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  • Sundance_2099Sundance_2099 Member Posts: 3,637 ★★★★★
    might give it a go.
  • JLordVileJJLordVileJ Member Posts: 6,143 ★★★★★
    I'm so mad, I don't eat a lot of meat, so I usually go for the vegan option on stuff. But there is next to NO range of vegan food in shops. Take Lidl. In January and a bit of February every year they put out some limited offer vegan stuff at crazy prices and then they are gone and for the rest of the year there is almost no vegan food. No vegan cheese. Basically nothing
  • JLordVileJJLordVileJ Member Posts: 6,143 ★★★★★
    I was today years old when I found out that you make KFC chicken by frying chicken with flour. #ifeellikeanegghead
  • kvirrkvirr Member Posts: 1,831 ★★★★★

    I was today years old when I found out that you make KFC chicken by frying chicken with flour. #ifeellikeanegghead

    KFC chicken is lowkey wack. Unpopular opinion
  • Sundance_2099Sundance_2099 Member Posts: 3,637 ★★★★★

    I was today years old when I found out that you make KFC chicken by frying chicken with flour. #ifeellikeanegghead

    I only know that thanks to your post.
  • JLordVileJJLordVileJ Member Posts: 6,143 ★★★★★
    kvirr said:

    I was today years old when I found out that you make KFC chicken by frying chicken with flour. #ifeellikeanegghead

    KFC chicken is lowkey wack. Unpopular opinion
    Haven't been kfc in years but thats cuz I'm tryna be healthy not cuz it tastes bad. I hear too many horror stories of people going to fast food restaurants then finding out they ate rat or smth. Someone served someone a fried sock at a fast food restaurant once 💀
  • Sundance_2099Sundance_2099 Member Posts: 3,637 ★★★★★
    we have a food standards agency for a reason.

    And it's not in hock to the food manufacturers allowing loads of carcinogenic chemicals and gawd knows what in to our food. Unlike certain nations.
  • kvirrkvirr Member Posts: 1,831 ★★★★★
    edited December 2024

    kvirr said:

    I was today years old when I found out that you make KFC chicken by frying chicken with flour. #ifeellikeanegghead

    KFC chicken is lowkey wack. Unpopular opinion
    Haven't been kfc in years but thats cuz I'm tryna be healthy not cuz it tastes bad. I hear too many horror stories of people going to fast food restaurants then finding out they ate rat or smth. Someone served someone a fried sock at a fast food restaurant once 💀
    One time, I went to McDonald’s , the server was a douche, I asked for Coke and he gave me doctor pepper, I reminded him I asked for Coke. He gave me attitude, things escalated, and I was banned from that McDonalds.

    That’s my worse story, doesn’t have much to do with the bad food itself ( although McDonald’s isn’t great ) but it was definitely a crazy time
  • CROSSHAIRSCROSSHAIRS Member Posts: 611 ★★
    edited December 2024
    kvirr said:

    kvirr said:

    I was today years old when I found out that you make KFC chicken by frying chicken with flour. #ifeellikeanegghead

    KFC chicken is lowkey wack. Unpopular opinion
    Haven't been kfc in years but thats cuz I'm tryna be healthy not cuz it tastes bad. I hear too many horror stories of people going to fast food restaurants then finding out they ate rat or smth. Someone served someone a fried sock at a fast food restaurant once 💀
    One time, I went to McDonald’s , the server was a douche, I asked for Coke and he gave me doctor pepper, I reminded him I asked for Coke. He gave me attitude, things escalated, and I was banned from that McDonalds.

    That’s my worse story, doesn’t have much to do with the bad food itself ( although McDonald’s isn’t great ) but it was definitely a crazy time
    That's the most normal McDonald's employee
    (McDonald’s doesn’t sell Dr pepper btw)
  • JLordVileJJLordVileJ Member Posts: 6,143 ★★★★★
    So happy I didn't go Central London for fireworks, my neighbours put on a spectacular show! Will probs go Central next year tho
  • smdam38smdam38 Member Posts: 1,866 ★★★★
    Kind of saw you as a vegan.
  • JLordVileJJLordVileJ Member Posts: 6,143 ★★★★★
    smdam38 said:

    Kind of saw you as a vegan.

