just don’t let him throw that sp1. hold block after each combo until he’s at sp2. when he throws sp2, be patient and don’t miss that first dex when he lunges at you. then just repeatedly dash back until he’s finished
Honestly it depends on your draft! If your draft doesn't give you a counter for your opponent options! Then you are done.. I usually ban aa & torch f! 3rd most likely qs / korg/ anyones else i feel can make the fight long enough
Depends on the meta. This Season, Mystic Spidey, Sauron, and Thing are always the first ones I ban.
Mystic spidey is a Skill issue... Sauron a debatable skill issue Thing I always ban too
When you have Unstoppable every few seconds and AI that doesn't Bait, loves to Block and Evade, dodges Strikers and controls that aren't responding all the time, the last thing you want is a Champ that goes untouchable on top of that.
Quicksilver, korg, hulkling, maw, attuma, wong, mystic spidey in no particular order. Thing is generally not as big a deal as my go to attackers this season are a sig 200 Valk and Shang Chi, and both of them handle thing np.
so who do you recommend attuma counter
I usually ban aa & torch f! 3rd most likely qs / korg/ anyones else i feel can make the fight long enough
Sauron a debatable skill issue
Thing I always ban too
A. Thing
B. Doom
C. Mystic Spiderman
D. Quicksilver
E. Hulkling
F. Immortal Abom