They will not add Quake without giving her a nerf If they decide to add her in her current state, she'll be available as an expensive trophy champ & not someone u can obtain from basic crystals
i mean...considering BGs has shifted into keeping health more than killling time , a 6 star r5 quake will smack 6 star r5 defenders quick , probably sub 60 seconds , and a good player will have 100% hp. Kinda broken , right ? But still , i would love to have her as a 6 star , she was my first r5 4 star , carried me through that aspect of war hulk in variant 1
Quake is a dumb cheat code. No champ should be able to win almost any fight simply by dexxing and holding block. Sure if it was something that only worked against a few champs or nodes, that would make sense. as is, she’s way too OP to be available as a 6sr5 champ.
If they decide to add her in her current state, she'll be available as an expensive trophy champ & not someone u can obtain from basic crystals