    I'm not vegan but I don't eat any meat other than chicken and fish (and turkey at Xmas haha) so often times I eat vegan or vegetarian food! Sadly, there isn't actually a name for my diet but it is essentially being a pescetarian but also eating chicken! Don't have dairy at all other than in chocolate every so often and rarely in pizza, very rarely though
  • kvirrkvirr Member Posts: 1,831 ★★★★★

    kvirr said:

    kvirr said:

    I was today years old when I found out that you make KFC chicken by frying chicken with flour. #ifeellikeanegghead

    KFC chicken is lowkey wack. Unpopular opinion
    Haven't been kfc in years but thats cuz I'm tryna be healthy not cuz it tastes bad. I hear too many horror stories of people going to fast food restaurants then finding out they ate rat or smth. Someone served someone a fried sock at a fast food restaurant once 💀
    One time, I went to McDonald’s , the server was a douche, I asked for Coke and he gave me doctor pepper, I reminded him I asked for Coke. He gave me attitude, things escalated, and I was banned from that McDonalds.

    That’s my worse story, doesn’t have much to do with the bad food itself ( although McDonald’s isn’t great ) but it was definitely a crazy time
    That's the most normal McDonald's employee
    (McDonald’s doesn’t sell Dr pepper btw)
    My local one does, and a bunch across the US do, it’s weird how yours doesn’t. I thought it was the standard, mine has the machine where you pick a drink
  • JLordVileJJLordVileJ Member Posts: 6,143 ★★★★★
    edited January 1
    I just had the craziest dream ever. The plot, for lack of any other word, was insane! Also for some random reason, I specifically remember it took place over 27 years( when I went back in time, I went 27 years back)Me, hulk and some random girl were the main characters and there was a lit of time shenanigans involved. Usually, when I have dreams like this I look back on them and think that was stupid, or there is a plot hole, but this one actually makes sense and is really interesting. This could actually make a great marvel comic imo. Cba to write put everything that happened in my dream but the point is that some unknown person built a time travel machine. Me and another girl stumbled across it. Except the machine, isn't a machine, its a room, and it doesn't look like a room really. Imagine reverse flashes secret hideout room in season 1 of the flash with a funhouse room of mirrors vibe. In the centre there is a large hole. When I say large I mean LARGE, like you couldn't jump to the other side. All the glass walls around the machine were warped and distorted and the machine lowkey sucked us in. We fell in, except, this wasn't the time travel machine, at least not the way we were using it. It teleported us to somewhere i didn't recognise at all (maybe a new reality i dunno) actually it was kinda a bit like a desert. Anyway, the way the large hole works is that the momentum spits you out of the ground where the other hole is, but unless you can get out, gravity will just drag you back in again. Then out of nowhere, hulk, saves us and takes us back to the o.g hole. There, we find out Bruce banner built the machine. Anyway, we learn how to use it to time travel, then i just go back in the past for the fun of it, and I try to.be careful, but, butterfly effect, so we were cooked, but the girl and hulk helped me to turn everything back the way it was. Only slightly odd thing is that at some points we were on the london underground, just remembered. Maybe the entrance to the hole is in the tunnels somewhere When? Don't know why i wrote this, ig I'm bored lol. If you read all this, nice. If you didn't I don't blame you lol
  • Sundance_2099Sundance_2099 Member Posts: 3,637 ★★★★★
    I read it but I don't understand it
  • JLordVileJJLordVileJ Member Posts: 6,143 ★★★★★

    I read it but I don't understand it

    Thats how dreams be lol no one understands it other than the person who had the dream a lot of the time. It makes sense to me cuz I saw it ig lol. Cba to write a more comprehensible one, I got like 4 hours of 💤
  • Sundance_2099Sundance_2099 Member Posts: 3,637 ★★★★★
    Someone said to me "I hope all your dreams come true" and I was like, hope not they're all weird like me being back in school or at college or my parents coming back to life
  • JLordVileJJLordVileJ Member Posts: 6,143 ★★★★★
    Me when I fought bullseye without a counter for the first time https://youtube.com/shorts/3a_V-BtIB6Q?si=LEwe78R5xJhh22g6
  • JLordVileJJLordVileJ Member Posts: 6,143 ★★★★★
    Did anybody else know that silver samurai and sunfyre were in the original big hero 6? I didnt
  • JLordVileJJLordVileJ Member Posts: 6,143 ★★★★★
    Also, I'm curious. In everyone's opinion, who is the most evil marvel villain? Imo it has to be bullseye
  • Shamir51Shamir51 Member Posts: 1,162 ★★★★

