I'm not going the route of implying they changed it intentionally, but I am absolutely sick of the AI in BGs.
Especially this meta. I’ve been trying to intercept more consistently, but the AI rarely goes for it. Sometimes they just stand back and hold block, and I’ve even had the AI reparry me when I try to force them back with blocked hits. Sometimes they stand back and when you dash in, they light intercept instantly. I’ve also seen the AI throw their heavies faster than any human could react to them mid combo.
Anyone saying to just adapt to the AI going crazy like this is insane. There are some predictable AI behaviors (sometimes they’ll stand there and do nothing, and if you hit them they’ll instaparry) but the rest of the AI behavior is whack
I'm not going the route of implying they changed it intentionally, but I am absolutely sick of the AI in BGs.
Especially this meta. I’ve been trying to intercept more consistently, but the AI rarely goes for it. Sometimes they just stand back and hold block, and I’ve even had the AI reparry me when I try to force them back with blocked hits. Sometimes they stand back and when you dash in, they light intercept instantly. I’ve also seen the AI throw their heavies faster than any human could react to them mid combo.
Anyone saying to just adapt to the AI going crazy like this is insane. There are some predictable AI behaviors (sometimes they’ll stand there and do nothing, and if you hit them they’ll instaparry) but the rest of the AI behavior is whack
Yes. Parry/Heavy is barely a thing anymore. Masteries can account for that sometimes. Not as often as I've seen. I've seen them Dex in the middle of Special contact. I've seen them do some strange things.
- Becomes aggressive and defensive based on where doing so would be the most harmful to the player’s situation
This is my main gripe, I can put on an infuriate and have them just back off and block over and over, I can put on an intimidate and they just start flailing angrily at the air.
The AI recovers from heavy attacks and special attacks before the players animation finishes and punishes you. The AI throws special attacks while knocked down
They also fire off specials while stunned too, fun times...
So what you're saying, it's acting like it should?
The OP is not saying that cause there's certain things the AI is doing the they shouldn't, unless kabam specifically programmed them in order to make our lives a living hell, some examples: Ai becoming ultra passive when we charge cassie's heavy attack (had to stop using her in bg cause the fight was getting longer then it should) AI being way too passive when we're using some champions that rely on light intercepts (like abs), they always seem to wait 1sec before dashing in and not only you lose your intercept window, but you get clapped as well AI waiting on timers, specially when it comes to sting debuffs AI having some weird interactions with heavy attack, like mysterio and america chavez charging heavy attack even when you're not even blocking, and doom that starts doing random heavy attacks when you're suffering from shock There's probably a lot more examples that i can't remember rn but i think that's enough...as the other dude said here, this ain't street fighter or MK and yet the AI is just as difficult as the AI in these other games
Those are great examples of some wonky interactions. None of those are anything OP listed.
I know but that's the type of interactions that he meant, probably just didn't remember the details the way i did....''Becomes aggressive and defensive based on where doing so would be the most harmful to the player’s situation'' that phrase alone resumes plenty of examples that i gave
So what you're saying, it's acting like it should?
Anddddd scene. Fin.
In before tHe UsUal SuSpEcTs complain about something that isn't happening.
There isn't anything OP listed that can't happen. You may not like it, but it isn't something that can't happen.
You're going to get parried in BGs. It happens in AW as well. You're fighting against someones defenders with mastery's.
There are some wonky things with the A.I occasionally that I've seen but haven't been able to consistently replicate. Recovery times being one of them. But getting parried by the A.I in BGs or AW, that's just your own fault.
There you have it folks; straight from the Kabam Defense Force. Nothing to see here. Pack it up.
Honestly, I question how good you are at this game. When C3 player is complaining about AI, as is Simula and Vega (and more), maybe you're just not good enough to notice it?
At this point a logical explanation is Kabam don't want to acknowledge the AI changes because they don't want to give compensation or they are afraid of getting sued because they might be breaching some rules if they admit it. Unless all the current devs are new and didn't work there for the past 7 years, then I don't see how they can't see the AI has changed if they play the game as they claim they do. This is the same thing that happened with the input controls when they came out and said they fixed it. It took almost months to finally convince them that there were subtle differences to the parry timing and inputs. Just because they can't see what's changed with the code, doesn't mean nothing has changed.
