Weird interaction between Cassie and Wiccan
I was playing battlegrounds and I nearly died to his incinerates. Why am I getting incinerates on me when I dex if there are no buffs being neutralized since she's buff immune is it a bug?
Wiccan gets in before the trigger happens and reduces the ability accuracy to trigger it and causes the incinerate.
That still doesn't make sense though, nothing is triggering, there's nothing to prevent from triggering there cause she's already preventing the buffs from triggering in the first place. It's dumb, especially because this is a champ designed to counter mystics who punish you for triggering buffs mainly, it makes no sense.
There is something to trigger and prevent. Even if you take neutralize out of the conversation, Cassie tries to trigger a precision buff and her immunity prevents it . That's how immunities work.
If you try to apply a bleed on Colossus, the bleed tries to trigger and his immunity prevents it. So there is something to trigger and something to prevent. Here's the issue. She doesn't prevent the buff from triggering. It tries to trigger and her immunity stops it before it is placed on her. Aar stops the trigger itself from trying to trigger.
Think of this situation. A Nick fury with 100% aar does a medium attack on a Colossus. No bleed is applied. Is it because Colossus is bleed immune or because Nick didn't have any ability accuracy to place bleed in the first place?
Aar taking priority over an immunity in this particular situation is dumb, that's the whole point I'm trying to make here, especially for a champ whose main purpose is to counter fights like this one.
I get what you're saying, sure it's preventing the buff before her immunity does but that's just dumb.
Cassie was not made to counter this.if she was, she wouldn't get the incinerate
I said "she was designed to counter mystics that punish you for having buffs" hence the buff immunity, she obviously can't counter Wiccan which is I why made this post lol.
What you're saying is basically: it's preventing the trigger (which still won't trigger a buff because of your immunity) from triggering. Totally makes sense.
It would be impossible to be immune to something if there was no way to trigger it in the first place.
The buff HAS to try to trigger in order for the game to know it has triggered. If it cannot even try and trigger, then the immunity can’t ever be triggered.
If what you asked for happened, spider man 2099 would never be able to trigger his pause, because you’ve asked that the buff never tries to trigger, so the game has no idea that a buff tried to trigger at all - so it doesn’t know to pause his debuffs. What you asked for just destroyed the champion
"You're looking at it the wrong way. Neutralize taking priority over buff immunity makes sense, and it has to be this way. Why? Because AAR checks must take priority over every other check in the game.
Let's say you have a friend that lives 2 hours away and you decide to visit them. Upon your arrival you notice that your friend isn't home and you have wasted gas and time. Your decision to visit your friend unannounced was costly. Logically, you should have called your friend before hand to make sure they would be at home.
This is the idea behind AAR checks. Every ability check in this game has a certain computational complexity, and in most cases, it is higher than the complexity of AAR checks. While the difference might be 1 or 2 milliseconds, in a game like MCOC, or most games for that matter, there are thousands of calculations taking place every second, and operations with higher computational complexity will affect the game's performance. Therefore, it makes sense to perform AAR checks before every other ability check because it is less expensive for the program. In the few edge cases where the operation performed afterwards has the same computational complexity as the AAR check, the program just takes the hit and carries on. But on average, it will save more time and space than it loses by having AAR checks take priority over other abilities."
This is just such a strange interaction that should either be changed or they should put more effort into explaining it in game. This interaction doesn't happen anywhere else in mcoc, and it's the furthest thing from self explanatory. Anyone with decent knowledge and experience would logically assume that reducing the ability accuracy of an ability that will never activate wouldn't cause a problem.
That’s a bit of a false equivalency, those aren’t two opposite situations.
Situation 1- buff immune champ can have ability accuracy of a buff reduced
Situation 2- buff immune champ gains buff
You’re mistaking what ability accuracy does. It’s just the chance for something to attempt to trigger. You can’t suddenly gain the buff because they’re still immune to it.
But what you can do, is get extra ability accuracy and counteract neutralise. So if you grab a team of Quake 3,4 and 5* and a Hawkeye, that increases the ability accuracy of all champions, and it means that you can now have an extra 28% ability accuracy. So you now have a 128% chance to trigger the dexterity buff
Rintrah tries to reduce it by 100%, leaving you with a 28% chance to attempt to gain the buff, and still pause your debuffs.
I know you probably weren’t talking about this, and it might be an off hand comment about suddenly gaining the buff. But that seems a little in bad faith for this topic, because the game does actually already account for raising the ability accuracy of the buff.
“they should put more effort into explaining it in game”
I disagree. There are too many interactions in the game to completely cover all of them. And there is something lost by hand holding players through everything and pointing out things without pushing them to learn and test
If someone is confused they can come to the forum or line chats and ask, and then it can be explained to them.