AW S43 Mastery Question

CopperTopCopperTop Member Posts: 15
Regarding AW s43 post, has Kabam confirmed exactly how defense mastery interaction will work with this new persistence?

"The all new Persistent Placement Phase Board will be found in the War Room and will allow your Defense to persist war after war..."


  • Crys23Crys23 Member Posts: 877 ★★★★
    If I remember correctly from initial announcement, it will apply whatever masteries you have the moment war starts, not what you had when you placed for 1st war of the season.

    This is actually worse for someone grinding arena. You can't place, switch on suicides and go on with your grind.
    Hopefully I'm wrong and a system similar to BGs can be implemented. I have my doubts though, at least for initial launch.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,807 Guardian
    Even if it was “at the time you setup your defenders”, that might still run into issues if Setup is re-arranged, or if you want to swap out 1 of your defenders.

    Best implementation would be…
  • CopperTopCopperTop Member Posts: 15
    A defense mastery setup would be the ultimate QOL update. They still get our units on boosts, attack mastery swaps, and refills so it's fair ;).
  • Aomine_Daiki10Aomine_Daiki10 Member Posts: 1,656 ★★★★★
    You know we can remove unit costs on changing masteries and call it a day. ;)
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