Kabam Censorship

SwagLamaSwagLama Member Posts: 3
Idk if its me , but kabam's censorship is extremely annoying now . I understand its for keeping global a safe place to chat but my god , I cant even type trade without being censored . Like bro there's a trading event going on but I cant even ask people to trade cause it gets censored . And just now a person asked is galan good , I wanted to respond " Galan is good " but it gets censored . I typed each word as its own sentence and turns out " is " is the one that's being censored. This isn't the only example , their have been cases where my sentence was censored even though I didn't say anything bad . For example, a few years ago I couldn't type " can someone help me with masochism " in chat even though that's a node in act 5. Kabam I'm not saying remove censorship , but like just please make it better so that only bad words are censored, Its annoying having your sentence censored for no reason.


  • Mr_Faltu1Mr_Faltu1 Member Posts: 47
    Limiting censorship to global chat would also be a good step
    I can't even discuss anything with friends (ally members) in-game. Discord/Line is a necessity atleast for me.
  • PikoluPikolu Member, Guardian Posts: 8,294 Guardian
    Don't you know? "Galan is" are very bad words on global. Other fun words that have since been replaced are "I'm too" and "breezed".

    Btw, you didn't hear it from me, but if you put do @trade, the AI that censors words won't censor it.
  • SlayerOfGodsSlayerOfGods Member, Content Creators Posts: 639 Content Creator
    My name gets censored a lot too lmao.

    Also, the word "Damnation" (which is part of CGR's abilities).

    Super annoying.
  • Fit_Fun9329Fit_Fun9329 Member Posts: 2,292 ★★★★★
    Probably a third party censorship software. But wait that’s against TOS
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,964 ★★★★★
    Trade has been most likely censored because people have spammed the bejesus out of it. Also, there's a Gifting Event, not Trading Event. ;)
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