7* Incursions crystal overpriced?

400k for a 7* seems a bit high.
I think 300k should be a decent price not too high not too low
as we saw they gave 3 6* nexus in place of a 7* selector
4* basic is 6k
5* basic is 18k
6* basic is 54k
6* specific Incursion crystal is 81k
so if we consider this 7* crystal as a specific crystal then as per the trend it comes 243k
so a bit higher than that considering the rarity 300k seems right price
I think 300k should be a decent price not too high not too low
as we saw they gave 3 6* nexus in place of a 7* selector
4* basic is 6k
5* basic is 18k
6* basic is 54k
6* specific Incursion crystal is 81k
so if we consider this 7* crystal as a specific crystal then as per the trend it comes 243k
so a bit higher than that considering the rarity 300k seems right price
Kabam hooking us up with a discount!
Basic Crystals
3 Star: 2000
4 Star: 6000
5 Star: 18000
6 Star: 54000
7 Star: 162000 (following the trend of it being x3)
Focused Crystal
3 Star: 3000
4 Star: 9000
5 Star: 27000
6 Star: 81000
7 Star: 243000 (following the trend of a 50% increase from the base)
One difference not being factored in is that the focused 6* Crystal has 10 champions. So each have a flat 10% chance of being pulled. The 7* focus crystal comes with 6 champions, meaning it's even more narrow of a field and each champion has a 16.67% chance of being pulled (rounded up).
Now, does that completely explain the price jump from being a 50% increase to 146.91% increase? No. But, if 400k is too much for you, don't go for it.
Assuming you get double the amount of shards from a crystal, let's say you bought 6* crystals instead. For 400k you could get 7 crystals (with 22k artifacts remaining, 40% of the way to another 6* crystal). That would net you 3850 7* shards. Clearly not a more cost efficient method.
As I said in another thread about this, it's much easier (and healthier) for Kabam to introduce this crystal at an inflated price and then lower the cost than to try and raise it.
I'm not saying they will lower it, I'm just saying if we think about this practically. Is it a steep price? Yeah. It's an artifact sink... that's the purpose. Is there anything else to buy? No. Not for most people who are actually considering these crystals. The price is fine, if they decide to lower it, great - otherwise, I literally have nothing else to spend my artifacts on. I solo incursions, don't use many pots or revives, get as far as I can and then leave. I also passively get artifacts and they said the acquisition of artifacts will be a lot smoother. So I'll wait and see how long it takes me to go from the 236k I have now to 400k and then judge.
It's a new stream of getting 7* champions and it's drawing from a very narrow (and exclusive) pool, meaning a better chance at getting who you want, duping them, etc... Kabam also hasn't said if this pool will ever change, if these champions will ever rotate into the basic/titan, so for now this is the only way to get these characters. Exclusivity comes with a cost.
I mean seven stars are seven stars and it's better to have them but their max ability will not be realized for quite some time.
I think I'll take my sweet 2-3 months grinding for it ( I absolutely HATED incursions { before I got herc } I did the 25 zones this time thanks to him )
If they plan to give good amount of artifacts with improved map and make it less of a continuous grind, I might consider doing few runs in the 3 sectors ( 7,8,9 without using any units ofcourse cuz units are better spent during banquet, cyber weekend and July 4th deals ) for the artifacts and for the gold ( taking one 6* champ from rank 1 to rank 3 takes up about 3 million gold )
I went from just over 236k to just over 359k. That's 123k from zone 6 alone, no solo objectives.
The 400k price is fine.
Edit: I was possibly higher than 236k, I may have received some more artifacts from a crystal or rewards or something... but even then, I still got well over 100k from Zone 6 alone.
I stand by the final comment, 400k price is fine.
The Incursion artifact cap was 250000 previously.
Presuming players have saved up artifacts since the announcement was first made but before this crystal is live, 250k is how much any player has up till yesterday.
It largely depends on the rate that players acquire artifacts (I personally only try and reach zones 10 each cycle while others gun for zone 25), but that probably means only a certain number of people will hit 400k this Incursion cycle, a bunch more will hit it the by the next cycle, and so on.
A price of 400k is probably what Kabam wants for the speed of 7-star acquisition
Before last Oct, we could purchase 2K 6* shards for 32K artifacts. 5* incursions/Dungeons crystals were the highest available rarity for nearly 5 years.
With 7*'s, Kabam has made them much more available from the onset, but at in increased price. I'm honestly surprised they are even available to purchase at all this soon after releasing them.
54k 6* Incursion crystal will give you either none, 275 or 550 7* shards,
400k is worth 7,4 6* Incursion crystals, which would be either none, 2035 or 4070 7* shards.
Instead of that you get the whole Crystal, not only that but with a very reduced pool so you can target way easier the champs you want.
So dont be like this fams, 400k shards is fair enough if you compare the rarity of those crystals/champs/shards or whatever
What is relevant is that this 400k crystal has a limit of 1 purchase every 30days and all the artifacts we can get across sectors 4-6 in a month add up to around 172k artifacts. Thats less than half whats required.
My question is: is that intended, for the long run? To only get a crystal like every 2 months? Or will we have additional incursion objectives to make up the difference every month?
For all I care, the price can be 5million artifacts for a 7*, as long as we can earn that much in a month. Actually, we should be able to earn more than the cost of the crystal, otherwise the limit of 1 every 30 days doesn't make sense. Right now it's less than half.
Sector 2: 24, 886
Sector 3: 29, 864
Sector 4: 35, 835
Sector 5: 43, 001
Sector 6: 92, 987
Total of sectors 4, 5, 6: 171, 823
Total across all sectors: 247, 311
That's each month.
If you do all sectors, you can get a 7* crystal in two months and have 94, 622 artifacts left over. You're 23.6% of the way to your next crystal (rounded down). If you only do sectors 4 - 6, in three months you'd get a 7* crystal and have 115, 469 artifacts remaining - you're 28.8% of the way to your next crystal.
That isn't including additional artifacts we gain from quests or tasks.
It isn't including artifacts we may gain from crystals or events.
The 400k cost honestly isn't that high at all.
They never said they wanted us to get 1 every month.
Keep in mind, this is an additional way to gain an exclusive 7*. This doesn't decrease the 7* shards we are also building - it's also an extra way to gain titan shards, so our method of gaining those are now increased (everyone was saying F2P would only open a single titan crystal every year...)
If I can earn 'price of crystal' amount of artifacts in 30 days then I don't have any problem with the price.
Apart from 170k from sectors 4 to 6 we also get 5k every week from the objectives meaning about 190k+ every month.
If they give twice the amount from the sectors or reduce the price to 300k it would be great.
As I stated earlier, it's beneficial that Kabam set the price high - it's easier for them to adjust. Just from a business perspective, they set the price high and see if it needs adjustment. It's easier for them to lower the cost than raise it. I'm not saying they will lower it, just thinking about it practically.