That's something I've seen all over. It's unpredictable to the point of infuriation. It will knee-jerk respond how ever it wants, or wait for minutes at a time until that one opening you leave and then Intercept you. It's an absolute nightmare. In BGs, it's worse than I've ever seen it. That's the real opponent for me, not the Matches.
I have noticed an increase in “smart AI” as well, specifically in BG’s, for example this season the name of the game is to intercept frequently and by god if I haven’t seen some of the most defensive AI’s I’ve ever seen! I’ve also noticed Nick Furys regularly landing 5 hit combos ending in a light attack, or Herc special intercepting me when I got an intercept. By far the most infuriating to me is when a defender is standing there DIRECTLY in front of me, not holding block or anything, just standing there while I hold block. Then as soon as I dash in with an attack they insta-parry with what would be IMPOSSIBLE reaction time for anything but an AI and it happens regularly, I’ve lost countless BG matches bc of it.
Ai being able to do what players can do its pretty cool imo
Yeah really cool....but not for the player fighting them
You just have to adapt and recognise patterns... AI is using parries in certain cases in BG, for example when you try to go back to your corner and the ai is following not attacking you can be 100% sure that if you try to hit him he'll parry you. THere are a lot of patterns to counter the ai behaviours including it not wanting to throw specials.
Im not saying you are skil less but your way of viewing things isn't the right one, instead of complaining, study and find solution...
Bro I'm almost certain I'm more skilled than you and also players much more skilled than me are struggling with the ai
???? lmfao, you are crying over ai thinking you're better than me without even knowing my roster depth and experience in the game so far, keep crying and stay in VT
Anyone got any video evidence that aren't user-error? Always curious what people are experiencing here.
If you're getting parried and light intercepted (outside of hitting block with double medium champs, and resist) then you're doing something wrong.
Reaction time is the only thing I can agree with, recovering from knock-downs seems impossibly fast sometimes.
You dash right to intercept from a distance and you get hit by the opponent s light intercept, what "wrong you are doing"?
Try and do it yourself, I m not uploading a gaming video to my professional youtube account just for this.
Upload it somewhere else. Or an alt account. Or just upload a gif here
Again, this is common AI behaviour, try it yourself. Or search for a video online, I m not going in all this trouble to prove to one stranger something already proven a million times.
So what you're saying, it's acting like it should?
Anddddd scene. Fin.
In before tHe UsUal SuSpEcTs complain about something that isn't happening.
There isn't anything OP listed that can't happen. You may not like it, but it isn't something that can't happen.
You're going to get parried in BGs. It happens in AW as well. You're fighting against someones defenders with mastery's.
There are some wonky things with the A.I occasionally that I've seen but haven't been able to consistently replicate. Recovery times being one of them. But getting parried by the A.I in BGs or AW, that's just your own fault.
That’s simply not true. If I’m a bit slow punishing an opening, no complaints being parried.
When the ai is being passive, not attacking but walking you down. There is no real alternative to waiting until they are holding a solid block then going for some block hits to manage space. Ai sometimes parries you when they are solidly holding block. Very annoying when it happens.
The crit me meta in GC is so bad just because when I try intercepting against maw or domino they rather intercept us and deal big damage via their crits
Anyone got any video evidence that aren't user-error? Always curious what people are experiencing here.
If you're getting parried and light intercepted (outside of hitting block with double medium champs, and resist) then you're doing something wrong.
Reaction time is the only thing I can agree with, recovering from knock-downs seems impossibly fast sometimes.
You dash right to intercept from a distance and you get hit by the opponent s light intercept, what "wrong you are doing"?
Try and do it yourself, I m not uploading a gaming video to my professional youtube account just for this.
Upload it somewhere else. Or an alt account. Or just upload a gif here
Again, this is common AI behaviour, try it yourself. Or search for a video online, I m not going in all this trouble to prove to one stranger something already proven a million times.
