA talks i should just take it and shut up?
I didnt say pi determines it i was simply pointing out how low pi their champs were
A deck with mostly 5 stars is a low level account and like i said i still faced 2 matches where they had 4 stars in their deck and the other 3 barely had 5/65's and R2's and my first 5 matches of the day were uc or low level cav accounts.
@AngelMcNugget So when i make a point of my own it's arguing for the sake of arguing? but that only goes for me?
Read the title of the post...
This isn't a negative argument, you're the only one who is seeing it that way, not every argument is negative, maybe get your head out of your
I saw you comment this earlier and a mod already took it down, so you came all the way back here to repost it and tagged me? Just let it go, man.
No, im right, you're wrong, im tired of you coming to my posts commenting stuff that's just so wrong, you do this way to much, you have this false picture in your head painting me as the villain, and for what? Because you thought you were right about something you were very wrong about, and refuse to change your mind because god forbid you're ever wrong, your so ignorant you seem to think you have the most experience in the room when in reality you have the least, every comment of yours i see is just so unbelievably slow, and im not saying that to be mean, it really just is, you seem to think that you know everything about the game and know what's going on in everyones heads.
because everything i post is automatically something malicious because i was the one who posted it, it would be remotely fine if you actually had a legitimate reason, but you're entire reason is because of a post i made weeks ago, one that you were wrong about, not just the battlegrounds timer one but the titania one as well, you were wrong in both.
This was a normal discussion before you came in here just being hostile, but you dont wanna take responsibility for it.
Chill with the grudge, man. Nobody's disagreeing with you because of some thread you made weeks back. We're disagreeing because we don't agree. Nothing you just said was relevant to your own thread in the slightest.
Oh really? No grudge? If that's the case then reply to everyone like you reply to me.
The problem isn't that you're disagreeing i dont care, you didnt provide anything meaningful to the post, if you look closely at the title there's something at the end of it, it's called a question mark, instead providing an actual educated thought or an opinion you opted to be hostile.
I asked you multiple questions about your opinion on the Battlegrounds matchmaking, and you opted to insult me instead. I never mentioned anything aside from the contents of this specific thread.
Why do you think i said read the title of the post
Your question tilted toward the narrative that this post is useless and dumb and everything i say is wrong, the post is a question in which people were meant to share their own experiences this season, i do not know if they are actually being unfairly matched that's why i made the post.
Instead of actually making an attempt at answering the question you basically said "this post is dumb"
you came in here being hostile and condecending
I never said that any of this post was dumb, but I do think the way you were arguing over the intentions of the random strangers you matched with was going nowhere. So I asked multiple questions about your actual opinion, and you've yet to answer them. If the tone of my questions was hostile and condescending, then that's my bad. But you decided to handle my legitimate questions with irrelevant insults. The title of the post means nothing to me, I asked you the questions I wanted to know about your perspective on Battlegrounds matchmaking, and that's that. If you don't wanna answer them, then I'm not interested in arguing over your online reputation and I'll see my way out of it.
You didn't say it but it was heavily implied I wasnt arguing about their intentions, i was simply telling them that that's not what happened or that it was very unlikely.
To simply put it a better matchmaking system would be the GC matchmaking system
I do not understand why it is designed the way it is
Im not sure if people are being improperly matched, which was the point of the post
Im not sure if they are really being affected thats why i made this post.
Quitting would not be the reason they're stuck, even fighting an account my size, the win percentage is so low you cant actually justify playing the match, even i have a hard time playing against accounts with less of a gap in roster size
"The new victory track changes arent as good as they seemed?"
No changes happened to matchmaking. Yet that's what you are complaining about.
If you had said something like "tier changes may have caused an unintended imbalance", that might've been a valid argument (but you are still going to be matched in a tier so it all works out in the end).
To be fair, I hear your concern. I just think it's too soon to tell. So far, the results have been successful. Another point to consider is that they're also working on a way to streamline your results from Season to Season in some form. Not sure if that means starting where you left off or one or more below, but there are other pieces in the works. This is one phase.
