More nerfs than anyone thought

Look at your archangels, gwenpools, and stark spideys. They have all had caps and reductions in their abilities as well. Loki was not the only one hit today.
I don't see anything obvious, can you be more specific?
The one I have in my head most clearly is Gwenpool because she was recently adjusted and discussed. I'm looking right at it and as far as I can tell the bleed chances are the same as they were last week. 30% chance to bleed for normal attacks, 5% chance to bleed for the heavy (the exploit adjusted chance). Everything else seems to be the same as far as I can recall.
Whatever obvious thing you think happened, please state exactly what you think changed. What do you think it was yesterday, and what do you think it is today. Because just saying everything's changed isn't helpful. I don't see anything obvious that was changed.
IDK sometimes players see something happening "all the time" but then when it doesn't they think something was nerfed
always been capped at 10