Being rewarded for SQ felt amazing, but

Being rewarded for not exploiting SQ bug felt amazing, but I also did not exploit the Mythic crystal bug.
5x Mythic crystals would be awesome for those who didn't exploit the MC bug.
5x Mythic crystals would be awesome for those who didn't exploit the MC bug.
*I want free stuff for being a good boy* 🙄🤡.
The exploit should not have been there in the first place, for exploiters or not.
The quest was designed, one path for each entry.
It's a call-back to what Kabam has been doing to "make things right" with their player-base.
Non-exploiters are high-praised by Kabam.
Ultimately, the decision isn't yours to make.
The mythic crystals are game breaking and need to be taken away. No compensation required.
It is baseless
5x is the potential reward I suggested for not exploiting the very obvious Mythic Crystal bug.
Damn OP! U too greedy.
Imagine losing reason because a *video game* is in a fragile state.
I'm actually trying to help players and the Community unlike you guys being toxic. 🤢🤮
The reasoning behind 5x Mythic Crystals is that the drop-rate for 6* is 20%, resulting in half of players getting FOUR 5* and ONE 6*.
The other half of players will experience various drop-rates (such as 2-3/3-2 or 1-4/4-1).
This is why kabam never does things like this because then the community throws a hissy fit and repeatedly asks for compensation for things they don’t deserve compensation for