If I knew what you are talking about, I wouldn't ask for a video. And since I didn't know what it is you're describing, I can't identify it in a video without knowing . Sorry for asking
Anyone got any video evidence that aren't user-error? Always curious what people are experiencing here.
If you're getting parried and light intercepted (outside of hitting block with double medium champs, and resist) then you're doing something wrong.
Reaction time is the only thing I can agree with, recovering from knock-downs seems impossibly fast sometimes.
You dash right to intercept from a distance and you get hit by the opponent s light intercept, what "wrong you are doing"?
Try and do it yourself, I m not uploading a gaming video to my professional youtube account just for this.
Upload it somewhere else. Or an alt account. Or just upload a gif here
Again, this is common AI behaviour, try it yourself. Or search for a video online, I m not going in all this trouble to prove to one stranger something already proven a million times.
If I knew what you are talking about, I wouldn't ask for a video. And since I didn't know what it is you're describing, I can't identify it in a video without knowing . Sorry for asking
Yeah sure, I believe you.
And no, I m not "intercepting" when the opponent stands still, idle, that s not "intercepting".
Anyone got any video evidence that aren't user-error? Always curious what people are experiencing here.
If you're getting parried and light intercepted (outside of hitting block with double medium champs, and resist) then you're doing something wrong.
Reaction time is the only thing I can agree with, recovering from knock-downs seems impossibly fast sometimes.
You dash right to intercept from a distance and you get hit by the opponent s light intercept, what "wrong you are doing"?
Try and do it yourself, I m not uploading a gaming video to my professional youtube account just for this.
Upload it somewhere else. Or an alt account. Or just upload a gif here
Again, this is common AI behaviour, try it yourself. Or search for a video online, I m not going in all this trouble to prove to one stranger something already proven a million times.
If I knew what you are talking about, I wouldn't ask for a video. And since I didn't know what it is you're describing, I can't identify it in a video without knowing . Sorry for asking
You dash to intercept the AI stops and intercepts you with a light. (Yes you can light intercept and stuff but it still shouldnt be happening)
Anyone got any video evidence that aren't user-error? Always curious what people are experiencing here.
If you're getting parried and light intercepted (outside of hitting block with double medium champs, and resist) then you're doing something wrong.
Reaction time is the only thing I can agree with, recovering from knock-downs seems impossibly fast sometimes.
You dash right to intercept from a distance and you get hit by the opponent s light intercept, what "wrong you are doing"?
Try and do it yourself, I m not uploading a gaming video to my professional youtube account just for this.
Upload it somewhere else. Or an alt account. Or just upload a gif here
Again, this is common AI behaviour, try it yourself. Or search for a video online, I m not going in all this trouble to prove to one stranger something already proven a million times.
If I knew what you are talking about, I wouldn't ask for a video. And since I didn't know what it is you're describing, I can't identify it in a video without knowing . Sorry for asking
You dash to intercept the AI stops and intercepts you with a light. (Yes you can light intercept and stuff but it still shouldnt be happening)
Anyone saying to just adapt to the AI going crazy like this is insane. There are some predictable AI behaviors (sometimes they’ll stand there and do nothing, and if you hit them they’ll instaparry) but the rest of the AI behavior is whack
Dr. Zola
Now there's intercept..nothing but ai issue.
Btw we got proofs of AI being sus on camera:
If you h There you have it folks; straight from the Kabam Defense Force. Nothing to see here. Pack it up.
Honestly, I question how good you are at this game. When C3 player is complaining about AI, as is Simula and Vega (and more), maybe you're just not good enough to notice it?
If you're getting parried and light intercepted (outside of hitting block with double medium champs, and resist) then you're doing something wrong.
Reaction time is the only thing I can agree with, recovering from knock-downs seems impossibly fast sometimes.
When the ai is being passive, not attacking but walking you down. There is no real alternative to waiting until they are holding a solid block then going for some block hits to manage space.
Ai sometimes parries you when they are solidly holding block. Very annoying when it happens.
I might not be the best player but that's definitely not a coincidence, there was no recovery time after the second medium
And no, I m not "intercepting" when the opponent stands still, idle, that s not "intercepting".