    Also, I'm curious. In everyone's opinion, who is the most evil marvel villain? Imo it has to be bullseye

    Probably Norman Osborn or Carnage.
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,721 ★★★★★
    Shamir51 said:

    Also, I'm curious. In everyone's opinion, who is the most evil marvel villain? Imo it has to be bullseye

    Probably Norman Osborn or Carnage.
    Yeah they are basically Marvel’s versions of the Joker
  • Sundance_2099Sundance_2099 Member Posts: 3,637 ★★★★★
    Thanos, mfer killed half of all life in a failed attempt to get a date.
  • JLordVileJJLordVileJ Member Posts: 6,143 ★★★★★

    Thanos, mfer killed half of all life in a failed attempt to get a date.

    Men, whenever you feel sad, remember that some ugly purple dude killed half the universe for some hot chick and she didnt even like him after lol. And then thanos' brother is the eternal most associated with love (demigod of love?). Anyways, life just ain't fair.
  • JLordVileJJLordVileJ Member Posts: 6,143 ★★★★★
    Shamir51 said:

    Also, I'm curious. In everyone's opinion, who is the most evil marvel villain? Imo it has to be bullseye

    Probably Norman Osborn or Carnage.
    Osborn isn't THAT bad compared to other people in Marvel. Do you think that the Joker would have created a superhero team if the JL disbanded? I mean granted, dark avengers was corrupt af but still they actually saved a lot of people
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,721 ★★★★★
    edited January 2

    Thanos, mfer killed half of all life in a failed attempt to get a date.

    Plus in the comics he tried to gain absolute power via the Heart of the Universe plus the Astral Regulator. The Infinity Gauntlet and Cosmic Cubes were only the beginning
  • JLordVileJJLordVileJ Member Posts: 6,143 ★★★★★
    EdisonLaw said:

    Thanos, mfer killed half of all life in a failed attempt to get a date.

    Plus in the comics he tried to gain absolute power via the Heart of the Universe plus the Astral Regulator.
    Also he blew up Atillan and tried to either kill or kidnap (can't remember which) every single inhuman that could be roughly the same age as his son. Technically, he caused Inhumans v Xmen
  • kvirrkvirr Member Posts: 1,831 ★★★★★
    I gotta go with carnage, bro just genuinely likes watching people suffer
  • Shamir51Shamir51 Member Posts: 1,162 ★★★★

    Also, I'm curious. In everyone's opinion, who is the most evil marvel villain? Imo it has to be bullseye

    Probably Norman Osborn or Carnage.

    Shamir51 said:

    Also, I'm curious. In everyone's opinion, who is the most evil marvel villain? Imo it has to be bullseye

    Probably Norman Osborn or Carnage.
    Osborn isn't THAT bad compared to other people in Marvel. Do you think that the Joker would have created a superhero team if the JL disbanded? I mean granted, dark avengers was corrupt af but still they actually saved a lot of people
    Eh- destroyed Asgard, was willing to sacrifice the planet by working with Void in Dark Avengers, has the cure for cancer but weaponises to kill people with cancer, painfully.

    Although the more I think on it, if we're going for pure evil, I think maybe Sabretooth and Killgrave are maybe more evil than Norman Osborn, however, I think there is one that stands out as the absolute worst and that is Red Skull.
  • JLordVileJJLordVileJ Member Posts: 6,143 ★★★★★
    Shamir51 said:

    Also, I'm curious. In everyone's opinion, who is the most evil marvel villain? Imo it has to be bullseye

    Probably Norman Osborn or Carnage.

    Shamir51 said:

    Also, I'm curious. In everyone's opinion, who is the most evil marvel villain? Imo it has to be bullseye

    Probably Norman Osborn or Carnage.
    Osborn isn't THAT bad compared to other people in Marvel. Do you think that the Joker would have created a superhero team if the JL disbanded? I mean granted, dark avengers was corrupt af but still they actually saved a lot of people
    Eh- destroyed Asgard, was willing to sacrifice the planet by working with Void in Dark Avengers, has the cure for cancer but weaponises to kill people with cancer, painfully.

    Although the more I think on it, if we're going for pure evil, I think maybe Sabretooth and Killgrave are maybe more evil than Norman Osborn, however, I think there is one that stands out as the absolute worst and that is Red Skull.
    Oh yh red skull has never even come close to a redemption arc he is pure evil. He is probably one of the only characters marvel will never give a redemption arc to because he is a literaral n**i
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