You’re onto 3 pages worth of posts, which have probably been explained correctly numerous times already.
If you waited until very late in the month before starting to do BG's, then most people who care about BG (especially stronger acct's) will have already moved well past the bottom tiers of BG.
So the acct's left in the lower tiers are those lesser accounts who are more casual, don’t play it much, or who actually have but have such a lower roster that they don’t get too many wins.
So coming in as a stronger person such as yourself (..) you'd probably be hard to have a similar person also coming in new (and at the same time as you are playing). And so get matched against much lower accounts (for the most part, the ONLY other accounts still in lower tiers).
If you started BG early in the month, when everyone was starting out, then you would have gotten many more matches against stronger accounts (and yes, probably still some lower ones, until you started moving up in Tiers).
Right now, you’re fighting the “leftover” accounts.
"The new victory track changes arent as good as they seemed?"
No changes happened to matchmaking. Yet that's what you are complaining about.
If you had said something like "tier changes may have caused an unintended imbalance", that might've been a valid argument (but you are still going to be matched in a tier so it all works out in the end).
Your initial post was confusing.
Changes to medal distribution may have had a substantial impact on matchmaking.
Look at every single one of my comments and tell me how many disagrees are justified, then tell me there isnt a grudge.
You get smashed with disagrees because you spam the forum with nonsense posts, then tell everyone who doesn’t agree with you that they’re bad players and they don’t know what they’re talking about.
Yeah, I don't really understand this. You are .... prolonging the fight so that the poor sap on the other end gets their hope raised by a second round victory, so that you can stomp them out in the third round? That is pretty villainous.
I know when I am overmatched and the opponent has a much stronger roster than I, I appreciate being able to just lose two rounds, get 1 match completion towards my objective, and move on with my day.
Throwing rounds are a thing... it's called playing smart.
Sure, throwing rounds is smart. Get your opponent to use up their best champions while you use your worst, that is a valid strategy. This makes sense when your opponent is equal or stronger than you.
But the whole premise of your post is that you are being matched up against vastly inferior opponents. If they are that inferior, there is no need to do the strategy as you so clearly think you'll automatically beat them. If their roster is really lacking compared to yours, there is no need to do this rope-a-dope strategy.
Look at every single one of my comments and tell me how many disagrees are justified, then tell me there isnt a grudge.
You get smashed with disagrees because you spam the forum with nonsense posts, then tell everyone who doesn’t agree with you that they’re bad players and they don’t know what they’re talking about.
Thoroughly childish.
How are my posts nonsense but others arent? What makes my posts any different?
I guess posting every other day is spamming?
Out of all of my posts i count 2 in total there were stupid but i could be wrong so id like you to take a look for yourself tell me exactly which ones are nonsense?
I've never once called someone bad because they disagreed with me, you're reaching if you actually believe i did, if i called someone bad, i have a legitimate reason and it is provoked or ill say "with all do respect" and put it in the nicest way possible
i think you think that i care about people disagreeing with me, i like it when people disagree and share their own thoughts and are being constructive, i dont like it when people disagree based on past events that they were wrong about, which is exactly what you're doing.
Id much rather struggle and still be able to get to the GC than to stomp accounts and have them not be able to progress at all
Then randomly forfeit fifty percent of the matches against easy rosters.
Kinda the same as saying this problem dosent affect me so not my problem, or atleast thats whats implied
No, I was saying something a bit different. Battlegrounds is a competitive game mode. If it makes you feel bad when you win, you have full control over that problem. But that's a you-problem, not a game-problem. For competitions to work properly, competitors must get matched against their valid competition. And all players within the same tier are in the same bracket of competition and should be matched against each other. If we only spoon feed lower roster players other lower roster competitors, they get a distorted view of the competition in which they are in the bottom 10% of players and yet get 50% chances to win every match. Ultimately, the competition has to require the bottom 10% to face the kinds of competition that will show them to be in the bottom 10%, because any system that allows them to win at a higher percentage is doing so at the expense of higher strength players that will be winning at a lower percentage.
