Kabam Censorship

Idk if its me , but kabam's censorship is extremely annoying now . I understand its for keeping global a safe place to chat but my god , I cant even type trade without being censored . Like bro there's a trading event going on but I cant even ask people to trade cause it gets censored . And just now a person asked is galan good , I wanted to respond " Galan is good " but it gets censored . I typed each word as its own sentence and turns out " is " is the one that's being censored. This isn't the only example , their have been cases where my sentence was censored even though I didn't say anything bad . For example, a few years ago I couldn't type " can someone help me with masochism " in chat even though that's a node in act 5. Kabam I'm not saying remove censorship , but like just please make it better so that only bad words are censored, Its annoying having your sentence censored for no reason.
I can't even discuss anything with friends (ally members) in-game. Discord/Line is a necessity atleast for me.
Btw, you didn't hear it from me, but if you put do @trade, the AI that censors words won't censor it.
Also, the word "Damnation" (which is part of CGR's abilities).
Super annoying.