However, while the system has to do this to function properly, it is entirely up to you to decide if you are morally capable of competing at your proper strength. You may choose to play under speed, or even forfeit matches if you believe the system is treating those players unfairly. It is not, but if you believe it is, you have the choice to hand out more wins than the system is designed to generate for lower strength players.
You shouldn't: you should play at normal competitive strength and let the wins and losses fall accordingly. I believe the system is competitively fair, and so I have no problem winning when I'm supposed to win. But you do you.
"No, I was saying something a bit different. Battlegrounds is a competitive game mode. If it makes you feel bad when you win, you have full control over that problem. But that's a you-problem, not a game-problem."
This is basically saying, "it doesn't effect me so it's not my problem"
This is basically saying "I didn't understand your post so I will question your motives instead."
Don't play this game. I'm better at it than you are.
Players leagues below my level aren't "valid competition" that's like saying an adult fighting a child is fair because they go to the same school, except one's the teacher.
We don't have competitions in which adults fight children often. Instead, we simply require that they never actually *enter* the same competition.
However, when we *do* allow children to enter the same competition as adults, then they have to compete against those adults. They are not allowed to duck the competition because they are kids. If they don't want to play against adults, they don't enter adult competitions at all. cf: Chess. If you want to compete in a Chess tournament, you play against the competition that is there. If it is considered unfair for two competitors to play against each other, they are separated into completely different competitions.
It would be perfectly fine in theory if we relegate the lower roster players to lower competitive brackets. But that means they never see stronger players, and never get to compete for higher rewards. Their rewards get capped to only what that bracket is allowed to have. We've done this before to an extent in MCOC. AQ used to work this way, with tiered brackets and rewards designed to target those brackets. To get higher rewards, you had to promote out of those brackets.
Their rewards would be much lower, however, and no amount of skill would allow them to earn more. It is a viable option, but not one the developers find desirable.
But competing in the same competition, for the same rewards, but not facing the same opponents? There's a mathematical game theory way of proving this is dumb, but we don't have to resort to it. We can simply point to the multiyear experiment where Kabam actually did this for Alliance War. It was horrible. Yes, some players actually thought it was "fair" for alliances to only face other alliances with comparable roster strength. And then we had six million rating alliances at the top of the leaderboards, because they only had to face other low roster strength alliances.
Some people think this is fair. They "beat their competition" so they deserve to be at the top. However, this goes against the entire idea of a competition that looks for the strongest competitors. This looks for the competitor that most outclasses their peer group instead. It is fair only in the sense that it is a fair way to reach a perverse conclusion.
The vast majority of players thought this was ridiculous, and eventually Kabam was compelled to change it. They are being compelled to change it again for similar reasons. Some people find roster matching to be "fair" and it just takes too long to prove otherwise, but the majority understand it leads to the wrong results.
Look at every single one of my comments and tell me how many disagrees are justified, then tell me there isnt a grudge.
You get smashed with disagrees because you spam the forum with nonsense posts, then tell everyone who doesn’t agree with you that they’re bad players and they don’t know what they’re talking about.
Thoroughly childish.
I've never once called someone bad because they disagreed with me, you're reaching if you actually believe i did, if i called someone bad, i have a legitimate reason and it is provoked or ill say "with all do respect" and put it in the nicest way possible
Look at every single one of my comments and tell me how many disagrees are justified, then tell me there isnt a grudge.
You get smashed with disagrees because you spam the forum with nonsense posts, then tell everyone who doesn’t agree with you that they’re bad players and they don’t know what they’re talking about.
Thoroughly childish.
I've never once called someone bad because they disagreed with me, you're reaching if you actually believe i did, if i called someone bad, i have a legitimate reason and it is provoked or ill say "with all do respect" and put it in the nicest way possible
Look at every single one of my comments and tell me how many disagrees are justified, then tell me there isnt a grudge.
You get smashed with disagrees because you spam the forum with nonsense posts, then tell everyone who doesn’t agree with you that they’re bad players and they don’t know what they’re talking about.
Thoroughly childish.
I've never once called someone bad because they disagreed with me, you're reaching if you actually believe i did, if i called someone bad, i have a legitimate reason and it is provoked or ill say "with all do respect" and put it in the nicest way possible
Well this is awkward…
That last one really harkens back well to the comment about people holding grudges because of other posts. Foot in mouth is a rough condition.
Look at every single one of my comments and tell me how many disagrees are justified, then tell me there isnt a grudge.
You get smashed with disagrees because you spam the forum with nonsense posts, then tell everyone who doesn’t agree with you that they’re bad players and they don’t know what they’re talking about.
Thoroughly childish.
I've never once called someone bad because they disagreed with me, you're reaching if you actually believe i did, if i called someone bad, i have a legitimate reason and it is provoked or ill say "with all do respect" and put it in the nicest way possible
Look at every single one of my comments and tell me how many disagrees are justified, then tell me there isnt a grudge.
You get smashed with disagrees because you spam the forum with nonsense posts, then tell everyone who doesn’t agree with you that they’re bad players and they don’t know what they’re talking about.
Thoroughly childish.
I've never once called someone bad because they disagreed with me, you're reaching if you actually believe i did, if i called someone bad, i have a legitimate reason and it is provoked or ill say "with all do respect" and put it in the nicest way possible
Well this is awkward…
Yet you're failing to realize why i said what i said? You're only looking at what i said and not what they said...?
They clearly came into my post basically saying "skill issue" clearly being hostile so i said that as to tell them to leave.
Look at every single one of my comments and tell me how many disagrees are justified, then tell me there isnt a grudge.
You get smashed with disagrees because you spam the forum with nonsense posts, then tell everyone who doesn’t agree with you that they’re bad players and they don’t know what they’re talking about.
Thoroughly childish.
I've never once called someone bad because they disagreed with me, you're reaching if you actually believe i did, if i called someone bad, i have a legitimate reason and it is provoked or ill say "with all do respect" and put it in the nicest way possible
Well this is awkward…
That last one really harkens back well to the comment about people holding grudges because of other posts. Foot in mouth is a rough condition.
"Seems like skill-based matchmaking working as intended"
So you're telling me, they get to come to my post, say whatever they want and thats cool?
Instead of being constructive, they opted for an insult and thats okay? Im the villain?
The problem isn't that you're disagreeing i dont care, you didnt provide anything meaningful to the post, if you look closely at the title there's something at the end of it, it's called a question mark, instead providing an actual educated thought or an opinion you opted to be hostile.
My question is, do you have a better way to do BGs matchmaking? Do you know why they do it this way?
Also, PI does not determine how good or worthy an opponent is. You seem to lump accounts with 5/65 champs on their rosters as "low level accounts"..... they certainly aren't endgame but 5/65 sig 200 (which can show up as ~10k PI) can still be comparable and competitive to R3 6* champs.
Your question tilted toward the narrative that this post is useless and dumb and everything i say is wrong, the post is a question in which people were meant to share their own experiences this season, i do not know if they are actually being unfairly matched that's why i made the post.
Instead of actually making an attempt at answering the question you basically said "this post is dumb"
you came in here being hostile and condecending
I didnt say pi determines it i was simply pointing out how low pi their champs were
A deck with mostly 5 stars is a low level account and like i said i still faced 2 matches where they had 4 stars in their deck and the other 3 barely had 5/65's and R2's and my first 5 matches of the day were uc or low level cav accounts.
I wasnt arguing about their intentions, i was simply telling them that that's not what happened or that it was very unlikely.
To simply put it a better matchmaking system would be the GC matchmaking system
I do not understand why it is designed the way it is
Im not sure if people are being improperly matched, which was the point of the post
Im not sure if they are really being affected thats why i made this post.
Quitting would not be the reason they're stuck, even fighting an account my size, the win percentage is so low you cant actually justify playing the match, even i have a hard time playing against accounts with less of a gap in roster size
No changes happened to matchmaking. Yet that's what you are complaining about.
If you had said something like "tier changes may have caused an unintended imbalance", that might've been a valid argument (but you are still going to be matched in a tier so it all works out in the end).
Your initial post was confusing.
Another point to consider is that they're also working on a way to streamline your results from Season to Season in some form. Not sure if that means starting where you left off or one or more below, but there are other pieces in the works. This is one phase.
If you waited until very late in the month before starting to do BG's, then most people who care about BG (especially stronger acct's) will have already moved well past the bottom tiers of BG.
So the acct's left in the lower tiers are those lesser accounts who are more casual, don’t play it much, or who actually have but have such a lower roster that they don’t get too many wins.
So coming in as a stronger person such as yourself (..) you'd probably be hard to have a similar person also coming in new (and at the same time as you are playing). And so get matched against much lower accounts (for the most part, the ONLY other accounts still in lower tiers).
If you started BG early in the month, when everyone was starting out, then you would have gotten many more matches against stronger accounts (and yes, probably still some lower ones, until you started moving up in Tiers).
Right now, you’re fighting the “leftover” accounts.
Thoroughly childish.
But the whole premise of your post is that you are being matched up against vastly inferior opponents. If they are that inferior, there is no need to do the strategy as you so clearly think you'll automatically beat them. If their roster is really lacking compared to yours, there is no need to do this rope-a-dope strategy.
I guess posting every other day is spamming?
Out of all of my posts i count 2 in total there were stupid but i could be wrong so id like you to take a look for yourself tell me exactly which ones are nonsense?
I've never once called someone bad because they disagreed with me, you're reaching if you actually believe i did, if i called someone bad, i have a legitimate reason and it is provoked or ill say "with all do respect" and put it in the nicest way possible
i think you think that i care about people disagreeing with me, i like it when people disagree and share their own thoughts and are being constructive, i dont like it when people disagree based on past events that they were wrong about, which is exactly what you're doing.
Don't play this game. I'm better at it than you are. We don't have competitions in which adults fight children often. Instead, we simply require that they never actually *enter* the same competition.
However, when we *do* allow children to enter the same competition as adults, then they have to compete against those adults. They are not allowed to duck the competition because they are kids. If they don't want to play against adults, they don't enter adult competitions at all. cf: Chess. If you want to compete in a Chess tournament, you play against the competition that is there. If it is considered unfair for two competitors to play against each other, they are separated into completely different competitions.
It would be perfectly fine in theory if we relegate the lower roster players to lower competitive brackets. But that means they never see stronger players, and never get to compete for higher rewards. Their rewards get capped to only what that bracket is allowed to have. We've done this before to an extent in MCOC. AQ used to work this way, with tiered brackets and rewards designed to target those brackets. To get higher rewards, you had to promote out of those brackets.
Their rewards would be much lower, however, and no amount of skill would allow them to earn more. It is a viable option, but not one the developers find desirable.
But competing in the same competition, for the same rewards, but not facing the same opponents? There's a mathematical game theory way of proving this is dumb, but we don't have to resort to it. We can simply point to the multiyear experiment where Kabam actually did this for Alliance War. It was horrible. Yes, some players actually thought it was "fair" for alliances to only face other alliances with comparable roster strength. And then we had six million rating alliances at the top of the leaderboards, because they only had to face other low roster strength alliances.
Some people think this is fair. They "beat their competition" so they deserve to be at the top. However, this goes against the entire idea of a competition that looks for the strongest competitors. This looks for the competitor that most outclasses their peer group instead. It is fair only in the sense that it is a fair way to reach a perverse conclusion.
The vast majority of players thought this was ridiculous, and eventually Kabam was compelled to change it. They are being compelled to change it again for similar reasons. Some people find roster matching to be "fair" and it just takes too long to prove otherwise, but the majority understand it leads to the wrong results.
You're only looking at what i said and not what they said...?
They clearly came into my post basically saying "skill issue" clearly being hostile so i said that as to tell them to leave.
they're allowed to provoke with no retaliation?
So you're telling me, they get to come to my post, say whatever they want and thats cool?
Instead of being constructive, they opted for an insult and thats okay? Im the villain?